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Data Resource Management

Learning Objectives

Explain the importance of implementing data resource management processes and technologies in an organization. Understand the advantages of a database management approach to managing the data resources of a business.

3 Learning Objectives (continued)

Explain how database management software helps business professionals and supports the operations and management of a business. Illustrate each of the following concepts:
Major types of databases Data warehouses and data mining Logical data elements Fundamental database structures Database access methods Database development

Section I

Managing Data Resources

3 Data Resource Management A managerial activity Applies information systems technology to managing data resources to meet needs of business stakeholders.

3 Foundation Data Concepts

Logical Data Elements

Foundation Data Concepts (continued)

Levels of data
Single alphabetical, numeric, or other symbol

Groupings of characters Represents an attribute of some entity

Foundation Data Concepts (continued)

Related fields of data Collection of attributes that describe an entity Fixed-length or variable-length Fixedvariable-

Foundation Data Concepts (continued)

Files (table)
A group of related records Classified by
Primary use Type of data permanence

Foundation Data Concepts (continued)

Integrated collection of logically related data elements Consolidates records into a common pool of data elements Data is independent of the application program using them and type of storage device


Types of Databases

Supports business processes and operations Also called subject-area databases, subjecttransaction databases, and production databases


3 Types of Databases (continued) Distributed

Replicated and distributed copies or parts of databases on network servers at a variety of sites. Done to improve database performance and security


3 Types of Databases (continued) External

Available for a fee from commercial sources or with or without charge on the Internet or World Wide Web

Hyperlinked pages of multimedia


3 Data Warehouses and Data Mining Data warehouse

Stores data extracted from operational, external, or other databases of an organization Central source of structured data May be subdivided into data marts


Data Warehouses and Data Mining (continued)

Data mining
A major use of data warehouse databases Data is analyzed to reveal hidden correlations, patterns, and trends


3 Database Management Approach Consolidates data records and objects into databases that can be accessed by many different application programs


Database Management Approach (continued)

Database Management System

Software interface between users and databases Controls creation, maintenance, and use of the database


Database Management Approach (continued)


Database Management Approach (continued)

Database Interrogation
Supports ad hoc requests Tells the software how you want to organize the data SQL queries Graphical (GUI) & natural queries


Database Management Approach (continued)

Report Generator
Turns results of query into a useable report

Database Maintenance
Updating and correcting data


Database Management Approach (continued)

Application Development
Data manipulation language Data entry screens, forms, reports, or web pages


Implementing Data Resource Management

Database Administration
Develop and maintain the data dictionary Design and monitor performance of databases Enforce database use and security standards


Implementing Data Resource Management (continued)

Data Planning
Corporate planning and analysis function Developing the overall data architecture


Implementing Data Resource Management (continued)

Data Administration
Standardize collection, storage, and dissemination of data to end users Focused on supporting business processes and strategic business objectives May include developing policy and setting standards


Implementing Data Resource Management (continued)

Technologically complex Vast amounts of data Vulnerability to fraud, errors, and failures


Section II

Technical Foundations of Database Management


Database Structures

Treelike One-to-many relationship One-to Used for structured, routine types of transaction processing


Database Structures (continued)

More complex Many-to-many relationship Many-to More flexible but doesnt support ad hoc requests well


Database Structures (continued)

Data elements stored in simple tables Can link data elements from various tables Very supportive of ad hoc requests but slower at processing large amounts of data than hierarchical or network models


Database Structures (continued)

Multi-Dimensional Multi A variation of the relational model Cubes of data and cubes within cubes Popular for online analytical processing (OLAP) applications


Database Structures (continued)


Database Structures (continued)

Object-oriented Object Key technology of multimedia webwebbased applications Good for complex, high-volume highapplications


Database Structures (continued)


Accessing Databases

Key fields (primary key)

A field unique to each record so it can be distinguished from all other records in a table


Accessing Databases (continued)

Sequential access
Data is stored and accessed in a sequence according to a key field Good for periodic processing of a large volume of data, but updating with new transactions can be troublesome


3 Accessing Databases (continued) Direct access

Key transformation Index Indexed sequential access


Database Development

Data dictionary
Directory containing metadata (data about data)
Structure Data elements Interrelationships Information regarding access and use Maintenance & security issues


Database Development (continued)

Data Planning & Database Design

Planning & Design Process
Enterprise model Entity relationship diagrams (ERDs) Data modeling
Develop logical framework for the physical design


Discussion Questions

How should an e-business enterprise estore, access, and distribute data & information about their internal operations & external environment? What roles do database management, data administration, and data planning play in managing data as a business resource?

Discussion Questions (continued)

What are the advantages of a database management approach to organizing, accessing, and managing an organizations data resources? What is the role of a database management system in an eebusiness information system?

Discussion Questions (continued)

Databases of information about a firms internal operations were formerly the only databases that were considered to be important to a business. What other kinds of databases are important for a business today? What are the benefits and limitations of the relational database model for business applications?

Discussion Questions (continued)

Why is the object-oriented database objectmodel gaining acceptance for developing applications and managing the hypermedia databases at business websites? How have the Internet, intranets, extranets, and the World Wide Web affected the types and uses of data resources available to business end users?


James A. O'Brien; George M. Marakas. Management Information Systems: Managing Information Technology in the Business Enterprise 6th Ed., Boston: McGraw-Hill/ Irwin,2004


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