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GRAMMAR MASTERY: Choose the correct

answer in the parenthesis.

It is a mistake to accept (advise, advice) from

an enemy but permissible to hear it; and (act,
acts) contrary to it is perfectly correct. Be
cautious of what a foe tells thee to do, let those
strike the knee with the (hand, hands) of pain.
Vocabulary Building Activity


• Bored to tears
- dull and uninteresting
Tagalog trans.: “nakakabagot”
• lacuna (n.) – unfilled space
syn: gap, lack, absence
• meliorism (n.) – belief that the world gets better; belief
that humans can improve the world.
syn: benevolence, eutopic
ant: dystopic

• meraki (v.) – to do something with soul, creativity or

love; to put something of yourself in your work
syn: creative, soul
ant: boring, normal
Figurative Language

Determine the figurative language used in the given passage.

“It went zip when it moved and bop when it stopped,

And whirr when it stood still.

I never knew just what it was and I guess I never will.”

- The Marvelous Toy by Tom Paxton

What is the importance of
knowing how Philippine
Literature evolved from then
and now?
It is the most populous island group in the
Philippines. Almost half of the ethnic groups of
the Philippines are found in Luzon (the 2010
NSO statistics tally about 48.8%). These ethnic
groups use these major regional languages:
Tagalog, Ilocano, Kapampangan, Bicolano,
and Pangasinense.
Moreover, the English language is widely used
in Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao. It is not
surprising that people would want to live in
Luzon considering that the economic and
political center of the country, Metro Manila, is
in this region. Meaning the idea of Manila-
centrism is always present to people’s mind.
Additionally, to address the needs for education
of Luzon’s big population, the most number of
schools and universities (like Arellano
University, Ateneo de Manila, University of
Sto. Tomas and De La Salle University) can be
found in this island group, making it the seat of
literacy (meaning center of education) in the
Her novels
include Dekada
'70, Bata, Bata,
Pa'no Ka
Ginawa?, and
• Footnote to
• Many Voices
• Have Come Am
• Prose and Poems
• The Woman Who Had
Two Navels
• Summer Solstice
•  Selected Stories
• La Naval de Manila and
Other Essays
• The Portrait of the Artist
as Filipino
• Tropical Gothic 
Ethno- Epic Hinilawod
 Longest known epic
 Sulod in Central Panay
 Discovered by accident in 1955 by
F. Landa Jocano
 53,000 lines and takes 32 hrs. to
 Hirinugyaw- Suguidanonay in
Calinog, Central Panay
 Stage ( Nicanor Tiongson’s Labaw
Doggon: Ang Banog ng
LA #4: Choose the letter of the correct answer.
1. What literary device in fiction and poetry focuses on the character's dialect,
customs, topography, and other features particular to a specific region?
a. imagery b. local color c. character’s sketch d. setting

2. All of the staments describe Hinilawod EXCEPT ____________.

a. sulod in Central Panay
b. discovered by accident in 1955 by F. Landa Jocano
c. longest known epic in the world
d. 53,000 lines and takes 32 hrs. to recite

3. Mindanao is known as the Literature of Conflicts. Which is not an example of

a. man vs. society c. man vs. himself
b. man vs. man d. man vs. illusions
4. All are reasons why literature in Luzon particularly in cities are considered to be in
Manila Centric View of Literature EXCEPT __________.
a. entertaining works were produced by Metro Manila authors.
b. authors from Manila tend to be more accepted by the readers from the rest of the
c. revolutionary movements from Manila seeks attention to people bringing changes
in Literature
d. central government, big universities, corporate headquarters, and the big
publishing houses are all found in Metro Manila.

5. All are ways to avoid Manila Centric View of Literature EXCEPT _________.
a. The wider we can translate pieces of literature in various languages/ dialects the
higher the chances of being known in other countries/places
b. Opening publishing houses and assisting Manila which helps writers to pursue
writing literary works.
c. Produce more opportunities to the writers in cities especially in Manila which
enables them to be centralized in writing.
d. Many contemporary authors from the regions
6. As far as Bryan could remember he only wanted one girl, Alice Ramos. To Bryan, she was
perfect in every way. There was just one problem: every time Bryan tried to talk to her, he
felt butterflies in his stomach and then he threw up in his mouth. To overcome his fear,
Bryan enlists the help of the coolest guy in the school, Mark Mansion, to teach him how to
talk to girls. Which type of conflict adheres to the situation?
a. man vs. man c. man vs. society
b. man vs. himself d. man vs. nature

7. Justin didn't want to get involved in the struggle for civil rights. He just wanted to go to
school. Unfortunately, many people in the community did not want Justin to go to their
school because of his African American heritage. A simple walk to school becomes a
powerful march for rights as Justin, a group of civil rights leaders, and millions of supporters
make Justin's case the centerpiece in a heated battle for equal rights. Which type of conflict
adheres to the situation?
a. man vs. society c. man vs. man
b. man vs. nature d. man vs. himself
8. Jerome and his family are taking a vacation on an island in a tropical paradise.
The waters are clear, the skies are big, and the sand is clean. Suddenly, when a
rumble shakes Jerome's sister off of her beach chair, Jerome holds his sister
before she was about to fall. Which type of conflict adheres to the situation?
a. man vs. society c. man vs. man
b. man vs. nature d. man vs. himself

9. Ever since Ziggy lost his twin brother in a tragic car accident, Ziggy hasn't been
the same. He has been dragging his feet through life with a glazed look in his
eyes. His grades have dropped, he doesn't want to hang out with his friends or
family anymore, and he barely leaves his bedroom. Ziggy's mother cannot bear
to lose two sons, so she sends Ziggy to an intensive survival boot camp program
far away from home. Which type of conflict adheres to the situation?
a. man vs. man c. man vs. himself
b. man vs. nature d. man vs. society
10. Vince is the most skilled banjo player in town and is praised by
all until Chuck arrives from the big city. Soon Vince’s fans are going
to Chuck's showings instead. Vince decided to settle it by
competing with Chuck in a contest of dueling banjos to determine
who is the greatest and who will leave town for good. Which type
of conflict adheres to the situation?
a. man vs. man c. man vs. society
b. man vs. nature d. man vs. himself
Answer key:
1. B 10 = 100
2. C 9 = 96
3. D 8 = 89
4. C 7 = 80
5. C 6 = 77
6. B 5 = 75
7. A 4 = 74
8. B 3 = 73
9. C 2 = 72
10.A 1 = 71

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