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• Loyalty is a virtue we value in several types of
relationships , including among family, friends,
romantic partners, workplaces, organizations,
religions, and nations.
• Loyalty involves accepting and loving someone for
who they are, and not threatening to leave them when
things become challenging. People display loyalty by
weathering storms together, providing support, and
sticking it out.
• Loyalty means being consistent in your treatment,
behavior, and regard for another. It’s important to be
reliable and dependable—someone who can be counted
on to show up. Loyalty also involves consistently treating
the other person with kindness, fairness, and generosity of
•  not hiding parts of your identity or parts of
your life are important aspects of loyalty.
People who share their thoughts and feelings
display a willingness to be known and to know
others in an authentic and open way.
• Loyalty can strengthen relationships because
people are more honest and forthcoming when
they know the other person is loyal. It
engenders trust and closeness in relationships.
• Kindness is being friendly, generous, and
considerate to others and yourself. Being
kind often requires courage and strength,
as it involves the willingness to celebrate
and give attention to someone else. 
• It is also about giving honest feedback
when doing so is helpful to the other
person. Moreover, kindness includes
acting and speaking in a compassionate
way to others and yourself. However, do
not confuse kindness with weakness. 
• You can be kind and still have
boundaries. It is not a replacement for
avoiding difficult conversations or
standing up for yourself. Just be kind
when you are in those situations. 

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