Paraphrase and Summary

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◦ Is the act of taking information from a source text and REARRANGING them
without changing the meaning

◦ The length of a paraphrase is roughly around that of the original text, in

contrast to a summary which is shorter
◦ - Ideas
◦ - Structure
◦ - Vocabulary
◦ Analyze this paraphrase:
◦ - How many sentences are there
in the 2nd vs the 1st par.?
◦ - Underline and number (1,2,3)
structures that basically mean the
same thing written in a different
way (for example: main means of
communication vs communicate
through language)
◦ - In what ways were these
expressions changed
Short version
(exam version):
◦ Step 1: Read it once and
underline the ideas
◦ Step 2: Think about how the
sentences can be changed
◦ Step 3: Think of synonyms and
explanations for vocabulary
◦ Step 4: Write the citation
◦ Select important ideas from the text and write a shortened version of it that retains said important ideas
Summarizing process
◦ Underline important ideas
◦ Write an outline
◦ Rearrange and rewrite
◦ Check for academic writing conventions
Small note: plagiarism
◦ Remember to include your sources through both a reference section and the
appropriate in-text citation style if you do include one in the essay
◦ For the final exam, remember to do what the prompt asked you to regarding
Citation style
◦ APA style:
◦ In-text citation: (First author’s last
name (aka Family Name), year of
publication, page number)
◦ For example: (Ho, 1945, p.2)
◦ In-text citation in a reporting
sentence: According to author’s last
name (year of publication)
◦ For example: According to Ho
Task 1: Paraphrase this paragraph
◦Overall confidence in attributing biological changes to climate change
can be increased in multiple ways, two of which we list here. First,
confidence rises when the time span of biological records is long, such
that decadal trends in climate can be compared with decadal trends in
biological response, and long-term trends can be statistically
distinguished from natural variability. Second, confidence can be
increased by examining a large geographic area, which tends to diminish
the effects of local confounding factors. These conditions constitute
multiple lines of evidence, which, when they converge, can provide very
high confidence that climate change is the causal driver of an observed
change in a particular biological species or system.

◦Using multiple lines of evidence can make the argument that Climate change
The paragraph is about how to make your statistics in reporting
climate change more reliable.

◦ The first method to increase the reliability of your statistics is to keep a

longer biological record, an example of which is in contrasting climate
changes with biological changes over a span of several decades, in doing
so, the differences between long term trends and variability can be
distinguished. The other factor is that an examination of a larger
geographic area can be more accurate since the effect of factors unique
to an area. In using multiple sources of evidence in such a fashion, it is
easier to convince others that climate change is a key factor in biological
◦ Author: Camille Parmesan, Michael T. Burrows, Carlos M.
Duarte, Elvira S. Poloczanska, Anthony J. Richardson, David S.
Schoeman, Michael C. Singer
◦ Work cited: Beyond climate change attribution in conservation
and ecological research.
◦ Journal: Ecology Letters,
◦ Volume No.: 16 (part 1)
◦ Page: 58-71
Graded assignment: Paraphrase this
Movies like this are not merely difficult to make at all, but almost
impossible to make well. The technical difficulties are so daunting that
it's a wonder when the filmmakers are also able to bring the drama and
history into proportion. Viewers were convinced by both the story and
the saga. The setup of the love story is fairly routine, but the payoff--
how everyone behaves as the ship is sinking--is wonderfully written, as
passengers are forced to make impossible choices. Even the villain,
played by Zane, reveals a human element at a crucial moment (despite
everything, damn it all, he does love the girl).

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