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By Group 4
Members Introduction
◦ Hnyoon Yati Lin Htun        -  Information Searcher/Picture Searcher

◦ Zun Hnin Hset                    -  Information Searcher/ Excel Creator/ Designer

◦ Thuu Pyae Sone Htet        - Information Searcher/ Designer

What is Excel?

Why it is useful?

How people are using it?

Advantages of excel

Content Disadvantages of excel

Our Project



What is Excel?
◦ Excel is a software program that uses spreadsheets to organize and analyze stored data. 
◦ Business people and workers use Excel for budgeting, analysis, forecasting, spotting trends,
reporting, and more.
Why is Excel useful?
◦ Excel is highly useful for students, business people, workers, teachers and every people.
◦ Students can do and learn the fastest and most accurate technique to do calculation in Excel.
◦ Excel builds strong analytical thinking and skills
◦ Excel helps us to make graphs and charts.
How people are using Excel?
◦ People use Excel to store, analyze, and report on large amounts of data. It is often used by
accounting teams for financial analysis but it can be used by any professional to manage long
and unwieldy data sets.
◦ Excel is one of useful software for us.
Advantages of excel
◦ Best way to store data
◦ You can perform calculations
◦ All the tools for data analysis
◦ Easy to data visualizations with charts
◦ You can print reports easily
◦ So many free templates to use
◦ You can code to automate
◦ Transform and clean data
◦ Store data with millions of rows
◦ You can work with Excel online + mobile app
Disadvantages of excel
◦ Lack of control and security
◦ Excel is prone to human error
◦ Excel is hard to consolidate
◦ Excel is unsuitable for agile business practices
◦ Excel can't help us make quick decisions
◦ Excel is not designed for collaborative work
◦ Excel is difficult to troubleshoot or test
◦ Excel is vulnerable to fraud/corruption
◦ Difficult to manage advanced pricing rules
◦ Excel is Unfit for Agile business Practices
Our Excel Program



United States United Kingdom Japan South Korea

Australia China Australia Myanmar


South Korea


United Kingdom

United States

0.00 500000000.00 1000000000.00 1500000000.00 2000000000.00

◦ Microsoft Excel is a program that gets mainly used for calculations and data entry.  As a
example we make a data about population in each country. It is important that we need
knowledge on the basics of the program before settling down to use it. This helps to avoid
mistakes and hence feeding or retrieving the wrong information.
◦ https://excelchamps.com/benefits-of-microsoft-excel/
◦ https://www.javatpoint.com/10-disadvantages-of-microsoft-excel
◦ https://www.google.com/search?
Photos credit to google

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