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presented by :
Htet Naing Lin, Hin Wit Yi Win and Wai Lin

❖ Movement of an object around its own axis

❖ Circular or spinning motion that occurs around a
fixed point

❖ The moment of the planet around its axis
❖ Rotate from west to east
❖ Complete one full rotation every 24 hours, which is one day
❖ Responsible for the alternation between day and night
❖ The moment of an object around another object
❖ Object’s orbital motion around another object

❖ Revolution
The movement of the Earth around the sun in
elliptical orbit
❖ It takes 365 days to complete, which is one year.
❖ Responsible for the changing of the seasons, the
length of the day and night
Key differences between rotation and revolution include:

● Axis of rotation/revolution: in rotation, the object

spins around its own axis, while in revolution, the
object orbits around another object.
● Speed: the speed of rotation and revolution can be
differ greatly. For example, the earth rotates on its
axis once every 24 hours, but takes 365 days to
complete one revolution around the sun.
Rotation Revolution ● Effect on day and night: Rotation causes day and
night, while revolution causes the seasons.

❖ Rotation and revolution are two important concepts in astronomy.

❖ Understanding the differences between these two concepts is important
in building a complete understanding of our planet and the universe
around us.
1. What is the shape of Earth's orbit around the sun?
a) A perfect circle
b) An ellipse
c) A straight line
Answer: b) An ellipse

2. What causes the change of seasons on Earth?

a) Earth's rotation on its axis
b) Earth's revolution around the sun
c) The moon's phases
Answer: b) Earth's revolution around the sun

3. Which of the following is an imaginary line around which Earth rotates?

a) The equator
b) The tropic of Cancer
c) The axis
Answer: c) The axis

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