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Module 2:
Accepting the Individuality of Others
Exhibit the importance of others in the following
aspects: HGSPS-If-6
1. physical and physiological
2. psychological
3. intellectual
4. spiritual
5. social
Activity: Observation of Other’s Uniqueness
1. Copy the following table on a clean sheet of
2. Think of three (3) different persons who are
similar in a certain aspect that you would like to
observe for this activity.
Example: 3 famous personalities (singers,
dancers, inventors, politicians, artists).
3. Write their names and describe them using
the options in each column. Use your best
judgment on them.
Healthy ways to deal with individual differences.

a. Accept that we are all different. Don’t assume that your

preferences would always be the same as those of your peers
or friends. Of course there are similarities among you but all
have different stories to tell that affect the way you see
things. You may have different beliefs, culture, values, and
even interest, and you cannot force anybody to be exactly the
same as you. Remember, even twins have differences.
Healthy ways to deal with individual differences.

b. Use your similarities with other people to strike a

harmonious relationship with them. While you acknowledge
that people are different from another, there are also
commonalities which you may take advantage to establish
positive relationship with them. At this point in time, you
might have found the right people who can be your good
friends, who can inspire you to strive harder, and who can be
your role model.
Healthy ways to deal with individual differences.

c. Be open-minded with others. You can always learn from

the experiences of your friends and peers and they can also
do the same with you. The manner they overcome life
challenges and how they impact their living could be your
insights to improve your lifestyle or even the way you see
things around you. You can also learn from their culture,
traditions and values.
Healthy ways to deal with individual differences.

d. Try to consider where others are coming from. Your family

set-up may be different from what your friends have. People
might have grown up in a province or in a highly urbanized
city. There are those who have a complete set of parents and
those that have a single parent or no parents at all.
Additionally, people have different childhood experiences
which greatly affect their attitude and personality now. There
are also those who struggle financially and those who are well
off. Keep in mind that people are coming from different
backgrounds and they act, decide and make choices based on
those things.
Healthy ways to deal with individual differences.

e. If your differences with others are getting in the way, try

to have a common ground. You cannot impose your beliefs,
values and culture to others, the same way 9 that they cannot
do that to you. However, instead of trying to prove who’s
better and who’s not, you may want to find an area where you
can both improve yourself while learning from each other.
There are differences that are worthy to talk and celebrate,
and there are those that we just accept unconditionally just
like in the second item. There’s no point in comparing people
as each of us have our own potentials and abilities.
Share your Thoughts & Feelings
Suggested Time Allotment: 15 minutes

Create a slogan or poster on unconditional acceptance

of others and respect for individual differences. You
may post it online or physically in the most noticeable
area at home. Use a short bond paper and coloring

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