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The Government act of India 1935

Round Table Conference


ROLL NO.1535
Introduction to the Government of India Act 1935:

 The Government of India Act 1935 was a significant

constitutional reform enacted by the British Parliament to
establish a federal system of government in India.
 It was the longest and most comprehensive piece of
constitutional legislation ever passed by the British
government for India.
Historical Context:
 The Act was introduced amidst
growing demands for Indian
independence and constitutional
 The Indian National Congress,
under the leadership of Mahatma
Gandhi, had launched the Civil
Disobedience Movement to protest
against the British rule and demand
self-rule for India.
Features of the Government of India Act 1935:

 The Act introduced a federal system of government in India,

with separate provincial and federal legislatures.
 It also established the office of the Governor-General as the
representative of the British Crown in India, and provided
for the establishment of an All-India Federation to be
created once the provinces agreed to join.
The Provincial and Federal Legislatures under the Act:
 The Government of India Act 1935 established two sets of
legislatures – the Provincial Legislatures and the Federal
 The Provincial Legislatures were to be elected on the basis of
universal adult suffrage, while the Federal Legislature was to be
composed of two houses – the Council of States and the Federal
The Role of the Governor-General and Provincial Governors:

 The role and powers of the Governor-General

 Provincial Governors in detail
 including their functions as the constitutional head of the government,
 their executive and legislative powers, and their role in relation to the
provincial and federal legislatures.
The Communal Award and Its Impact:
The Communal Award was a controversial provision of the
Government of India Act 1935 that provided separate electorates for
different religious and caste communities.
It had a significant impact on the politics of India, particularly in the
areas of communal representation and minority rights.
The Failures India Act 1935:

 Despite its ambitious goals, the Government of India Act 1935 was
largely unsuccessful in achieving its objectives.
 The Act failed to satisfy the demands of Indian nationalists for self-
rule and independence, and instead created a system of government
 that was still largely under the control of the British colonial
The Legacy of India Act 1935:

The Government of India Act 1935 had a lasting impact on the

constitutional and political development of India.
It laid the foundation for the eventual independence of India and
the creation of the Indian constitution, which drew heavily on the
provisions of the Act.
Comparison with Other Constitutional Reforms:

 The Government of India Act 1935 was not the only

constitutional reform enacted by the British government for
 This heading explores the similarities and differences between
the Act and other constitutional reforms, such as the Indian
Councils Act 1861 and the Government of India Act 1919.
Conclusion and Significance :
The Government of India Act of 1935 established provincial and federal governments with
elected legislative assemblies, but its provisions limited India's ability to achieve full self-rule.
The Act created a federal system with a bicameral federal legislature, but the federal
government's powers were limited, and most of the power remained in the hands of the British
authorities. The Act also created provincial governments with elected legislative assemblies,
but the governor had the power to override any decisions made by the provincial legislature.
Overall, the Act fell short of meeting the Indian nationalist demand for full independence, and it
was eventually replaced by the Indian Independence Act of 1947.
Introduction to round table conference :
 Round Table Conferences were a series of three meetings held in London
between 1930 and 1932 to discuss constitutional reforms in India.
 These conferences were an attempt by the British government to find a
solution to the political deadlock that had arisen in India. The participants
included representatives of the British government, Indian political parties,
and princely states.
 The conferences were named "Round Table" as all the participants were
seated at a round table to ensure equal representation and to promote
discussion and negotiation. However, the conferences failed to reach a
consensus on the future of India's political structure.
Historical background of round table conference :
The historical background of the Round Table Conferences can be
traced back to the Montagu-Chelmsford Reforms of 1919, which
established a system of dyarchy in India. However, this system faced
significant opposition from Indian political parties, leading to political
unrest and demands for greater representation.
In response, the British government decided to hold the Round Table
Conferences to find a way forward.
Participants of round table conference :
 Representatives of the British government,
 Indian political parties,
 and princely states.
 These participants engaged in discussions and negotiations on the
future of India's political structure.
Goals and objective of round table conference:
The main goal of the Round Table Conferences was to find a solution to the
political deadlock in India and establish a system of governance that satisfied both
the British government and Indian political parties.
The conferences aimed to address issues such as the relationship between British
India and the princely states, the role of minorities in governance, and the division
of powers between the central and provincial governments.
The British government also hoped to prevent the Indian independence movement
from gaining further momentum by engaging with Indian leaders and addressing
their grievances through negotiation and compromise.
Impact of round table conference in Indian politics:
• The Round Table Conferences had a significant impact on Indian politics by
highlighting the need for greater Indian self-governance and promoting
dialogue between different communities.
• The conferences also paved the way for future constitutional reforms, such as
the Government of India Act of 1935.

However, the conferences also exposed the limits of British willingness to

accommodate Indian demands, which ultimately contributed to the rise of the
Indian independence movement.
Legacy of round table conference:
The legacy of the Round Table Conferences is mixed. On the one hand, they
failed to achieve their primary objective of finding a solution to the political
deadlock in India, and the Indian National Congress ultimately boycotted the
final conference.
However, the conferences had a significant impact on Indian politics by
promoting dialogue between different communities and laying the groundwork
for future constitutional reforms.
The conferences also contributed to the eventual granting of Indian
independence in 1947. Overall, the Round Table Conferences played an
important role in the history of Indian self-governance and continue to be
remembered as a key milestone in the Indian independence movement.

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