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has got have got

Коник має хвіст. Коники мають хвости.
A horse has got a tail. Horses have got tails.
Chickens have got 6 legs

has got 6 tails

Chickens have got

6 legs
Cow has got 1 tail

has got 1 tail

Cow have got

1 leg
Rabbit has got 1 nose

has got 1 nose

Rabbit have got

1 leg
They have got 2 goats.

They have got 2 horses.

They have got 4 rabbits.

They have got 4 chickens.

They have got 6 sheep.

This is Jackson’s farm.
Це є ферма Джексонів.

They have got 2 cows and 4 goats.

Вони мають 2 корови і 4 кози.

They have got 2 horses and 4 rabbits.

Вони мають 2 коня і 4 кролики.

Oh! And chickens – 4 chickens.

Ох! І курочки – 4 курочки.

Hmm. And oh yes – they have got six sheep too!

Хм. І так – вони мають 6 овечок також.

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