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●What is an entrepreneur?
a person who organizes and operates
a business or businesses, taking on
greater than normal financial risks in
order to do so.
●The term entrepreneur was derived
from “entreprendre”, a French
word which means “to undertake”
(Aduana, 2016). Entrepreneurs are
innovative opportunity seekers.
● On the other hand, the term
entrepreneurship is an art of observing
correct practices in managing and operating
a self-owned wealth creating business
enterprise by providing goods and services
that are valuable to the customers (Aduana,
- It refers to the key characteristics that should be
possessed by a successful entrepreneurs in order to
perform entrepreneurial functions effectively.
- Entrepreneur should be:
● One who brings resources , labor, materials and
their assets into combinations that make their
value greater than before.
● One who introduces changes, innovations and a
new order.
● A person driven by certain forces
 The need to obtain or attain something.
 To experiment
 To accomplish

● Positive Side
 Someone who creates wealth for others
 Utilized resources
 Reduce waste
 -Produce jobs
● Negative side
 Threat
 Aggressive competitors
Top 10 entrepreneurs in the Philippines
1. Henry Sy – SM department Stores
2. Tony Tan Caktiong – Jollibee Foods Corporation.
3. Cecilio M. Pedro – Lamoiyan Corporation
4. Alfredo M. Yao – Zest-o Corporation
5. Socorro C. Ramos – National Bookstore
6. Mariano Que/Vivian Que Ascona – Mercury Drugstore.
7. Corazon D. Ong – CDO Foodsphere
8. Gregorio G. Sanchez – LactoPAFI
9. Ernest L. Cu – SPI Technologies/e telecare International
10. Diosdado Banatao – Computer Chips
● “ There is no such thing as overnight, success or
easy money. If you fail, do not be discouraged: try
again. When you do well , do not change your
ways. Success is not just good luck, it is a
combination of hard work, good credit standing,
opportunity, readiness and timing. Success will not
last if you do not take care of it” – Henry Sy, Sr.
● What do you think is the Five Salient
Features means in Entrepreneurship?
The ability and readiness to develop
organize to run a business .

Five Salient Features of

Entrepreneurship (Aduana, 2016)
● 1. Art of Correct Practices Entrepreneurship
As an art, it is closely related to creativity that contributes to the
enhancement of the enterprise.

● 2 Wealth creating venture

● How are you going to define wealth
● Although profit is a good indication of wealth, improving the life of an
entrepreneur in terms of economic, financial, social, moral and
psychological aspects are also priceless outcomes of entrepreneurship .

3. Providing values to customers


 Products and services are considered valuable when they satisfy the
needs and wants of the customers.
4 Opening and managing self-owned business
Businesses which are managed by other people for the benefit of the owner falls
under intrapreneurship. Entrepreneurship is different from intrapreneurship. The
concept of entrepreneurial endeavor may range from a small sari-sari store up to
multimillion companies as long as the business is managed by the owner himself.

5.Risk taking venture

Risk is a part of any entrepreneurial endeavor. A good entrepreneur does not

avoid risks, rather face them by analyzing the risks and good decision-making
skills for the survival of the venture.
● Entrepreneurship affects the lives of the Filipinos, the local community, and the
Philippine economy in one way or another. The diagram below shows the flow of
entrepreneurial benefits.

1. It aids in improving financial and social life.

2. It helps expand their creativity.
3. It brings about happiness, productiveness and success in entrepreneur’s life.

To the Local Community:

● 1. It offers opportunity for employment in the community.

● 2. It produces new demand in the market.
● 3. It contributes to increase in tax collection.
● 4. It gives birth to new business opportunities.
● 5. It promotes a harmonious and loving community.
● To the Philippine Economy
● 1. It promotes competitiveness, thus challenging entrepreneurs
to continue improving their products and services.
● 2. It aids in identifying an entrepreneurial niche in the
international market.
● 3. It helps speed up economic recovery process of the country
during financial turmoil or breakdown.
● 4. It facilitates ease of money flow in the local market.
● 5. It supports the Philippine government in its yearning to have
advantageous economic ratings in the international market.
●Personal Entrepreneurial
Competencies - refer to the
important characteristics that should
be possessed by an individual in order
to perform entrepreneurial functions
● 1 Hardworking.
Being a hardworker means habitually
working diligently for long period of
hours. We have this saying in Filipino,
“ginagawang gabi ang umaga, at
umaga ang gabi”
●2 Self-confident.
●It is also important that as an
entrepreneur, one must believe
oneself more than anybody else.
● 3 Disciplined.
● The urge to fight temptation is very important. They said it is
easy to spend money you did not worked hard for. Sometimes,
when we start to earn, we are tempted to buy things that are
not really needed. A good entrepreneur does not ask himself
the question, “What will I buy with my money?” but ask,
“Where will I invest my money to earn more money?”
●4 Committed
●Commitment is characterized by
solid dedication.
● 5 Ability to accept change.
This is synonymous to being openminded or readiness to try different
things or to hear and consider fresh ideas. We often hear this among
networking businesses: “Openminded kaba?”. As said many times,
“Change is the only constant in this world” so they say that “forever does
not exist”. In business world, ca Creative. This is what will make you stand
out and go over your competitors. As an entrepreneur, we must look
beyond and check what is new, to stay in the business to have an edge
over the other competitors.
● 6 Creative.
●This is what will make you stand out and go
over your competitors. As an entrepreneur,
we must look beyond and check what is new,
to stay in the business to have an edge over
the other competitors.
● 7 Has Initiative
●This is to put oneself in a position
where one is personally is responsible
for the failure or success of the
● 8 Profit-oriented.
● A good entrepreneur must make sure
that the business will generate
income. We do not put up a business
just to get tired the whole day without
getting anything in return.
Important Skills
of an
This is strategic thinking and
setting of goals to achieve
objectives by carefully
maximizing all the available
2 Decision Making
One decision may make or break a
business, thus making this a crucial one.
It is the ability to think quickly and make
a wise judgment towards the pre-
determined set objectives.
3 People Skills
Doing business is not a one-man team
endeavor. From people working for you and
with you, to those you make deal with and
even your competitors. In relation to the
story we’ve read, it is good to be individually
brilliant but still, there are things that others
can do better than you
aspirations typically
pursue one of these
career paths:
● New Venture Creation
You can be your own boss! Starting as a small
business owner, partnering with an existing
business or focusing on a technology or
research for commercialization.
● The process of turning a new idea or
technology into a business that can
succeed and will attract investors:
Potential entrepreneurs trying to
identify a possible business idea, pay
attention to everything in the media.
What is venture ?
an undertaking involving chance,
risk, or danger.
2 Careers in Existing Entrepreneurial Ventures
Still trying to have a deeper understanding of the ways of
business while being employed?
 Having knowledge about entrepreneurship plus being a
digital native gives you an edge to attract institutions to share
your up-to-date knowledge on market trends for innovative
strategies of companies. Working with start-ups, business
incubator or accelerators, and corporate entrepreneur in a
company are good opportunities for expanding your horizon.
These job opportunities
need people like you and
may be good leadership
training grounds if ever
you decide to go on your
1.Mid-level management
Be in-charge of the execution
of business ideas in big
2. Business consultant  
Identify and fix problems for
both aspiring and young
3. Sales
Representing a firm, handling
accounts, and visiting clients in
the field are some of the tasks for
this job.
4. Research and development
Solving problems by working in a
R&D firm should be armed with an
understanding of the what’s and
how’s of the business.
5.it Fundraiser
Raising funds for various groups or
organizations for different causes is
comparable to accomplishing a business
task and creating a good communication
6. Teacher  
One may impart knowledge to the young
generation by integrating the importance of
entrepreneurship while teaching other subjects.
For example, learning the importance of Math
in business, reviewing  history as basis of
innovation and enhancing language skills to
improve marketing strategies.
7. Business reporter
Having an understanding about the field
will give one an advantage in writing
articles or being in a broadcast team to
make a business section or program
more knowledgeable and interesting.
8. Recruiter
Work at Human Resources (HR)
department as someone who has
knowledge in management, leadership,
and other significant characteristics in
selecting people who will be joining a

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