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Novianto Budi Kurniawan

SCSE Framework
• Kurniawan, N.B., Suhardi, Bandung, Y., dan
Yustianto, P., “Services Computing Systems
Engineering Framework: A Proposition and
Evaluation through Analysis Model”, IEEE
Systems Journal, 2019, pp. 1-12.
• Kurniawan, N.B., Suhardi, Bandung, Y.,
Prasetyo, Y.A., dan Yustianto, P., “Evaluating
Services Computing Systems Engineering
Framework using An Acceptance Model”,
International Journal on Advanced Science,
Engineering and Information Technology,
Vol. 9, No. 3, pages: 1079-1085, 2019.
Beberapa Terminologi Terkait

Services Computing
Model Referensi
Services Computing Systems
Services Computing
Systems Platform Engineering
Systems Platform
Services Computing
Service Computing System (SCS):

An enabling
technology The large-scale IT
systems (in a well- SCS is a service
architecture that systems perspective
supports the future defined architecture)
Encapsulation of IT A complex systems enabled by (service)
Web, which that have been
service systems and which are composed computing
coordinates deployed across the
services (in a well- of various services technology.
multimedia Internet. The
defined architecture) for users’
presentations, characteristics of the SCS is a system that
with large-scale consumption which
human interactions, services computing use service
computing combines simple and
business processes, systems are large- computing
infrastructures, such individual services
computing scale infrastructure, technology to build
as service systems, into composite
resources, and massive-scale service service systems. This
cloud systems, and services to fulfill
business sharing, and leads to IT-enabled
data centers (Chen users’ complex
applications in a heterogeneous service systems
dan Lin, 2015) requirements (Ye
uniform fashion components (Huang (Correspondence,
dkk., 2014, 2013, dkk., 2016)
(Zhang dkk., 2007) Zhang, 2017)

sudut pandang keilmuan komputasi layanan dan rekayasa sudut pandang karakteristik sistem 6
Apa itu Platform Sistem
Komputasi Layanan?
Services Computing Systems Platform
Services Computing Systems Platform
A service-oriented framework that
a software foundation for building an architecture designed to support
supports the life cycle stage of design,
distributed applications in providing the process of web-based services development and evaluation of the
services to be used by users \ composition \cite{Boniface2010} \ service computing system that covers
cite{Eisele2017} \cite{Haile2017} cite{Guardia2017} reference model, architecture,
methods, tools, and techniques to
support service-oriented application
development environment
a tool set of design, reference Secara ringkas, platform adalah
a service-oriented framework that sebuah environment untuk
model and software development
supports the design, development pengembangan real sistemnya
that enables the design and
and evaluation of a service system \
implementation of SOA based Platform bisa diuji dari kemudahan
cite{Matsas2016} \
applications and components \
cite{Weng2016} \cite{Zhu2009} \
cite{Souza2017} \cite{Bergvall2013} menghadirkan real sistemnya dan
cite{Li2007} bisa diuji dengan menggunakan
ukuran2 yang sudah ada saat ini untuk
mengukur kinerja sistem layanannya
Platform Sistem Komputasi Layanan
• Lingkungan (environment) pengembangan sistem komputasi layanan
yang terdiri atas sekumpulan sumber daya TI yang mencakup model
layanan TI, perangkat keras, perangkat lunak, data/informasi dan
infrastruktur sebagai alat bantu proses mendesain dan merekayasa
sistem komputasi layanan menggunakan kerangka kerja (framework)
berorientasi layanan
Platform Sistem Komputasi Layanan
• Lingkungan merepresentasikan set atau sekumpulan prosedur
(procedures), proses (processes), dan perangkat alat bantu (tools) untuk
membangun atau mengembangkan sistem komputasi layanan
• Model layanan TIdirepresentasikan dalam bentuk model referensi
platform sistem komputasi layanan yang menunjukkan interaksi dan
hubungan antara komponen-komponen yang diperlukan untuk
membangun platform.
• Kerangka kerja (framework) berorientasi layanan disebut sebagai
kerangka kerja rekayasa sistem komputasi layanan (services computing
systems engineering framework) yang digunakan untuk mendesain dan
merekayasa sistem komputasi layanan.
Platform Sistem Komputasi Layanan
A Reference Model of
Services Computing Systems
Kurniawan, N. B., Suhardi, Arman, A. A., Bandung, Y., dan Yustianto, P. “A
Reference Model of Services Computing Systems Platform based on
Metaanalisis Technique”, Service Oriented Computing and Application,
Springer, 2019, pp. 1-19.
Model Referensi Platform SCS (1)
• The reference model is defined as a framework that shows the interaction
and relationship between components that are needed to build the
• The reference model uses a layered model approach to describe structural
relationship and composition between layers
• A reference model can be used as guidance in building services computing
systems platform.
• Through this reference model, it is expected that an organization will have a
generic and structured guidance in developing the systems platform,
covering components needed to develop a platform and their interaction
within the platform
Model Referensi Platform SCS (2)
1. The first layer provides service-oriented computing resources to run all the
service processes. This layer provides standards, techniques and methods to
transform computing resources into the services
2. The second layer, Services Computing Model and Compositions covers
business processes, services modelling, and services composition. It also
optimizes the use of service-oriented computing resources. This layer provides
standards, technologies and methods to integrate, collaborate, and optimize
services design into an integrated system
3. The third layer, Services Computing Analysis and Performance guarantees the
performance of the systems. This layer analyses and evaluates the systems in
order to work optimally and scalable through the established standard
mechanisms and methods
4. The fourth layer, Services Computing Application, which provides integrated
service computing applications to meet the organization's business services or
service user needs. This layer interacts directly with service users through
application systems that support business services
5. The fifth layer, Services Computing Systems Users represents service users in
using the applications provided by the application layer. This layer interacts
with the application services and simultaneously gives feedback to the
systems performance
Platform Sistem
Services Computing Systems
Engineering Framework
Kurniawan, N.B., Suhardi, Bandung, Y., dan Yustianto, P., “Services Computing Systems Engineering
Framework: A Proposition and Evaluation through Analysis Model”, IEEE Systems Journal,
2019, pp. 1-12.
Kurniawan, N.B., Suhardi, Bandung, Y., Prasetyo, Y.A., dan Yustianto, P., “Evaluating Services Computing
Systems Engineering Framework using An Acceptance Model”, International Journal on
Advanced Science, Engineering and Information Technology, Vol. 9, No. 3, pages: 1079-1085,
Suhardi, Kurniawan, N. B., Pramana, M. I. W. and Sembiring J., “Developing A Framework for Services
Computing Systems Engineering”, in 14th International Joint Conference on Computer Science
and Software Engineering (JCSSE2017), IEEE, 2017, pp. 1–6.
Suhardi, Kurniawan, N. B., dan Sembiring, J. (2017). Service Computing System Engineering Life Cycle”, in
International Conference on Electrical Engineering, Computer Science and Informatics, IEEE,
2017, pp. 1–6
Services Computing Systems Engineering
• Engineering methodologies to define, develop, analyze, and
evaluate the services computing systems that support a
comprehensive service lifecycle
• A series of comprehensive system engineering stages
• The framework consists of several stages that show the system
development activities. Each stage has different steps that can be
used to improve the activities
Services Computing Systems Engineering
Framework (SCSEF)
• The stages are systematically linked
together and provide a step-by-step
guide to the engineers to build the

• SCSEF covers two types of services,

i.e. business services and IT services
(See Stage 2: Modeling).

• In this framework, IT services are

represented as software services
SCSEF: Stage 1 – Objective and
• The stage focuses on the identification of service
strategy, objective, requirements, and innovation.
• The stage identifies which systems needed to be
developed or improved based on the requirement
analysis of the existing service systems.
• It shall be considered that the application of this
stage must be based on the organization strategies
and business needs, as well as to improve the
business services of the organization.
• The first stage contains three phases: (1) service
strategy and objectives, (2) service requirements
analysis, and (3) service innovation
SCSEF: Stage 2 – Modeling
• This stage emphases on modeling and designing the
services systems.
• Two types of services modeling are covered in this stage,
i.e. business service modeling and IT service modelling
• The stage comprises three phases: (1) business service
modeling, (2) IT service modeling, and (3) service design
and architecture.
• In this stage, IT services represent software services that
enable the business services implementation.
• Since the framework adopts a service-oriented approach
for developing the systems, the services modeling phases
of the stage is directed by using the SoaML (Service
Oriented Modeling Language)
• The business service modeling is conducted by adopting
service blueprint and BPMN
• In this stage, business service capabilities are determined
through a combination of two techniques, i.e. goal-service
modeling and business process decomposition
SCSEF: Stage 2 – Modeling (2)
• Business process decomposition identifies capabilities by
activities in the business process and performs business
• The decomposition of the business process produces a
service interface candidate that consists of a service
candidate and operation candidate
• A service interface is required to provide at least the
following information: name of service, functional
capabilities of the service, service operation, provided and
required interfaces, and communication protocols or rules
• A service data model is needed to define all of the data
used by the service interface. The model scopes how the
data is discovered, how the data is used, and how it relates
to the data sources
• A service participant is a class which models an entity
participating in a process according to the design laid out in
the SOA. In SoaML, a participant represents a certain entity
or component that provides and/or uses service(s)
SCSEF: Stage 3 – Development
• The development of IT services systems or software
systems is the main activities on this stage.
• The engineers implement the services design and
architecture resulted from the former stage. The
implementation is relevant to the software development
activities, but with a service-oriented approach.
• The stage comprises three phases: (1) service
development, (2) service integration and testing, and (3)
service implementation
• The implementation includes software systems coding and
unit testing as the main activities in this stage
• The activities in this step produces some of the key entities,
such as data and program structure, programming
language and tools, software prototyping, and software
unit testing
• Since the systems are a complex software system, the
systems are developed in a modular manner for each
SCSEF: Stage 3 – Development (2)
SCSEF: Stage 4 – Deployment
• The stage comprises three phases: (1) service migration and
roll-out, (2) service operation and maintenance, and (3)
service monitoring.
• This stage shields the deployment and operation of the
systems and enables the systems to be operated by the
organization, as the service provider and consumed by the
users, as the service consumer.
• Service migration and roll-out concern with the migration
of the systems from the development environment to the
production environment.
• Service operation deals with the real systems run in the
real environment.
• Service maintenance deals with the technical activities to
ensure that the systems functionalities keep running well
and fully used.
• Service monitoring covers a series of actions to ensure that
the systems are completely running and fulfilling users
needs. Systems monitoring will generate reports and
feedbacks of the systems
SCSEF: Stage 5 – Evaluation
• The stage focuses on the evaluation process of the systems
in the operational environment, as well as to measure the
performance of the systems.
• The stage comprises three phases: (1) service performance
measurement, (2) service analysis and optimization and
service improvement.
• There are two approaches to measure and evaluate the
performance of the systems, i.e. internal systems (software
systems perspective) and external systems (users
• Services dependability can be used to measure and
evaluate the performance of the systems from the internal
systems perspective, while services quality can be used to
measure and evaluate the performance from the external
• The result of this stage will generate the requirements of
the new systems that can be used to improve the systems
in the next cycle
SCS: System of Systems [Smart Campus]
The characteristic of the smart campus as a system of systems (SOSSC) is identified through a set
function as follows

SOS SC  SSi  SS  SOS
i 1

where SS: service system, n: number of service systems, and SOSSC ← SS1, SS2, SS3, …., SSn. The set
function of the services system (SS) as the element of SOS is formulated as follows:
n m
SSi  SI ij Sij , O  SSij  , O  S  S  SS
i 1 j 1

where SS: service system, SI: services interface, SSi←SI1j, SI2j, SI3j, …, SIij, S: service, SSi←S1j, S2j,.. ,Sij,
O: operation of service, Sj←Oj1, Oj2,..,Oij, m: number of service in service system i, n: number of
service system.
Evaluasi Metodologi
Rekayasa Platform Sistem
Komputasi Layanan
Evaluasi Pengembangan Platform Sistem
Komputasi Layanan
• Evaluasi Metodologi Pengembangan Platform Sistem Komputasi
Layanan: Evaluasi ini bertujuan untuk menguji kesesuaian metodologi
pengembangan platform sistem komputasi layanan yang dibangun
terhadap prinsip-prinsip dari desain SOA. Beberapa prinsip yang
digunakan didalam mengevaluasi metodologi ini adalah cohesion,
coupling, dan reusability
• Pengukuran Kinerja Platform Sistem Komputasi Layanan: Dependability
merefleksikan tingkat kepercayaan sistem untuk tidak mengalami
kegagalan didalam menyampaikan layanan kepada pengguna dalan
kondisi operasional yang normal dengan kemungkinan kegagalan
(failure) yang masih dapat ditolerir
Questions and Discussion

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