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Kimball vs Inmon Model

Data Warehouse Architecture Inmon or Kimball

DW Architecture
How do we choose ?
Bill Inmon
Ralph Kimball
Data Requirements

What do your users need ?

Can the various groups agree ?
Do they have a time scale in
mind ?
Does your chief information officer
have a time scale and budget set ?

These points will influence your

What does Ralph Kimball say ?
• Based upon bottom up approach
• Based on what community wants
• Based on data marts, small subject based schemas
• Later combine data marts into data warehouse
• Quicker to deliver
• Based on star schemas
Kimball Model
Advantages of Kimball Model
• Setup and Built are quick.
• Generating report against multiple star schema is very successful.
• Database operations are very effective.
• Occupies less space in the database and management is easy.
What does Bill Inmon say ?
One large integrated warehouse schema
Top down approach, based upon organization
Longer to deliver, more expensive
Could feed departmental data marts
More complex
Inmon Model
Advantages of Inmon Model
• The data warehouse is very flexible to changes.
• Business processes can be understood very easily.
• Reports can be handled across enterprises.
• ETL process is very less prone to errors.
Kimball vs Inmon Model
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