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• When an elastic body which is fixed at one end and displaced
at other end from its equilibrium position by application of an
external force, the body starts to move to and fro. Then body
is said to be in vibrations. The vibrations are due to internal
elastic forces within the body.
Mechanism of Vibration.
• Whenever the body is displaced from its equilibrium position
by the external force, work is done by external force in
producing the initial displacement against the internal elastic
forces. These elastic forces resist deformation. This work is
stored as strain energy.
• If external force is removed and body is released, the
internal elastic forces tend to restore the body to its
equilibrium position.
• Strain energy is converted into Kinetic energy at equilibrium
position when body reaches to its original position.
• Due to maximum Kinetic energy at equilibrium
position, the body continue to move in the
opposite direction until the whole K.E. is
absorbed in doing work against the internal
elastic forces.
• This work against the internal elastic forces is
again stored as strain energy. Due to the strain
energy again the body begins to return to
equilibrium position and vibrations are repeated.
Types of Vibration
The following are the important types of
1) Free vibrations or natural vibrations
2) Forced vibrations
3) Damped vibrations
Free vibrations
A vibration in which no external force act on
the body, after giving an initial displacement
and motion is maintained by elastic forces, is
known as free or natural vibrations.
Forced vibration
• A vibration in which external force is applied
to the body and the vibrations have same
frequencies as applied force is known as
forced vibration.
Damped Vibrations
• A vibration in which there is a reduction in
amplitude over every cycle of vibration, is known
as damped vibration.
• In any vibrating body, when external force is
removed, the energy possessed by the body is
gradually dissipated in over coming internal and
external resistance to the motion, and amplitude
goes on reducing over every cycle of vibration and
body finally comes to rest in its original position.
Important Definitions for Vibrating motion
• Period of vibration:
It is time taken by a motion to repeat itself. It is measured in seconds.
• Cycle:
It is the motion completed during one time period.
• Frequency:
It is number of cycles completed in one second. It is expressed in
Hertz and is equal to one cycle per second.
• Resonance:
When the frequency of the external force is the same as that of the
natural frequency of system. , resonance take place. Resonance
results in large amplitudes of vibrations and this may be dangerous.
Free vibrations
• In case of free vibration, no external force acts
on body, after giving an initial displacement.
The motion is maintained by internal elastic
forces. The three are the important types of
free vibrations:
i) Longitudinal vibrations
ii) Transverse vibration
iii) Torsional vibrations.
Consider a weightless vibrating body i.e a shaft or spring or a
rod. Figure shows a shaft whose one end is fixed and other
end carries a heavy disc. The shaft is assumed to be
weightless. This system may be made to vibrate in one of
three above mentioned types of vibrations:
1. Longitudinal vibration
• The disc may be given initial displacement from the
equilibrium position by external force in downward
direction and then released. The disc will move up
and down.
• All particles of disc will vibrate along straight paths
parallel to the axis of the shaft. This type of vibration
is known as longitudinal vibration.
• In longitudinal vibration, the shaft is elongated and
shortened alternately resulting in tensile and
compressive stress in the shaft.
Transverse vibrations
• The disc may be given initial displacement from
equilibrium position by external force perpendicular
to the axis of the shaft and then released.
• All the particles of the disc will vibrate along straight
paths perpendicular to the axis of the shaft. This
type of vibration is known as transverse vibration.
• In transverse, the shaft is alternately bent and
straight resulting in bending stress in shaft.
3. Torsional Vibrations
• The disc may be given initial angular displacement
from equilibrium position by an external torque and
then released.
• All the particles of the disc will vibrate along circular
arcs whose centres lie on the axis of the shaft. This
type of vibration is known as torsional vibration.
• In torsional vibration, the shaft is alternately twisted
and untwisted resulting in torsional shear stresses in
the shaft.
Dynamic Vibration Absorber
• When a machine or a system is subjected to an external
excitation force whose excitation frequency nearly coincides with
the natural frequency of the machine or system, excessive
vibrations are induced in system.
• In such cases, the vibrations can be reduced or eliminated by
coupling a well designed auxiliary spring mass system to main
• This auxiliary spring mass system is called dynamic vibration
• The dynamic vibration absorber is designed in such a way that
the natural frequencies of the resulting system so formed are
away from the excitation frequency.
• Let the machine or system under consideration be idealize as
single degree of freedom system. If the excitation frequency
nearly coincides with natural frequency of the system, the
system will vibrate with large amplitude because of
• When we attach an auxiliary spring mass system to main
system, the resulting two degree of freedom system will look
as shown in figure in next slide.
• This spring mass system tuned to the frequency of excitation,
will act as vibration absorber and reduce the amplitude of
mass M1 to zero making it motionless.
a) Main system
b) Vibration absorber
attached to main system
Torsional Vibration Absorber
• The principle of dynamic vibration absorber
is also applicable for torsional vibrations.
• The main rotor/disc is subjected to an
excitation torque. When excitation
frequency coincides with the natural
frequency of main system, resonance
occurs and system needs correction.
• In such case, addition of a tuned vibration
absorber will eliminate the torsional
oscillations of the system i.e another disc I2
with shaft kt2 is added to I1 so that main
disc does not vibrate.
Ring Torsional absorber
• The torsional absorber consist of a ring
attached to one of the disc of the
original system. A mass is connected to
this ring by means of number of springs.
If no vibration is present, the entire unit
will rotate at constant speed.
• When torsional vibration occurs in the
system, the mass tends to continue to
rotate at constant speed, so that the
springs are deflected and it act as an
absorber. Thus, the coil springs replace
the length of shafting.
Untuned Viscous Damper
•This type of damper is useful for damping
out torsional oscillations.
It is similar in principle to the other
damper except that instead of dry friction
damping, viscous damping is employed in
this case.

•It consist of flywheel which can rotate

freely about hub. The hub is splined
inside so that it can be attached easily to
the shaft end.
• The flywheel is enclosed in a
housing, welded to hub.
• The clearance between the
housing and fluid is filled with
silicone fluid.
• Silicone oil is used because of its
high viscosity index i.e its viscosity
changes relatively little with
• The flywheel rotates at the shaft
speed owing to viscous drag of
the fluid.
Vibration isolation
• Most of the machines when mounted or installed on the
foundation cause undesirable vibrations because of unbalanced
forces set up during their running.
• The vibrations of large amplitude may damage the structure on
which machines are mounted.
• For example, inertia forces developed in an automobile engine
should be isolated from the body of automobile for comfort of
• The effectiveness of isolation may be measured in terms of force
or motion transmitted to be foundation. Lesser the amount of
force or motion transmitted, greater is said to be the isolation.
Material for Vibration isolation
• Metal spring: Two types of metal springs namely helical and leaf
springs are used. Helical springs have very little damping. Leaf
spring possess higher damping because of friction between the
• Rubber: Many commercial isolators are made of rubber. The
properties of rubber vary with load and temp conditions and are
influenced by presence of oil and gasoline.
• Cork: Cork is generally used for compressive loads. It is not
perfectly elastic. Its property vary with frequency and at high loads,
it become more flexible.
• Felt: Felt is used in form of small compression pads rather than a
single large pad. Felt pads are placed under steel or concrete bases.
Methods of finding the natural frequency
of free longitudinal vibration
• The following three methods are used for
finding the natural frequency of free
longitudinal vibrations:
1. Equilibrium method
2. Energy Method and
3. Rayleigh’s method.
Rayleigh’s method
S=stiffness of spring i.e the force required to produce unit deflection in the spring.
S=stiffness of spring i.e the force required to produce unit deflection in the spring.

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