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Jewels of Pakistan

Resources of Paksitan

Importance of location of Pakistan

Pakistan is present in ‘South Asia’

, a sub-continent which is lucky and
happens to have a connection to
the sea.
Location of Pakistan in the world

 Lets see where Pakistan lies at on the world map.

Pakistan’s connection to the sea

Pakistan has a connection with the

Arabian Sea. There are many
advantages that Pakistan has with the
use of its sea.
Introduction of CPEC (China-Pakistan
Economic Corridor)
 China-PakistanEconomic Corridor
is a framework of regional
 CPEC was formally launched in
2015 with the value of $46 billion
dollars and it completed on 30th
september 2021.
More to CPEC

CPEC will not only benefit China and

Pakistan but will have positive impact
on Iran, Afghanistan, Central Asian
Republic, and the region. It is a project
between China- Pakistan.
Purpose of CPEC

The purpose of CPEC is to:

rapidly upgrade Pakistan

required infrastructure and make stronger economy
construction of modern transportation networks,
numerous energy projects and special economic zones.
CPEC’s benefits

 As said in the previous slide, CPEC will provide both

allies with benefits. But how? Through highways,
motorways, ports and railways.

Railways Highways


Ports Motorways

A port is a town or city with a harbour

or access navigable water where ships
load or unload.
Importance of ports

 Ports serve as important transportation hubs that

facilitate goods movement . The distribution of
freight (including raw materials, parts and finished
consumer products) by all modes of transportation
including marine, air, rail and truck to businesses in
local communities and worldwide markets.
Some information about the ports and their

 Pakistan ( Karachi Port, Gwadar Port and Port

Qasim ).
 Most useful and deepest ( Gwadar Port, Gwadar)
 All
of these ports provide Pakistan with great
wealth and help a lot in trading e.t.c.
Gawadar port

1 The Gawadar port features prominently in the China–Pakistan Economic

Corridor (CPEC) plan, and is considered to be a link between the Belt and Road
Initiative and the Maritime Silk Road projects.
2 Gawadar port is the largest and deepest port in the world.
Economic Importance

 Ports constitute an important economic

activity in coastal areas. The higher the
throughout of goods and passengers year-on-year,
the more infrastructure, provisions and associated
services are required. These will bring varying
degrees of benefits to the economy and to the
Importance of Gwadar Port to China

Why Gwadar Port is so important for China?

Externally, Gwadar's principal strategic purpose for China
is to become an “exit to the ocean” that is, a direct route
via Chinese infrastructure to secure reliable access to the
strategic space and resources of the northern Indian
Ocean and the Persian Gulf.
Highways and motorways of Pakistan

Pakistan has a huge

highway that expands
12,131 kilometers. It is
the National Highway
owned by NHA
( National Highway
Authority )
How motorways and highways of CPEC will
benefit Pakistan and China

 Thesehighways and motorways would create

employment opportunities for the local people.
 The CPEC motorways and highways would provide for
ideal tourism conditions in Pakistan
 They will provide a trade route for Gwadar and Karachi.
 The Khunjerab Pass will play a huge role in trading and
will provid as a trading gateway for China and Pakistan.
New railway lines for transportation and

 China is working with Pakistan to make new railways so transportation can be made easier.
 There are two famous projects and one of them is complete.
ML-1 Project
 First is the ML-1 ( mainline) project ( incomplete)
 The second is Orange Line project in Lahore ( completed )

Orange Line train in Lahore ML-1 Project

How all these transportation methods will
affect the economy of China and Pakistan

 Pakistan will earn transit fee through the usage of the highways,
motorways, railways and ports by China.
 Pakistan’s tourism would increase and local people would use this
as a source of income.

 China’s trading limitations would decrease and help them improve

their economy even more.
 China will get access to more countries and be able to trade with
them through land.
Attractions in Pakistan

 There are many different beautiful places in Pakistan that attracts tourists all
around the globe.
 Pakistan earns money through tourists and tourism is great way off income for
some people.
1. Lake Saif-ul-Malook 2. Hunza Valley

3. Kashmir Valley 4. Swat valley

•Fairy Meadows
•Fairy Meadows It is one of the top attractions in Pakistan.

The top attractions in Pakistan.

The views of Nanga Parbat are just recompensing. The

travelers can get the best views of Nanga Parbat from
Fairy Meadows.

• Khunjerab Pass
Places where tourists visit more

 K2 –the second-highest mountain on Earth.

 The northern areas of Pakistan, in particular, draw the
attention of mountaineers and hiking enthusiasts.
Famous architectures

 Lets review some of the famous ancient architectures.

 Many of these were built by empires/dynasties through
the years.
1. Mohenjo-Daro
Mohenjo daro is an archaeological site discovered in 1921.
It is part of the famous indus valley civilization and shares
similarities to harappa.
2. Taxila
This archaeological site in taxila provides evidence of how an
ancient civilization branched out from the original indus valley
civilization. Besides that, it depicts the stages of
development influenced by  persia, greece and central asia. It has
some buddhist relics.
3. Shalimar Gardens
Shalimar gardens is a persian garden complex built
by the mughals. It is also a UNESCO protected
world heritage site.
4. Minar e Pakistan
Minar-e-Pakistan was built to commemorate the lahore resolution
on march, 23, 1940. Standing at eight meters tall, the tower was constructed
over the course of eight years.
5. Hiran Minar
Located in Sheikhupura, Hiran Minar is the rumoured
tomb of ‘mansraj‘. A pet deer of the 4th mughal king

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