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Computer System

System Software
• System software is software designed to provide a platform for other
software. Examples of system software include operating systems (OS)
like macOS, Linux, Android and Microsoft Windows.
• System software runs and functions internally with application
software and hardware. Moreover, it works as a linking interface
between a hardware device and the end-user.
• System software helps to generate the user interface and allows the
operating system to interact with the computer hardware.
Application Software
• Application software is a type of computer program that performs a
specific personal, educational, and business function. Each application
is designed to assist end-users in accomplishing a variety of tasks,
which may be related to productivity, creativity, or communication.
Operating System
• The operating system (OS) manages all of the software and hardware
on the computer. It performs basic tasks such as file, memory and
process management, handling input and output, and controlling
peripheral devices such as disk drives and printers.
• Most of the time, there are several different computer programs
running at the same time, and they all need to access your
computer’s central processing unit (CPU), memory and storage. The
operating system coordinates all of this to make sure each program
gets what it needs.
Operating System on devices
• Processor scheduling — determining the order in which processes will be
executed, which allows for multi-tasking
• Handling interrupts — dealing with requests that disrupt the processor's work
• Memory management — recording how memory in the computer is divided
and identified so that memory is allocated efficiently between processes that
are running
• Secondary storage management — tracking where files and programs are
stored and which parts are available for storage, and managing files and
folders based on user permissions.
• Input/output device management — ensuring efficient communication with
devices and managing functionality issues
Operating System on Processing
• When you open a program on a computer, the operating system works
to make sure that all the hardware is processing the right instructions
by finding the data from the secondary storage and loads it into the
main memory.
• A computer with a single processor Core can only carry one process at a
time; however, the OS will use a scheduler to swap tasks in and out of
the processor so that it appears to the user that the computer is
carrying out more than one task at the same time. For example,
allowing you to listen to a music track from an online streaming service
whilst simultaneously using a word processor to complete homework.
This is known as multi-tasking.
Operating System on Users(CLI)
• To allow the user to interact with the computer, an operating system
provides a user interface (UI). There are various forms that a UI can
• A CLI allows the user to interact with the system by typing in specific
commands. There are no graphics or icons that you would commonly
find on devices such as a smartphone or tablet computer; instead the
user enters in text at a command prompt. It is at this prompt that the
user is able to issue commands that are executed by the system.
Operating System on Users(GUI)
• A GUI is the most common form of operating system found on
desktop computers to smartphones. They are considered to be a
user-friendly interface. This is because the user is able to interact
with the icons and menus (using input devices such as a keyboard,
mouse, or touchscreen) without the need to learn the specific
commands required for a command line interface.
• In comparison to other types of user interfaces, as a GUI includes
graphics, there is a requirement for a higher capacity of secondary
storage and RAM.
Operating System on Users(NLI)
• This interface involves the user giving instructions for the computer to
perform using language you would normally use when speaking to
another human being. Unlike the CLI, you don't need to learn specific
• A natural language interface can be text based, but also can be used
with audio commands, such as a home personal assistant ("Hey
assistant, turn on the lights in the kitchen, please")
Operating System on Security
• The operating system supports the security of a device by ensuring that the system
resources are protected from unauthorized access.
• Typically, an operating system will provide the users with the ability to create user
accounts so that only authorized users can access the system.
• Users allocated with admin rights can also allocate other users specific permissions,
such as which files they are able to access and modify. They are also able to allocate
permissions such as the ability to add new users or to install or uninstall software.
• Operating systems often include security specific utility software such as:
• Firewalls
• Anti-malware
• Checks for software updates
• The Copyright, Designs and Patents Act (1988) is legislation that allows an individual
or organization that has created a piece of original work. The owner’s rights cover
the way that the work can be used, e.g. copying, adapting, broadcasting, or lending.
The legislation covers:
• Literary works
• Dramatic works
• Musical works
• Artistic works
• Typographical works
• Sound recordings
• Films
• The Copyright (Computer Programs) Regulations 1992 extended the
Act to cover computer programs.
• Most work is protected by copyright law for 70 years after the death
of the author or composer, although some categories have shorter
protection periods, including broadcasts (50 years) and computer-
generated work (50 years).
• A patent allows an original idea (within certain fields) to be protected.
• A Design rights protects the shape or configuration of a product or
• A trademark protects indications (e.g. a logo) of the commercial
source of a product or service and remain in force as long as they are
actively used or registered
Software Licence
• Developers release software under a license.
• Software users do not own the software, but they are permitted to
use it if they agree to the license terms.
• Free software gives users the freedom to run, study, distribute, and
modify the software. Nearly all open-source software is free software,
but there are exceptions. For example, some open-source software
does not give users the freedom to make a modified version and then
use it privately, meaning it cannot be classified as free software.
Software License
• Software is said to be proprietary if it is non-free, meaning there are
restrictions placed on the user. Examples of these restrictions include:
1. Limiting the number of computers on which the software can be
used (often through the use of activation keys)
2. Specifying types of usage; for example, non-commercial,
educational, or non-profit use
3. Not providing users with the ability to study or modify the source
code (some proprietary software provides access to the source
code, but restricts users from distributing their modifications to the
source code)
Creative Commons
• Computer networks and especially the internet have made it very easy
to share files. Whilst this helps authors who wish to share their work,
it is not good for authors whose work is copied and/or shared illegally.
• Some people think that because something is freely accessible on the
internet, it can be copied legally. However, this is not true. To use
material that is protected by the legislation, you need to have
permission. This may be freely given, or the owner may insist on being
named as the creator or owner of the copyright. A Creative Commons
license allows the owner to be attributed, or choose how others can
share, use, or build on the material.
Creative Commons

Credit must be given to the author for the original

Attribution creation. All Creative Commons licences must include
this restriction.
New work based on the original must carry the same
No derivatives Work cannot be shared with others in adapted form.
The work may not be used for commercial advantage
Non-commercial or monetary compensation for its use.
Embedded System
• An embedded system is a computer system that uses programmed
processors embedded onto a single circuit board. They are often used
as part of a larger device. Embedded systems are designed to carry
out a small number of specific tasks very efficiently.
• As embedded systems are low cost and small they have become
essential in many people's lives.
Embedded System
Embedded System
• Some examples of devices that use embedded systems are:
• Washing machine
• Electronic car systems
• Coffee machine
• Bluetooth Speaker
• Digital microwave
• Watches
• Fitness trackers
• Vacuum robot
Embedded System
• Modern embedded systems usually contain a microcontroller, which consists
of a central processing unit (CPU) to process data, as well as a fixed amount of
RAM and ROM. All the components are on a single printed circuit board.
• Embedded systems use software known as firmware to control the hardware.
Firmware is usually programmed in the factory where the microcontroller is
produced. Unlike software, the user does not directly interact with the
firmware. Assembly language is often used to develop firmware, as it provides
direct control over specific hardware components.
• Most embedded systems solely run the firmware added to the device by the
manufacturer. However, some devices can have their firmware updated by the

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