Mastery Test in English 8

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Mastery Test In English 8

1. What is a data structure that organizes information into rows and columns?
A. Bar Graph B. Line Graph C. Map D. Table

2. What do you call a graph which is useful in showing the proportional

distribution of items that makes up one whole amount that looks like a pie?
A. Bar Graph B. Line Graph C. Pictograph D. Pie Graph

3. What is a research-based method for writing clear and user focused

information, based on the audience's needs and the purpose of the
A. Bar Graph B. Information Map C. Pie Graph D. Table
4. These are used in introducing one’s personal point of view, in a specific time
with his or her own perspective and style about a topic that will complement
the sentence. These words are called _____________________.
A. agreement B. disagreement C. opinion D. opinion marking signals

5. Words like I respect you for that, but…, I know what you are trying to imply,
but…and pardon me, but… express ___________________.
A. agreement B. disagreement C. opinion D. opinion marking signals

6. A denial, contradiction, or a negative statement_________________.

A. agreement B. disagreement C. opinion D. opinion marking signals
7. What do you call a text that combines two or more mode?
A. multitext B. multitasking C. multimodal D. multinational

8. Singing a song is a combination of what modes?

A. linguistic and audio C. visual and audio
B. gestural and audio D. spatial and audio

9. Which is NOT a multimodal text?

A. essay B. picture book C. powerpoint presentation D. vlog

10. Tinay was task to present their group topic in class, she uses a video presentation
and pictures to show it to her class. What modes of multimodal text did she use?
A. audio B. gesture C. language D. space E. visual
11. What multimodal text refers to a performance or event?
A. digital B. live C. paper-based D. transmedia

12. Which among the following is NOT a digital multimodal text?

A. e-books B. film C. social media D. web series

13. What is the form of multimodal text where the story is told delivery
channels is called _______________.
A. digital B. live C. paper-based D. transmedia
DIRECTIONS: Read the following short passages carefully. Circle the letter of
your answer that gives best opinion on the passage.

14. Barangay San Miguel is planning to hold a sportfest to give the residents a
break from their usual everyday activities during quarantine and to promote
camaraderie among them. The sportfest is envisioned to bring people together
and to promote community oneness. It will involve the young, middle aged and
even the senior citizens. There will be games for different age levels.

A. In my opinion, going to the sportfest might add more problem to the

government because we are still observing social distancing.

B. In my opinion, going to the sportfest might cause large number of people to

stay closed together and at least we can relax despite of COVID.
15. Liana told her mother that she was having difficulty with English. Mrs.
Zambales, her mother, advised her to double her efforts in the subject. Liana
added that a number of her classmates were getting low grades in the quizzes,
too. Her mother advised her to talk to the teacher about the problem. But
Liana was hesitant because the teacher might scold her, instead. Mrs. Zambales
reassured her that teachers, in general, want to be help to their students. Liana
said that she would try.

A. I think Mrs. Zambales made the right decision; that will lead her daughter to
study harder and focus on her subject English.

B. I think Mrs. Zambales did not think a right decision for her daughter, she
must lead Liana to be braved to fight over her teacher.
Directions: Determine the best structure in giving opinion by circling the letter
of your answer.


A. I have no doubt that it is the founding anniversary of Puerto Princesa City
and become one of the most awaited events in the city because of the
beautiful costumes that are worn by those who participate.

B. During the parade, participants wear costumes with lots of artificial

balayong in their outfits.

A. It is a tree planting activity that is being participated by not only the citizens
of Puerto Princesa City but also tourists and other environmental advocates.

B. In my view point, it is one of the city government of Puerto Princesa’s means

of conserving the nature and enriching its forest.
18. What does a text often convey?
A. Message B. Negative C. Positive D. Word Choice

19. What are the characteristics of a positive message?

I. Evokes warm feelings III. Uses clear and simple words
II. Provides good news IV. Upsets the reader

20. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of a negative message?

I. Disappoints a reader
II. Tells news that audience does not want to receive
III. Provokes anger
IV. Assertive and straightforward
A. I only B. II only C. III only D. IV only
Fill in the blanks with the correct POSITIVE or NEGATIVE messages to complete
the conversation.
21. Student A: Are you not coming to the party tonight?
Student B: Of course! _________________________.
a. But I can’t find the red one. b. I don’t eat meat. c. I brought my book. d. I
am very excited.

22. Office Clerk 1: Come on! Let’s have chicken adobo for lunch.
Office Clerk 2: Oh! I am a vegetarian. _______________________.
a. But I can’t find the red one. b. I don’t eat meat. c. I brought my book. d. I
am very excited.
23. Which of the following would you NOT find in literal language?
A. Descriptive words C. Similes
B. Direct language D. Exactly what's happening in the story

24. What type of figurative language is being used in, “Life is a rollercoaster”.
A. Alliteration B. Hyperbole C. Metaphor D. Simile

25. I was so hungry that I even ate the plate. What type of figurative language
is used in this sentence?
A) hyperbole C) metaphor
B) simile D) personification
26-27. (Two sentences with positive message)

28-29. (Two Sentences with negative message

30. Write a sentence using 1 Figurative Language

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