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Lab 5

Precipitation of Calcium Phosphate

This lab reinforce CH 6 lecture

Stoichiometry Calculations


• To run a double replacement reaction

• To explore the stoichiometry of a chemical equation

• mass (g) of known to mass (g) of unknown

• To perform a gravimetric analysis

What is stoichiometry?
pronunciation - STOY-KEE-AHM-EH-TREE

Using a balanced chemical equation to calculate

amounts of reactants and products is called

Chemists need a measurement that indicates how successful

a reaction has been.

This measurement is called the percent yield.

Actual Yield
Percent Yield = x 100
Theoretical Yield 3
Lab 5 Stoichiometry Calculations
mass of one to mass of other

For the reaction in Part 1:

CaCl2(aq) + Na3PO4(aq) Ca3(PO4)2(s) + NaCl(aq)

Start here mass(g) unknown?
mass(g) known
moles unknown mass to moles or moles to mass:
moles known
molar mass conversion factor

moles of one to moles of other:

For the reaction in Part 1: mole-mole ratio in the balanced eqn

CaCl2(aq) + Na3PO4(aq) Ca3(PO4)2(s) + NaCl(aq)

mass(g) unknown? mass(g) known
Start here

moles unknown moles known

Part 1 Precipitation Reaction
aks double replacement

• Mass the calcium chloride and record.

• Run the reaction as per the protocol and calculate actual amount of the product you got.
1. Mass of dry empty evaporating dish 1 = -------------- g
2. Mass of evaporating dish 1 and calcium phosphate solid = ---------------- g
(you will know after filtering and evaporating the precipitate)
3. Mass of calcium Phosphate solid = ------------------ g
row 2 - row 1 (this is your actual amount)

• Start with balanced equation for the above reaction

• Use the stoichiometry map , mass of one to mass of other to calculate

theoretical amount of the product. See the previous slide

• Plug the actual and theoretical amount in the % yield formula

% yield of the product calculation:

Amount from experiment

Amount from stoichiometry

g, CaCl2 1 mole CaCl2 ---- mole Ca3(PO4)2 molar mass of Ca3(PO4)2

= ----------- g
1 Molar mass of CaCl2 ----- mole CaCl2 1 mole Ca3(PO4)2
mole ratio in the
balanced eqn

Sometimes, it is common to have more or less than 100%.

Discuss why you got less than 100% or more than 100%? 6
Part 2 Percentage of calcium chloride in the unknown mixture.

• Mass the unknown mixture contains calcium chloride and sodium chloride

• Run the experiment, filter the precipitate, evaporate and calculate mass of the product,
calcium phosphate formed. See the table below
1. Mass of dry empty evaporating dish 2 = -------------- g

2. Mass of evaporating dish 2 and calcium phosphate PPT = ---------------- g

3. Mass of calcium Phosphate precipitate = ------------------ g
(row 2-row 1) use this mass to calculate calcium chloride mass reacted. See slide 5

• Use the stoichiometry steps mass of one to mass of other.

In part 2, you know the product mass. Work backward to calculate mass of CaCl2 reactant

• Finally, calculate % of the reactant CaCl2 in the mixture reacted.

Part 2 Calculate % of calcium chloride in the mixture
The chemical equation for the reaction is same as in part 1

CaCl2(aq) + Na3PO4(aq) Ca3(PO4)2(s) + NaCl(aq) Unbalanced equation

mass(g) unknown?? mass(g) known

Amount of Calcium chloride reacted:

1. Strat with balanced equation:
mass (g) mole mole mass (g)
2. Plan: unknown unknown known known

3. Calculate percent of CaCl2 in the original unknown mixture

% of CaCl2 in the mixture = mass of CaCl2 x 100
mass of original mixture


Real Life Stoichiometry

Airbag Design To determine exact quantity of nitrogen gas

2 NaN3(s)  2 Na(s) + 3 N2(g)

Sodium Nitride

Waste disposal:
Dried precipitate will be disposed of in the solid waste

Rinse the test tubes and dispose into the glass disposal box

Clean equipment used, dry and put them in your drawer

Clean tabletop with bleach

Wash hands with soap and water before leaving


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