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Savitribai Phule Pune University


Online Blood Bank System

Under guidance : Prof. P. Biswas
Presented by :
Chaitrali Desai
Sumedha More
Dakshata Gawandhe
Mayuri Govekar

 The objective of this application is to developing an online Blood Donation Information.

• The Blood Donation Agent is to create an e-formation about the donor and organization
that are related to donating the blood.

• This System is used for maintain whole information about donors,receivers,camps

Aim of Project

 Translating our vision into an action plan, we work on following mission:

• To establish the State –of –Art blood Banks at identified locations with all facilities
for optimism utilization of blood.
• To improve technology systems and processes continuously to ensure accurate
supply of safe blood.
• To Facilitate knowledge sharing continuously amongst all concerned professionals
in this domain of public health by-
• Continuing Medical Education (CME)
• Regional conferences of blood banks
• Publications- Indian journal of Transfusion Medical & Arpan Varta
• VBD organizers meet
• Continuous training of paramedical staff
Required Software Tools

 DreamViewer
 Php
 MySql

Required Hardware
Dell Laptop
Modules Used


FAQ( Frequently Asked Question)

 Admin has the ability to Add, Update, Delete

 These module focuses on the both donors and acceptors
 Maintain donor details
 Maintain Acceptors Details
 A seperate Login form is used for it

 Donor details
 Donar Name
 Phone no
 City
 Blood group
 Donation Date
 Donation Time

 User can create, update, delete


 Index Page
 Login Page
 Campaign
 Donor Signup
 Feedback
 Employee
 Blood
Snapshots of Project
Home Page
Contact us
About us page
Registeration Page
Donation List
Employee List
Campaign Page
Campaign Record
Signup Page

• Blood Camp Management and Reporting.

• Donor Management.
• Donor Test Results Management and Adverse Reaction Data Management.
• Search based on Component ID, Donor Registration ID, Donor Blood Bag Number
and Donor Name.
• Blood Components Management.
• Patient Management System
Future Scope

 We can build our system using the Iterative model. Iteratively we
can add more functionality according to the feedback of Blood Bank

 The aim of BBMS is to create a bridge between the demand and

supply of blood. The main purpose of this BBMS is to bring the
donor and the patient in a common platform. The most important
view point of BBMS is for men and women who are willing to
donate blood to the patients. It should encourage new donors and
retain old donors to donate blood

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