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Order V. Rule 10
• Service of Summon-most important subject of procedural law.
• Consequences: The non-compliance of summon issued to the applicant can result
in dismissal of suit and non-compliance of summons served to defendant can
result in ex-parte proceeding.
• Summons should be served personally to the defendant which has to sign on the
same with an acknowledgment to the effect that summon has been received.
• Provision of Mandatory Nature.
• Exceptions to the general rule.
• If there is some sort of evidence that defendant has received, read and understood
the content of summon, there is no need of sticking to very technical view of
service of summon and it can be considered that summon has been duly served
• Case Law: National Bank of Pakistan v. Home Aid Corporation [PLD 1989 Lah. 213].

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