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Readiness and
Risk Reduction
Disaster Readiness and Risk Reduction

►Basic Concept of Disaster and Disaster

►Factors which underlie to Disasters
►Disasters and Its Effects
Disaster Readiness and
Risk Reduction
Quarter 1
Basic Concept of Disaster and Disaster Risk
Every year, millions of people around the world are affected
by either human-caused or natural disaster.
What is a Disaster?
A dangerous phenomenon, substance,
human activity or condition that may
cause loss of life, injury or other health
impacts, property damage, loss of
livelihoods and service, social and
economic disruption, or environmental.
A serious disruption of the functioning of a
community or a society involving widespread
human, material, economic or environmental
losses and impacts which exceeds the ability
of the affected community or society to cope
using its own resources.
Hazards Disaster
A dangerous phenomenon, A serious disruption of the
substance, human activity or functioning of a community or
condition a society
Hazards Disaster
A dangerous phenomenon, A serious disruption of the
substance, human activity or functioning of a community or
condition a society
Classification of Disasters

►Natural Disasters
►Man-Made Disasters
Natural Disasters
►It is caused by natural forces, such as earthquakes,
typhoon, volcanic eruptions, hurricanes, fires, tornados, and
extreme temperatures.
Man-Made Disasters
►It is caused by man in which major direct
causes are identifiable intentional or non-
intentional human actions.
Man-Made Disasters
1. Technological/Industrial Disasters
Unregulated industrialization and inadequate safety
standards increase the risk for industrial disasters.
Man-Made Disasters
2. Terrorism/Violence
The threat of terrorism has also increased due to the spread of
technologies involving nuclear, biological, and chemical agents
used to develop weapons of mass destruction.
Man-Made Disasters
3. Complex humanitarian emergencies
Large numbers of people are displaced from their homes due to the lack of
personal safety and the disruption of basic infrastructure including food
distribution, water, electricity, and sanitation, or communities are left
stranded and isolated in their own homes unable to access assistance.
“At Risk…”
What do you know
about Disaster
Disaster Risk
►Disaster risk is defined as “the probablity that
a community’s structure or geographic area is
to be damaged or disrupted by the impact of a
particular hazard, on account of its nature,
construction and proximity to a hazardous area.
(ADPC, 2012)
3 Important Elements:
“Disaster is not just a phenomena
of our planet, but it is also can be
induced and its impact transcend
beyond to our imagination”

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