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Quarter 2

Ma’am Nova

• What can you say about the

drug issues in our country?
• Do you agree on how our
government fight the drug
abuse? why it so?
•What was the video all about?
• Are these things happening in our place?
•How do you feel about it?
•Can these crimes can be prevented?
•How can the youth like you be not a victim of this drug?
Most Essential Learning
• Describe the drug scenario in the Philippines (H9S-IIa-14)

 describes the drug scenario in the Philippines (H9S-IIa-
 explains the concept of substance use, misuse, abuse and
dependence (H9S-IIa-15)
In the Philippines, drug use and abuse is a social and
health concern. Poverty has become an increasing cause
for involvement in the illegal drug trade. Foreign drug
syndicates take advantage and exploit the poor and use
promises of “easy money” to entice the people to serve as
couriers and runners.
Substance use and abuse is a growing problem in the Philippines.
According to the International Narcotics Control Board (INCB), an
international drug monitoring agency, the Philippines is listed as one of the
countries in Southeast Asia where drug trafficking is growing in
In the year 2004, an estimated
of 6.7 million drug users in the
Philippines was recorded by the
Dangerous Drug Board (DDB).
The 2008 National Household
Survey on the Nature and Extent of
Drug Abuse in the Philippines’’
conducted by the same agency
revealed that there is downward
trend in the number of drug users
down to 1.7 million users. The
decline may be associated with the
government’s intense efforts in
combating drugs.
•Number of persons
with deprived liberty
(PDL) with drug cases
in the Philippines as of
June 30, 2022, by
The following are the reasons for the successful
decline of drugs in the country.  
 1. Operations conducted by different law
enforcing agencies like the Philippine National
Police (PNP), National Bureau of Investigation
(NBI), Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency
(PDEA), Bureau of Customs and other law
enforcers have helped arrest local and international
drug syndicate members, traffickers, and destroy
secret laboratories and warehouse.  
2. Strict implementation of policies
under the “Dangerous Drug Act of
2002” like the compulsory drug test
for application of driver’s license,
entrance to military service,
application for firearms licensing and
3. Actualization of the Dangerous
Drug Board’s programs and projects
in partnership with other agencies like
the Department of Education (DepEd,
Department of Social Welfare and
Development (DSWD) and other local
government units (LGU) and non-
government organization (NGO). 
Profile of Filipino Drug Users 
        Profile                                                                     Findings 
Ratio of Users (Male to Female)                 10:1 
Mean Age                                                   28years old 
Civil Status                                                                     Single
Employment Status                                           Unemployed 
Educational Attainment                                    High School Graduate
Average Monthly Household Income   Php 16,290.80 
Duration of Drug Use                                           6 years
Residence                                                             Urban Areas 
Nature of Drug use                          Poly-drug use (multiple drug use)
Common Drugs of Abuse Used           Shabu, Marijuana,
Source: “2008 National Household Survey on the Nature and Extent of Drug Abuse in the
CY 2021
             For 2021, a total of sixty-three (63) treatment and rehabilitation
facilities reported to the Treatment and Rehabilitation Admission
Information System (TRAIS). Of this, fifty-eight (58) are residential, and five
(5) are outpatient.
              As culled from these facilities, two thousand seven hundred eight
(2,708) admissions were recorded. Out of this number, two thousand three
hundred seventy-two (2,372) were inpatient with 2,344 (86.55%) new cases
and 28 (1.03%)  readmitted or relapse cases. On the other hand, only  336
cases (12.41%) have availed of outpatient treatment. Some facilities reported
no admissions for the year.
CY 2021
             Comparing with the cases of the previous year, around fourteen
percent (13.54%) increase in admission was noted. The rise in admission
can be attributed to the resumption of operation by the different
rehabilitation centers and the seeming willingness of the PWUDS to
undergo treatment and rehabilitation as evidenced by forty-two percent
(41.54%)  of voluntary submission cases.         
Demographic profile
            The center admissions consist of ninety percent (90.47%) males, around nine
percent (8.83%) females, and one percent (0.70%) LGBT. The ratio of male to female is
10:1 with a computed mean and median age of 33 years old.

The youngest admission for the year under review is 13 years old while the eldest is 66.
Majority of the admissions belong to the 40 years old and above age group with twenty-eight
percent (28.40%) cases.

Fifty-three percent (53.03%) are single and around twenty-five percent (24.74%) are
married, those who have live-in partners comprised seventeen percent (17.43%), and the rest,
about five percent (4.80%) are either widow/er, separated, divorced, or annulled.        
As to educational attainment, twenty-seven percent (27.33%)  have attained high
school level. On second spot are those who have reached college (20.13%)
followed by those who have graduated high school (16.62%).
The average monthly family income is more than fifteen thousand pesos (Php

About the status of employment, those employed (either workers/employees or

businessman and self-employed) comprised sixty-two percent (62.30%) while
unemployed by thirty-two percent (32.05%). Around five percent (4.54%) of the
admission constitute students and almost one percent (0.96%) out-of-school
youth while few (0.11%) were pensioners.
Twenty percent (20.13%) of reported cases are residents of the
National Capital Region while seventeen percent (16.80%) are
from Region III. 

Regarding the age of first use, (41.25%) belong to age 15 to 19

years old. Almost thirty-seven percent (36.60%) admitted to have
taken drugs 2 to 5 times a week while twenty-seven percent
(26.77%) used drugs monthly and nineteen percent (18.91%) on
a weekly basis.
Most Commonly Abused Drugs
  The leading drug of abuse remains to be Methamphetamine Hydrochloride, or
“Shabu” which comprised ninety-two percent (91.80%) of the total admission,
followed by Cannabis (Marijuana) at twenty-six percent (26.29%).
Benzodiazepines is the third drug of choice, and this could be because these are
sedative medication used to address anxiety, insomnia, and seizures, including
certain Covid 19-related mental health problems.
On the other hand “LSD”, which was seen to be an emerging drug in 2020,
occupied the 11th rank this reporting year.
      Mono drug use is still the nature of drug-taking and the routes of
administration are inhalation/sniffing and oral ingestion.
Inhalation/ sniffing

injection transdermal
Absorption through skin

Ways Drugs can enter the body

Concept of Drug
•Drugs are any substances or
chemicals which when taken into
the body either through oral, nasal,
transdermal or intravenous way
have psychological, emotional and
behavioral effects on a person.
Common Concept
of Drug

•Drug Dependence is a cluster of

psychological, behavioral and
cognitive phenomena of variable
intensity in which the use of a
drug takers on a high priority
thereby creating a strong desire to
take the substance.  
Common Concept
of Drug Education 
•Drug Misuse is the
use of a substance
incoherent or
inconsistent with the
prescribe dosage or
frequency of use. 
Common Concept of
Drug Education 

•Drug Abuse is the use of a

substance for non-medical
purpose. Abuse leads to organ
damage like brain damage and
liver damage, addiction and
troubled behavioral patterns. 
Common Concept
of Drug Education 
•Drug Tolerance is the condition of
the body to adopt the effects of
substances to the body thus requiring
an even larger amount of the
substance to experience the same
physiological and mental effect
experiences when taking the smaller
Questions to Ponder

1. What does the news articles all about?

2. Is the number of drug users and pushers decline in the

Philippines because of the government effort about it?
3. Name some steps made by the government to decrease the
number of drug users?
4. Name some agencies that supports the advocacy of the
government against this drug addiction.
5. According to the latest report who among our Filipinos are
prone to illegal use of drugs? Why?
•Group I – The Rappers
- Boys are more prone of using illegal drugs

Group II – The Stars

- Scenario describing the effect of drugs in committing
heinous Crimes (Short skit)

Group III – The Journalists

- How the administration of President Duterte combat this
drug problem in the Philippines – (News casting with

Group IV – The Fliptop Rappers

- Unemployed and poor people usually engage in crime on
drugs and related cases. (Flip Top)
Presentation (Content and Delivery) 40%

Unity and Creativity 40%

Participation 20%

Total 100%
Description Answer

What is your Choice? 1. Smoking should be banned in public places.

2. It is okay for students to use cigarettes and alcohol.

Put a (✓) if you agree on the 3. Advertisements are causing teenagers to try alcoholic
statement below and (×) if you drinks.
disagree. 4. Severe penalties for drug use will stop people from
using drugs.
Write your answer on your
notebook. 5. Parents should be held responsible for their children
who are into drug use.
6. Our law is too easy on teenagers caught using drugs.

7. Illegal drugs users should be sentenced with death

8. Drug distribution must be stopped.
9. Teenagers have easy access in purchasing alcohol and
10. Using illegal drugs is a good leisure.
•1. What is your reaction regarding the Philippine scenario
about illegal drugs?
•2. How will you describe the drug scenario in your community?
School if there is any? At home?
•3. How this drug scenario does affect the Philippines as a
A. Multiple Choice: Read the statements carefully. Choose the best
answer from the options below. Write the letter of your answer on the
separate sheet of paper.

1.Which statement about drug abuse is TRUE?

a. Taking drugs with prescription to the doctor
b. The use of a substance for non-medical purpose
c. The use of substance with correct dosage and
usage for medical purpose
d. The use of a substance incoherent or inconsistent
with the prescribe dosage or frequency of use
2. What law enforcing agencies fight against
a. Department of Agriculture
b. Department of Foreign Affairs
c. Philippine Statistics Authority
d. Philippine Drug Enforcing Agencies
3. What is the reason for the successful decline of drugs in the

a. abuse of power
b. miscommunication of different law enforcement
c. mishandle operation conducted by the law enforcement
d. strict implementation of policies under the “Dangerous
Drug Act of 2002”
4. Which of the following is NOT an
example of commonly abused drugs based
on the 2021 data?
a. Depressants
b. Inhalants
c. Marijuana
d. Shabu
5. Which does NOT belong to the
common concept in drug education?
a. Drug Misuse
b. Drug Tolerance
c. Drug Psychology
d. Drug Dependence
6. What do you call a substance or chemicals
which taken into the body either through nasal,
oral, transdermal or intravenous that can cause
a. Alcohol
b. Drugs
c. Petroleum
d. Water
7. How many drug users are found in the
National Household Survey on the Nature and
Extent of Drug Abuse in the Philippines’’
based on the 2008 result?
a. 6.1 million
b. 6.2 million
c. 6.7 million
d. 6.9 million
8. How many ways by which abused drugs enter
the body?
a. Four
b. One
c. Three
d. Two
9. What is the ratio of drug users from male to
female based on the Survey result of 2008
National Household Survey on the Nature and
Extent of Drug Abuse in the Philippines?
a. 10:6
b. 10:3
c. 10:2
d. 10:1
10. What is the highest educational attainment of
the Filipino drug users based on 2008 National
Household survey?
a. Elementary graduate
b. High School graduate
c. College graduate
d. Master’s Degree
11. Drugs are any substances or chemicals which when taken into
the body either through oral, nasal, transdermal or intravenous.
12. The use of a substance incoherent or inconsistent with the
prescribe dosage or frequency of use is good to our body.
13. Drug abuse leads to organ damage like brain damage and liver
damage, addiction and troubled behavioral patterns.
14. Drug dependence is the condition of the body to adapt the
effects of substances.
15. There are five ways on how drugs can enter to the body.
Extend your Learning

Conduct a research
about the present
status of your
community with
regards to the
involvement on
Get high
with God
not with
Work hard on
your Ambition
NOT on Drug

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