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English for Specific Purpose

Lecturer: Tran Thi Thu, M.A.

Lesson 5:
Application letters (2)
Time allotted: 120 minutes
• (1.17)
I. Application Letters (for a job)
2. Format of a letter of application Introduction
- Show examples that you are Paragraph 1
qualified for the job. Reason(s) for writing
- Do not just TELL the readers that
you are qualified – SHOW them Main Body
by including examples and …………………………
details .Paragraph 2-3-4
Qualifications / Training
Ex: I helped design and upgrade of the / Previous experience/
qualities and skills
CGI logo for Paramount and was Conclusion
formally commended by the Director of ……………………….
Final paragraph
the Marketing
Closing remarks
full name
I. Application Letters (for a job)
2. Format of a letter of application Introduction
Paragraph 1
- Highlight your achievements and Reason(s) for writing
refer to your enclosed resume.
Indicate how your talent can Main Body
make valuable contribution to …………………………
the company. .Paragraph 2-3-4
Qualifications / Training
/ Previous experience/
qualities and skills
Final paragraph
Closing remarks
full name
I. Application Letters (for a job)
3. Useful Language for Letters of Applications
 Reference to experience:
- ...for the last / past year I have been working as…since
…. / for….
-I have had experience of …
-Two years ago I was employed as …
-I worked as …. before …
-As a student, I specialized in…
-I graduated from …. with the degree of …. in…..
I. Application Letters (for a job)
3. Useful Language for Letters of Applications
I. Application Letters (for a job)
3. Useful Language for Letters of Applications
I. Application Letters (for a job)
2. Format of a letter of application Introduction
Paragraph 1
- Request an interview. Let the Reason(s) for writing
reader know how to reach you
by including your phone number Main Body
or email address. …………………………
- End with a statement of goodwill
.Paragraph 2-3-4
Qualifications / Training
/ Previous experience/
qualities and skills
Final paragraph
Closing remarks
full name
I. Application Letters (for a job)
3. Useful Language for Letters of Applications
Closing remarks:
- I would appreciate a reply at your earliest
-Please contact me regarding any queries you may
-I enclose my CV and I would be glad to attend an
interview at any time convenient to you.
-I look forward to hearing form you.
I. Application Letters (for a job)
3. Useful Language for Letters of Applications
Closing remarks:
- I would very much appreciate the opportunity to
meet with you and discuss my candidacy further.
- I look forward to hearing from you soon.
- Thank you for your time and consideration.
- Please take a moment to review my attached CV.

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