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• Submitted By:

• Azka Tahir S/2020.2407

• Tuba Tariq S/2020.2406
• Tanzeela Noor S/2020.2411
• Mam Aqeela

Homework, Assignment,
schedule and kinds
 Objectives
 Definition of home work
 Purpose of home work
 Types of home work
 Tips for assigning and checking home work
 Benefits of home work
 Draw backs of home work
 Home work schedule
 By the end of this session C.Ps could be able to:
 Reflect on their existing practice of assigning
home work.
 Discuss types and purpose of home work.
 Identify different strategies for assigning and
checking home work.
 Develop home work schedule.
Introduction of Homework

Homework is the task given to the students that

have to done after school hours.
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Homework is a set of tasks assigned to students
by their teachers to be completed outside the
classroom. Common homework assignments may
include required reading, a writing or typing
project, mathematical exercises to be completed,
information to be reviewed before a test, or other
skills to be practiced.
What is the purpose of Homework?

 Practice
 Interaction
 Application
 Extension
 Preparation
Purpose of home work:
 Help students prepare for the next day .
 To review concepts to ensure that students are
learning and extending academic performance.
 To complete the day's assignment.
 To assist and improve a student's progress towards
National Standards .
 To extend or make more meaningful concepts
introduced at school.
 To engage students in purposeful practice relevant
to their learning.
Types of home work:
The five major homework types are as follows:
 Practice, which is designed to reinforce skills
information covered in class.
 Preparation which is given to prepare students
to benefit from subsequent lessons.
 Extension which is provided to determine if a
student can extend the concept or skill learned
in class to a new situation.
 Creative which is designed to require
students to integrate many skills and
concepts in producing some project.

 Completion which is a continuation of

assignments stared in class.
Tips for assigning home work:
 Based on clear specific goals and or purposes.
 Do not assign as punishment.
 Ensure that students understand the purpose.
 Make sure that students succeed with their
homework and 'new concepts' should not
be included."
 Regular homework can be assigned for the
sake of learning.
 Parents should be well aware of these
homework expectations.

 Quality, not quantity should be stressed.

 Consider the students' ability.

 Consider the time for homework, it should

be reasonable.
 Homework assignments should always be
Tips for checking home work
 Peer checking
 Involve parents in the process of
assigning homework .
 Develop homework timetable for
your class and set specific time for
checking homework.
 Check homework in your free
 Spare extra time after school time or
before school time
Benefits of home work:
Immediate achievement and learning:
• Better retention of factual knowledge
• Increased understanding
• Better critical thinking, concept formation,
information processing
• Curriculum enrichment
Long-term academic benefits:
• Learning during leisure time
• Improved attitude towards schools
• Better study habits and skills
Drawbacks of home work

 Loss of interest in academic material

 Physical and emotional fatigue
 Denial of access to leisure time and
community activities
 Parental interference
 Pressure to complete assignment and
perform well.
s i gn
i s as
ha t
⚫ The term ASSIGNMENT is quite familiar to the
teacher as well as the pupil.
⚫ Usually any exercise given by the teacher to
the pupil as part of the lesson, or any follow up
work suggested for study is called an
⚫ The principle aim of any education is to teach
the pupil to work on his own responsibility.
⚫ Play a major in the teaching-learning
⚫Assignment is work allotment.
⚫ It is a sort of self-study which
supplements classroom teaching.
⚫The success and effectiveness of
assignment depends upon the amount
of independent.
⚫work done by the students
Guidelines for Preparing Assignments:
 More dictation of question of problems is
not an assignment.
 The assignments should preferably aise
out of the activities, needs and interests
of the students.
 The assignment should be a co- operative
activity in which the teacher and students
taken an active role.
 Weekly assignments are preferable to
daily or monthly ones.
Principles of Assignment Planning:

 It should correlate with previous

knowledge and experience.
 It should motivate the students.
 It should be related to purpose.
 It should challenge not threaten.
 It should provide for individual
 It should be co-operatively made.
Planning Assignments:
 Think analytically
 Analyze a particular patient problem
 Creative yet worth assignments
 Formulate ideas for research

The teacher of Social Science can assign

four types of assignment.

 Preparatory Assignments
 Study Assignments
 Revisional Assignments
 Remedial Assignments

These are meant to prepare the pupils for the

work which is to follow on the next day.


These can be of various types; Problem solving

assignments assignments for making charts,
graphs, tables etc
These assignments are given for..
 Providing drill on what was learn.
 Checking retention and reproduction of
the information related to a topic or unit
studied Checking the understanding of the
ideas of a topic taught
 Assignments need to be worked out in
advance keeping in view the specific
instructional objectives of the subject
matter being tested

These assignments are devised in the light

of pupil's reactions to the three types of
assignments mentioned above.The purpose
of these assignments is to remove weak
points and clear misunderstandings

Assignments, properly planned and executed have

great educational value. They enhance
comprehension and pave the way for further
Assignments may serve the following purposes.
1. Assignments serve pupil needs by facilitating
learning effectively. Assignments make pupils active.

2. Assignments can enable pupils to discover difficulties in

learning and to be find out ways and means to overcome

 Assignments should be challenging, but not threatening.

 Assignments should be interesting and appealing
 Assignments should naturally grow out of the lesson.
 The close connection between the lesson and the
assignments should be quite clear to the pupils.
 Assignment should motivate pupils.
 Assignments should be goal oriented.
 Assignment should be designed and worked out
 Assignment must be specific and definite. They should be
stated in simple and clear language.
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• A list of planned activities or things to be done

showing the times or dates when they are
intended to happen or be done
• A homework timetable is a suggested way for
students to structure their time in order to
complete homework set during the week.
• create a clear flow or direction of the
most immediate tasks that require
• could be for a shorter or longer period of
• have a visual depiction of the
activities/tasks (can be words or pictures
Benefits of schedule:
 A schedule establishes a predictable routine that reduces
stress and improves efficiency.
 It takes decision-making easier, eliminates uncertainties,
and builds healthy to manage your time and energy better.
 It can be a part of productivity planning and goal
Advantages of scheduling
 Allows efficient and timely distribution of
information to relevant users.
 Ensures that heavy querying is not done during
peak hours.
 Minimizes the manual intervention by automating
the processes.
 Enables users to analyze the changes in the data in
Importance of work schedule:
 Scheduling is the art of planning your activities so
that you can achieve your goals and priorities in the
time you have available.
 When it’s done effectively, it helps you: Understand
what you can realistically achieve with your time.
 Make sure you have enough time for essential
Why is the schedule helpful?

• Students know whats coming next

• Keeps student and teacher on track
• Helps to clarify how long a task will
take to complete
• Supports consistency and routine
• Encourages advanced preparation

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