Cyron James

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Cyron James G.

1. What is Philosophy - the term "philosophy"
means, "love of wisdom." In a broad sense,
philosophy is an activity people undertake
when they seek to understand fundamental
truths about themselves, the world in which
they live, and their relationships to the world
and to each other.
2.What are the branches of Philosophy? and give
example each branches.
•Aesthetics - is study of the nature of beauty, art,
and taste, and the creation of personal kinds of
Example: - Among the examples of beautiful objects
are landscapes, sunsets, humans and works of art.
• Epistemology - is the branch of philosophy that
studies the source, nature and validity of
Example: - What is knowledge?", "How is knowledge
• Ethics – study of value and morality.
Example: - A person chooses to return a wallet that
they found on the ground to lost and found rather
than keep it for themselves due to their personal
ethic of honesty.
• Logic – the systematic study of the form of valid
inference and reasoning.
Example: - logic tells us that any statement of the form "If
P then P." is necessarily true. This is a principle of the
second kind that logician study. This principle tells us that
a statement such as "if it is raining, then it is raining"
must be true.
• Metaphysics – concerned with explaining the
fundamental nature of being and the world that
encompasses it.
Example: - What is our place in the universe? What is
consciousness? Does the world really exist?
• Axiology is a branch of philosophy, which deals with the
study of values and value judgments. Therefore axiology is
also called ‘Theory of Value’ which comprises a range of
methods to understanding how, why, and to what extent
humans should value things, whether the thing is a person,
idea, object, or anything else.
Example: -An example of axiology is deciding what
attributes make the best type of scientific researcher. Is it
someone who is impartial or curious or diligent? Or is it a
mixture of multiple attributes?
• Political philosophy or political theory is the
philosophical study of government, addressing
questions about the nature, scope, and legitimacy of
public agents and institutions and the relationships
between them.
Example:- What is the best form of government?
-Natural Law- Divine Right.
3. Importance of Philosophy.
- Philosophy is important because it enhances a person's
problem-solving capacities. It also helps us to analyze
concepts, definitions, arguments, and problems. It
contributes to our capacity to organize ideas and issues, to
deal with questions of value, and to extract what is
essential from large quantities of information. See,
philosophy is something that can be applied to all areas of
our lives and the perspectives we hold.

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