Exam STS

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It refers to a systematic and methodological activity of building and organizing

knowledge about how the universe behaves through observation and
2. It is the application of scientific knowledge, laws, and principles to produce
services, materials, tools, and machines aimed at solving real world problems.
3. It is a system that utilizes word pictures and triangular symbols which are
carved on clay.
4. This calendar is entirely based on the recurrence of lunar phases which
means, the phases of the moons were used to count the 12 months.
5. It is the writing system developed by the Egyptians.
6. They made intensive studies of the human body or
7. He is a citizen of the German town of Mainz who was able
to print books.
8. He discovered the process of Pasteurization.
9. He invented kerosene.
10. He invented the telephone.
___11. According to Albert Einstein, “it is not knowledge if you only derived it
from books, but if you can derive it on numbers, it is considered knowledge.”
___12. Sumerians are known for their high degree of
cooperation with one another and their desire for great things.
___13. The first wheels were not made for transportation but
for farm work and food process.
___14. In order to facilitate faster and easier travel, the
Egyptians developed the first roads.
___15. The world was definitely aware of the day and night system but,
yet again, Sumerians were the first ones to divide the passage of time.
___16. The start of the middle ages was marred by a
massive invasions and migrations.
___17. One important stimulus was the monarchs' growing
demand of coinable precious metals.
___18. The invention of gunpowder and firearms made
mathematical knowledge indispensable.
___19. The Church almost never interfered with technological or scientific
___20. Pasteurization is the process of heating dairy products to
kill the harmful bacteria that allow them to spoil at a slower rate.
___21. In health care, as in other areas, science and technology are
embedded in much broader social and institutional structures.
___22. Since World War II, the United States has sought military
advantage through technological rather than numerical superiority.
___23. In the 1950’s and 1960’s, the defense industry
produced much technology of value to civilian industry.
___24. A major challenge facing the military today is to maintain
technological superiority in the face of declining defense budgets.
___25. Almost all fields of science and technology can
contribute to the reduction of environmental degradation.
___26. The Sing Along System was invented by Louis
___27. Agapito Flores is credited for inventing the modern yo
yo in the 1920s as we know it today.
___28. Agapito Flores discovered the fluorescent lamp.
___29. E-jeepneys, unlike the standard jeepneys, are nature
friendly as they are noiseless and smokeless.
___30. Patis or Fish Sauce is a condiment that is used as a
sweet partner for many Filipino dishes.
31-35. What is the most essential innovation from the middle age? Why do you say so?

36-40. How can you prevent the negative impacts of science and technology?

41-45. As a student, what is your contribution in the field of science and technology

46-50. Which among the Filipino Invention is the most essential? Why do you say so?

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