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Incident Management Console


Updated by: Global Remedy Administration Team

 Upon Completion of this module, you will be able to:
– Access the Remedy Incident Management Console
– Modify settings on-the-fly to change the Console display
– Locate Incident record and Tasks assigned to you or your support group in the

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support console
– View Important information affecting IT in Broadcasts
– View Incidents, Tasks, and other items in the Overview Console
– View incidents created and resolved by the Global Service Desks

Overview Console

– Overview Console displays Incidents, based on settings in Application

– Unlike the Support Console, the Overview Console displays records in a list with
no view of details.

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– Double click on a record to open the record.
– Managers of IT groups (Enterprise Services or Business Systems) that contain
various sub-groups like server teams, Service/Application teams can use
Overview Console as a high-level view of Incident, Problem, Known Error or other
records assigned to all or a sub-set of the groups they manage changing the
Overview Console layout.

Overview Console
This is the home page that appears first.

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Overview Console
You can change Overview layout by adding other content.

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Open Incident Management Console
Pull the Applications tab to expand the fly-over
Select Incident Management Console from the menu.

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Incident Management Console
 From the Console you can:

 View Broadcasts
 View Counts/Console View

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 View Incident records
 Access Quick Actions
 Perform a Quick Search
 Create New Incidents
 Search (Incidents/Tasks)
 Set Application Preferences
 View Details & Tasks


Used to display high impact issues

– Advise of local, regional or global system outages
– Planned Application updates or Server maintenance windows
– Critical issues being reported

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Incident Console Views (Counts)
– When there is a large list of records currently being displayed, you can limit the
view from the drop-down menu.
– This only affects the current display.

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View Incident records
 Select a Record:
– Double click on it.
– Click on the View

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Access Quick Actions
 Select a record and select any Quick Action:
– Assign to Group Member
– Assign to Me
– Incident Closure

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Applications Preferences

Open Application Preferences from Incident Management Console.

You can configure the default home page here, as well as other settings.

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Details and Tasks

Click on Details and Tasks to:

 Display the details from the Incident selected.
 Display Work Info entries (Create/View/Report)

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Details and Tasks

Click on Show Tasks to display the tasks related to the Incident.

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Now that you have completed this module, you should be able to:
Locate Incident or other records assigned to you or your groups
View record details

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Modify items displayed in your console views
View Broadcasts
Change application preferences
View Tasks


1. From the Incident Console, change the list view of displayed Incidents to all open
incidents where you are the assignee.
2. Locate and display the details of a Broadcast announcement about a Virus

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3. Change the list view in the Incident Console to display Incidents closed by your
Support Group.
4. Using a test record, assign an Incident to yourself from the Support Console
(without opening the Incident).
5. Using the same test record and without opening the Incident, assign the Incident
to another member of your Support Group.
6. Create a new Work Info for an Incident in the Support Console (without opening
the Incident).


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