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Design Patterns Introduction

What is a Design Pattern?

 A (Problem, Solution) pair.

 A technique to repeat designer success.

 Borrowed from Civil and Electrical

Engineering domains.
Designer How Patterns are used?
 Design Problem.
 Solution.
 Implementation details.

Reduce gap

Design Implementation

Gamma, E., Helm, R., Johnson, R., Vlissides, J.: Design patterns: elements of reusable
object-oriented software. 1995.

Buschmann, F., Meunier, R., Rohnert, H., Sommerlad, P., Stal, M.: Pattern-oriented
software architecture: a system of patterns. 2002.
Design patterns you have already seen
 Encapsulation (Data Hiding)
 Subclassing (Inheritance)
 Iteration
 Exceptions
Encapsulation pattern
 Problem: Exposed fields are directly
manipulated from outside, leading to
undesirable dependences that prevent
changing the implementation.

 Solution: Hide some components, permitting

only stylized access to the object.
Exception pattern
 Problem: Code is cluttered with error-
handling code.

 Solution: Errors occurring in one part of the

code should often be handled elsewhere. Use
language structures for throwing and catching
Derived Conclusion
 Patterns are Programming language features.

 Programming languages are moving towards


 Many patterns are being implemented in

programming languages.
Pattern Categories
 Creational Patterns concern the process of
object creation.

 Structural Patterns concern with integration

and composition of classes and objects.

 Behavioral Patterns concern with class or

object communication.
What is the addressing Quality
 Modifiability, Exchangeability, Reusability, Extensibility,

What properties these patterns provide?

 More general code for better Reusability.

 Redundant code elimination for better

Design pattern example
Some examples of Design
Template for discussion
 Non-software example.
 Pattern intent.
 Software counterpart example.

Non-software examples are derived from paper

& PPT – “Non-software examples of software
design patterns” (OOPSLA 97).
Facade (Non software example)

Provide a unified
interface to a set
of interfaces in a
Facade (Software counterpart)
Flyweight (Non software example)

Use sharing to
support large
numbers of fine-
grained objects
Flyweight (Software counterpart)

Chain of Responsibility (Non software

Chain the
receiving objects
and pass the
request along the
chain until an
object handles it.
Chain of Responsibility (Software


Login Password Balance

page checking statement
Memento (Non software example)

object’s state so
that object can be
restored to this
state later.
Memento (Software counterpart)
Observer (Non software example)

When an object
changes its state,
all its dependants
are notified.
Observer (Software counterpart)


Adapter (Non software example)

Convert the
interface of a
class into another
Interface clients
Adapter (Software counterpart)

Java Native
Java module C++ module
Interface (JNI)
Builder (Non software example)

Separate the construction

process of a complex object
from its representation so
that the same construction
Process can create different
Builder (Software counterpart)
Compiler process

Lexical Syntax Semantic Intermediate Interpret

analysis analysis analysis code ation

Java Compiler

Java Java Semantic Java byte

Lexer Parser analysis code

Python Compiler

Python Python Semantic Python byte

Lexer Parser analysis code
Iterator (Non software example)

Provide a way to
access the
elements of a set
Iterator (Software counterpart)
Interpreter (Non software example)

Interpreter interprets
the sentences in a
language based
on its grammar.
Interpreter (Software counterpart)

In Gtalk/Yahoo messengers
:-) is interpreted as 
:-( is interpreted as 
Broker (Non software example)
Broker component is
responsible for
between clients and
remote servers.
Broker (Software counterpart)
Publisher-Subscriber (Non software

Publishers register
themselves to a
broker and
subscribers discover
publisher from broker.
Publisher-Subscriber (Software
Forums (e.g. movie forums)
Proxy (Non software example)

Provide a surrogate or
placeholder for
another object to
control access to it.
Proxy (Software counterpart)
Strategy (Non software example)

A Strategy defines a set of algorithms that can be

used interchangeably.
Strategy (Software counterpart)

weapons available to
attack an enemy.
Mediator (Non software example)
Loose coupling
between colleague
objects is achieved by
having colleagues
communicate with the
Mediator, rather than
one another.
 Mediator pattern focuses on providing a
mediator between objects for communication
and help in implementing loose-coupling
between objects.
 Ex: Air traffic controller is a great example of
mediator pattern where the airport control
room works as a mediator for communication
between different flights.
Mediator (Software counterpart)

Gtalk Server
Master-Slave (Non software example)
Master component
distributes work to
identical slave
components and
computes a final
result from the results
when the slaves
 The master-slave pattern is applied for
designing a system if the system involves
similar or identical computations that need to
be performed repeatedly with separate set of
inputs and context.
Master-Slave (Software counterpart)
Movie players High-resolution Game players

Layers (Software example)

Layers structure applications whose dominant

characteristic is a mix of low- and high- level issues.
MVC (Software example)

MVC structures interactive applications.

 The Model View Controller (MVC) design
pattern specifies that an application consist of
a data model, presentation information, and
control information.
Microkernel (Software example)

Microkernel separates the variant and non-variant

parts of a product-line application.
 The microkernel architecture pattern consists
of two types of architecture
components: a core system and plug-in
 Application logic is divided between
independent plug-in modules and the basic
core system, providing extensibility,
flexibility, and isolation of application
features and custom processing logic. 
Figure Microkernel architecture pattern
 The plug-in modules are stand-alone,
independent components that contain
specialized processing, additional features,
and custom code that is meant to enhance or
extend the core system to produce additional
business capabilities.
Microkernel architecture example
Reflection (Software example)

Reflection pattern provides a mechanism for changing

structure and behavior of a system dynamically.
State (Software example)
An object alters its
behavior when its
internal state
Template Method (Software example)
Event handling in Java GUI
components is unimplemented.

Define the skeleton of an

algorithm in an operation,
deferring some steps to
03/14/23 60

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