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1 – Introduction to Information System

An Introduction to Information Systems

Information System:

An information system is a set of interrelated components that collect, manipulate,

store data and disseminate information and provide a feedback mechanism to monitor
Information System

What is an Information System?

An organized combination of people, hardware,

software, communications networks, and data
resources that collects data, transforms it, and
disseminates information.
What is IS?
 IS – a set of interrelated components working together to collect, retrieve,
process, store, and distribute information for the purpose of facilitating
planning, control, coordination, analysis, and decision making in business
 Input-process-output perspective
 People-organization-technology perspective

 Business rely on information system for communication with each other

using variety of hardware with set of software using communication
network and storing data using by people related to those task.
What is IT?
 Information technology (IT) is the use of any computers, storage, networking
and other physical devices, infrastructure and processes to create, process,
store, secure and exchange all forms of electronic data. Typically, IT is used in
the context of enterprise operations as opposed to personal or entertainment
technologies. The commercial use of IT encompasses both computer
technology and telephony.
IT and IS

 What is Information Technology?

 Any form of technology used by people to handle information.
 What are Information Systems?
 Integrated components processing, storing and disseminating information in an
 Interdisciplinary study of systems that provide information to users in organisations.

Pyle, I.C. & Illingworth, V. (Eds) (1996). Oxford Dictionary of Computing, 4 th Edition. Oxford / New York: Oxford University Press
Information Systems vs. Information Technology
 The difference between information systems and information technology is
that information systems incorporates the technology, people and processes
involved with information. Information technology is the design and
implementation of information, or data, within the information system.

 While both information technology and information systems will involve

working with others, IS professionals are typically more integrated in using
technology and other systems to accomplish business objectives. IT
professionals, while serving an important function to the overall organization,
are more focused on the machines and hardware and software systems.
Computer vs Information literacy
Computer vs Information literacy

 Computer literacy:
When you are computer literate, you have a general working knowledge of
computers. You understand what they can be used for. Most people know that they
can type a paper, create a power point and if you have internet access, you may e-
mail and search the World Wide Web for information.
 Information literacy:
When you are information literate, you understand and are able to gather, analyze
and use information gathered from the various types of technological medians –
especially the internet. This person may access the internet, for instance on their
cell phone, iPod, lab tops, and a multitude of medians, some which may have not
yet been realized.
Data versus Information

Data Information
 Raw facts • Data with context
 No context • Processed data
 Numbers and text • Value-added
• Summarized
• Organized
• Analyzed
Data versus Information
• Data is fact or figures in the form of text, number,
audio, video, image,
• Data can be collected by interview, sensors or from
• Data may be or may not be useful to decision maker.
• Data must be processed to become useful.
Data versus Information
• Data when processed and becomes useful for decision maker becomes
• Experience, knowledge, intuition is used to convert data into information and
become useful for decision maker.
• Characteristic of information:
• Subjectivity
• Relevance
• Timeliness
• Accuracy
• Correct Information format
• Completeness
• Accessibility
Data versus Information
• The process of converting Data into Information
• Collection
• Classification
• Sorting, Adding, merging and so on
• Summarizing
• Storing
• Retrieval
• Dissemination
Information System Components

Hardware + Software + Data + User + Network*

* While much of modern computing is done using a network, one is not required (e.g., an accounting system that is
not connected to the Internet).
Types of Information Systems

Operational Information Business Information Specialized Information

System System System

Transaction Processing Management Information Artificial Intelligence (AI)

System (TPS) System (MIS)
• Accounting Geospatial Information
• Finance Decision Support System System (GIS)
• Sales (DSS)
• Marketing
• Human Resources Executive Information
System (EIS)
Why Student should study MIS

• Regardless of area of specialization, must have a solid foundation in theory

and principles of information systems.
• This is information based society and primary output of organizational
workers consists of information and knowledge.
• To understand the complexity and sophistication of managing business.
• To understand the knowledge of computers and information system.
Why organization need information System

• Meeting Global Challenges.

• Capturing Opportunities in the Marketplace.
• Supporting Corporate Strategies.
• Linking Departments whose functions are different.
• Enhancing Worker Productivity.
• Increasing the Quality of Goods and Services.

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