Unit 5 Tree Lect Notes

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• e which organizes data in

Tree is a non-linear data structure
hierarchical structure and this is a recursive definition . OR Tree
data structure is a collection of data (Node) which is organized in
hierarchical structure recursively.
• In tree data structure, every individual element is called as Node.
• In a tree data structure, if we have N number of nodes then we can
have a maximum of N-1 number of links.
1. Root
In a tree data structure, the first node is called as Root Node. Every tree
must have a root node. We can say that the root node is the origin of the
tree data structure. In any tree, there must be only one root node. We
never have multiple root nodes in a tree.

2. Edge
In a tree data structure, the connecting link between any two nodes is
called as EDGE. In a tree with 'N' number of nodes there will be a
maximum of 'N-1' number of edges.
Siblings Terminology
In a tree data structure, nodes which belong to same Parent are called
as SIBLINGS. In simple words, the nodes with the same parent are
called Sibling nodes.

In a tree data structure, the node which does not have a child is called
as LEAF Node. In simple words, a leaf is a node with no child. In a tree data
structure, the leaf nodes are also called as External Nodes. External node is
also a node with no child. In a tree, leaf node is also called as 'Terminal'
Internal Nodes Terminology
In a tree data structure, the node which has at least one child is called
as INTERNAL Node. In simple words, an internal node is a node w ith at
least one child.

In a tree data structure, the total number of children of a node is
called as DEGREE of that Node. In simple words, the Degree of a
node is total
number of children it has. The highest degree of a node among all the
nodes in a tree is called as 'Degree of Tree'
Level Terminology
In a tree data structure, the root node is said to be at Level 0 and the children
of root node are at Level 1 and the children of the nodes which are at Level 1
will be at Level 2 and so on... In simple words, in a tree each step from top to
bo om is called as a Level and the Level count sta s with '0' and incremented
by one at each level (Step).

In a tree data structure, the total number of edges from leaf node to a pa
icular node in the longest path is called as HEIGHT of that Node. In a tree,
height of the root node is said to be height of the tree. In a tree, height of all
leaf nodes is '0'.

In a tree data structure, the total number of egdes from root node to a
pa icular node is called as DEPTH of that Node. depth of the root node is
In a tree data structure, the sequence of Nodes and Edges from one node
to another node is called as PATH between that two Nodes. Length of a
Path is total number of nodes in that path. In below example the path A - B
- E - J has length 4.
Sub Tree Terminology
In a tree data structure, each child from a node forms a subtree
recursively. Every child node w ill form a subtree on its pare
A tree in which every node can have a maximum of two children is called
Binary Tree. In a binary tree, every node can have either 0 children or 1 child
or 2 children but not more than 2 children. There are different types of
binary trees and they are...

Strictly Binary Tree

A binary tree in which every node has either two or zero number of children
is called Strictly Binary Tree Strictly binary tree is also called as Full Binary
Tree or Proper Binary Tree or 2-Tree.
Complete Binary Tree Tree
A binary tree in which every internal node has exactly two children and all
leaf nodes are at same level is called Complete Binary Tree. Complete
binary tree is also called as Pe ect Binary Tree.

Extended Binary Tree :The full binary tree obtained by adding dummy
nodes to a binary tree is called as Extended Binary Tree.
Binary Tree
Representat ions
A binary tree data structure is represented using two methods. Those methods are
as follows...
Array Representation
Linked List

1. Array Representation of Binary Tree

In array representation of a binary tree, we use one-dimensional array (1-D Array)
to represent a binary tree. Consider the above example of a binary tree and it is
represented as follows...

to represent a binary tree of depth 'n' using array representation, we need

one dimensional array w ith a maximum size of 2n + 1.
Binary Tree
Linked ListRepresentations
Representation of Binary Tree
We use a double linked list to represent a binary tree. In a double
linked list, every node consists of three fields. First field for storing le
child address, second for storing actual data and third for storing
right child address.
Binary Tree
In-order Traversal Traversals le root
(Algorithm) Until all nodes right
are traversed −

Step 1 − Recursively traverse le

subtree. Step 2 − Visit root node.
Step 3 − Recursively traverse right root le
subtree. Pre-order Traversal (Algorithm) right
Until all nodes are traversed
− Step 1 − Visit root node.
Step 2 − Recursively traverse le
subtree. Step 3 − Recursively traverse le right
right subtree. Post-order Traversal root
Until all nodes are traversed −

Step 1 − Recursively traverse le

subtree. Step 2 − Recursively traverse
Binary Tree
Displaying (or) visiting order of nodes in a binary tree is called as Binary
Tree Traversal .There are three types of binary tree traversals.
In - Order Traversal ( le Child - root - rightChild )
In In-Order traversal, the root node is visited between the le child and
right child. In this traversal, the le child node is visited first, then the root
node is visited and later we go for visiting the right child node.
In-Order Traversal for above example of binary tree
is I - D - J - B - F - A - G - K - C - H
Binary Tree
Pre - Order TraversalTraversals
( root - le Child - rightChild )
In Pre-Order traversal, the root node is visited before the le child and right
child nodes. In this traversal, the root node is visited first, then its le child
and later its right child.
Pre-Order Traversal for above example binary tree
is A - B - D - I - J - F - C - G - K - H
3. Post - Order Traversal ( le Child - rightChild -
root )
In Post-Order traversal, the root node is visited a er le child and right child.
In this traversal, le child node is visited first, then its right child and then its
root node.
Post-Order Traversal for above example binary tree is
I-J -D-F-B -K-G-H-C– A
Threaded Binary
• Trees
Threaded Binary Tree is also a binary tree in which all le child
pointers that are NULL (in Linked list representation) points to its in-
order predecessor, and all right child pointers that are NULL (in
Linked list representation) points to its in-order successor.
• A. J . Perlis and C. Thornton have proposed new binary tree called "
Threaded Binary Tree", which makes use of NULL pointers to improve its
traversal process. In a threaded binary tree, NULL pointers are replaced
by references of other nodes in the tree. These extra references are
• as threads.
If there is no in-order predecessor or in-order successor, then it points
• to the root node
In-order traversal of above binary tree...
H-D-I-B -E-A-F-J -C-G
Threaded Binary
Binary Search
Binary Search Tree is aTree
binary tree in which every node contains only
smaller values in its le subtree and only larger values in its right subtree.
In a binary search tree, all the nodes in the le subtree of any node
contains smaller values and all the nodes in the right subtree of any node
contains larger values.
e by inse ing the following sequence
Q . Construct a Binary Search Tree
of numbers...
10,12,5,4,20,8,7,15 and 13
Inse ion In Binary Search
Inse function is used to add a new element in a binary search tree at appropriate
location. InseTree
function is to be designed in such a way that, it must node violate
the prope y of binary search tree at each value.
• Allocate the memory for tree.
• Set the data pa to the value and set the le and right pointer of tree, point to
• If the item to be inse ed, will be the first element of the tree, then the le and
right of this node w ill point to NULL .
• Else, check if the item is less than the root element of the tree, if this is true,
then recursively pe orm this operation with the le of the root.
• If this is false, then pe orm this operation recursively with the right sub-tree of
the root.
• Inse (TREE, ITEM) Step 1: IF TREE = NULL
Allocate memory for
Deletion In
Delete (TREE, ITEM)
Step 1: IF TREE =
Write "item not found in the tree" ELSE IF ITEM < TREE - >
DATA Delete(TREE - >
SET TEMP = findLargestNode(TREE - > LEFT)
Delete(TREE - > LEFT, TEMP - > DATA)
Deletion In
The node to be deleted is BST
a leaf

The node to be deleted has only one

Deletion In
The node to be deleted has tw o children
the node which is to be deleted, is replaced with its in-order successor or
predecessor recursively until the node value (to be deleted) is placed on the
leaf of the tree. A er the procedure, replace the node with NULL and free
the allocated space.
The in-order traversal of the tree given below.
6, 25, 30, 50 , 52, 60, 70, 75.
Searching In
Searching means finding or locating some specific element or node within a
data structure.
• Compare the element with the root of the tree.
• If the item is matched then return the location of the node.
• Otherwise check if item is less than the element present on root, if so then
move to the le sub-tree.
• If not, then move to the right sub-tree.
• Repeat this procedure recursively until match
• found. If element is not found then return NULL .
Search (ROOT, ITEM)
• Step 1: IF ROOT -> DATA = ITEM OR ROOT =
Return search(ROOT - > LEFT,
Return search(ROOT - >
• AVL Tree is invented by GM Tree
Adelson - Velsky and EM Landis in 1962.
The tree is named AVL in honour of its inventors.
• AVL Tree can be defined as height balanced binary search tree in
which each node is associated with a balance factor which is
calculated by subtracting the height of its right sub-tree from that of
• its le sub-tree.
Tree is said to be balanced if balance factor of each node is in between -1
to 1, otherwise, the tree will be unbalanced and need to be balanced.
Balance Factor (k) = height (le (k)) - height (right(k))
We pe orm rotation in AVL Rotations
tree only in case if Balance Factor is other than -1,
0 , and 1. There are basically four types of rotations which are as follows:
RR Rotation
When BST becomes unbalanced, due to a node is inse ed into the right
subtree of the right subtree of A, then we pe orm RR rotation, RR rotation
is an anticlockwise rotation, which is applied on the edge below a node
having balance factor -2

In above example, node A has balance factor -2 because a node C is inse ed

in the right subtree of A right subtree. We pe orm the RR rotation on the
edge below A.
LL Rotation Rotations
When BST becomes unbalanced, due to a node is inse ed into the le subtree of
the le subtree of C, then we pe orm LL rotation, LL rotation is clockwise
rotation, which is applied on the edge below a node having balance factor 2.

In above example, node C has balance factor 2 because a node A is inse ed in

the le subtree of C le subtree. We pe orm the LL rotation on the edge
below A.
RL Rotation Rotations
R L rotation= LL rotation + RR rotation, i.e., first LL rotation is pe ormed
on subtree and then RR rotation is pe ormed on full tree, by full tree we
mean the first node from the path of inse ed node whose balance
factor is other than -1, 0, or 1.

LR Rotation
LR rotation = RR rotation + LL rotation, i.e., first RR rotation is pe ormed
on subtree and then LL rotation is pe ormed on full tree, by full tree we
mean the first node from the path of inse ed node whose balance
factor is other than -1, 0, or 1.
Construct an AVL tree having the following
elements H, I, J , B , A, E, C, F, D, G, K, L
Inse H , I,

The resu ltant balance tree

Inse B, A

The resu ltant balance tree

Inse E

a) W e first pe orm RR rotation on node


b) W e first pe orm LL rotation on the

Inse C, F,

a) W e first pe orm LL rotation on node


b) We then pe orm RR rotation on node

Inse G

a) W e first pe orm RR rotation on node

b) We then pe orm LL rotation on node

Inse K
The resultant balanced tree a er RR rotation is Inse
A heap is a complete binary tree , and the binary tree is a tree in which
the node can have utmost two children.
How can w e arrange the nodes in the
Tree? There are two types of the heap:
Min Heap
Min Heap: The value of the parent node should be less than or equal to
either of its children.In other words, the min-heap can be defined as, for
every node i, the value of node i is greater than or equal to its parent value
except the root node. Mathematically, it can be defined as: A[Parent(i)] < =
A [ i]
Max Heap: The value of the parent node is greater than or
equal to its children. Or In other words, the max heap can be
defined as for every node i; the value of node i is less than or
equal to its parent value except the root node.
Mathematically, it can be defined as:
A[Parent(i)] > = A[i]
Inse ion in the Heap
To create thetree
max heap tree using:
44 , 33, 77, 11, 55 , 88 ,
Inse ion in t he Heap
t ree is pe ormed to inse an element in the heap
Inse ion Operation
Inse the new element as a next leaf node from le to
right. Step-02:
Ensure that the tree remains a max heap.
• Check that every non-leaf node contains a greater or
equal value element than its child nodes.
• If there exists any node that does not satisfies the
ordering prope y of max heap, swap the elements.
• Sta checking from a non-leaf node with the highest
index ( bo om to top and right to le ).
Deletion in Heap
When it comes to deleting a node from the heap tree, following two
cases are possible-
Case-01: Deletion Of Last Node-
Just remove / disconnect the last leaf node from the heap
tree. Case-02: Deletion Of Some Other Node-
Deleting a node other than the last node disturbs the heap prope
ies. The steps involved in deleting such a node are-
Delete the desired element from the heap tree.
Pluck the last node and put in place of the deleted
node. Step-02:
Ensure that the tree remains a max heap.
• Check that every non-leaf node contains a greater or equal value
element than its child nodes.
• If there exists any node that does not satisfies the ordering prope y
of max heap, swap the elements.
• Sta checking from a non-leaf node with the highest index (bo om
Delet ion in Heap
Consider the follow ing max
heap- 50 , 30, 20, 15, 10, 8, 16
Delete a node w ith value
50 . Step-02:

We delete the element 50

which is present at root
We pluck the last node 16 and put in place of the deleted
node. The resulting tree is-
Delet ion in Heap
Step-03: Tree
W e ensure that the tree is a max heap.
Node 16 contains greater element in its le child
node. So, we swap node 16 and node 30 .

This is the required max heap a er deleting the node with value
50 .

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