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Rules and Standards of Practice

• Think as part of Schlumberger
• Consider the effect of your actions on other people
• Obey the law, but do not depend solely on it
• Obey moral rules: honesty, fairness, respect
• Before doing something ask yourself:
– 'Would everyone do the same under similar circumstances?'
– 'What if everyone knew I did this?'
• Respect others customs, but not at expense of your own ethics or integrity
• Be an example, communicate, lead
If it feels wrong, it probably is
If in the end something cannot be done ethically do not do it

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FTC Rules and Recommendations
• Familiarise yourself with evacuation procedures
• Your Power-pack must be at all time locked (attached to the table)
• A locker and padlock are available to you (back of classroom #1)
• Pass code for front door is 1111 (specific to Peptec course members)
• Drinks and Food
– There is only one area for food, coffee, etc. downstairs near Reception
– Only water is authorized on the first floor (classrooms)
– Never in computer rooms

• No running
– Running is a hazard, so walk calmly everywhere, especially during emergencies

• Dress Code
– Smart casual during working hours
• No shorts or sleeveless tee shirts
– Think about other cultures / traditions / principles

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Resources for Learning

• Flow Loop Simulator

• Bordes Flow Loop
• On Line Training
– Data sheets also downloadable from web

• Computers
• Laboratory / Workshop / Cutaways
• Library
– Books and Videos
• People
- Tutors, FTC Manager, FTC Staff
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Example of SWT Data Sheet

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Failure Report


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Material Order Form


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Cell Concept
• The corner stone, the key of the Schlumberger field organization is the Cell
– The FE or FT, the crew and the equipment, form the basic organization Cell,
responsible for delivering Schlumberger services at the well site
• Cell must remain flexible to cope with local logistics and activity
– The Cell leader (Field Technician or Field Engineer)
– A variable number of Field Engineers, Technicians, Operators or Helpers
– A maintenance technician (normally shared with other Cells)
– A set of equipment

• The Cell is fully and solely responsible for the quality of services rendered
to the Customer
– Through training of its own personnel
– Supervision of maintenance of its own equipment
– Organization of its own logistics

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• Housekeeping
– Cleaners Tuesday - bathrooms and kitchen only
– Friday - housework, including kitchens, bathrooms and change of bed linen
– Ensure rooms are tidy for these times especially

• Dustbins
– Rubbish collection every day except Thursday & Sunday
– Seal bin bags properly and store outside on pavement

• Laundry
– Washing machines and dryers in each flat.
– Make sure that the window is left open if you are using the drier - this will help
evacuate the condensation.

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Lodging (cont)
• Doors
– You have been issued with a key to the front door and your flat
– Ensure both doors are locked at all times, never leave doors open

• Windows and shutters

– Weather conditions in Pau do not permit us to leave windows open all day long
– Ensure all windows facing the road are shut when you leave the flat, it is recommended for
security to close all windows when not present in flat
• Noise
– Keep noise to a minimum, especially in the entrance and staircase areas

• Maintenance & Safety

– In case of any problem please inform Jean-Raymond (Maintenance) or LPT and your tutor

• Personal belongings
– Avoid leaving valuables or money in any room

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• A copy of the Peptec CD exists on the FTC server

– Only for use when connected to FTC

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Online Training
• Connect Powerpack and login to FTC as trainee
– Username = Reservation Number, eg. 3423
– Password = trainee reservation nb (no spaces), eg. trainee3423
– Password can be changed on first login

• Fill in information form when 1st logged in

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