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I Believe that True Love Is Foreve

Lauren - Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
You just don’t stop loving someone, either you never did,
or you always will. That’s why I believe that love is forever.
Love is a strong word and an even stronger emotion. It can
affect a lot of things in your life if handled the wrong way.
On the other hand, it can be the most wonderful feeling
you’ve ever experienced.
People say that you have to be a certain age to be in love,
I say bologna. It depends on how mature you are and how
you handle stressful situations. Love is not for the feint of
Like most other things in the world it also has rules. You
don’t go out and cheat on the person you love.
Unfortunately, I’ve been in that situation before. Not where I
was the one cheating, but I was the one that was cheated on.
Let me tell you, it’s not a good feeling at all. My
grandparents have been together for 46 years. That’s a long
time to be with one person. Could you be with one person
for that long?
I remember the first time I fell in love. I was in tenth
grade, fifteen years old. His name was Dorian, he was a
senior. Nobody really understood what I felt, but I didn’t
care. I was in love. Even though we broke up, I still have
love for him and we still keep in touch.
Although you are not with someone, doesn’t mean that
you stop loving them. My parents are no longer together, yet
they remain good friends. Loving someone doesn’t
necessarily mean “in love”. You love them as a friend, or a
Statistics show that 4.1% of every thousand new
marriages in America end in divorce. People now a days
either rush into things, or just give up over dumb stuff. Love
should be taken seriously and take things slow.
I believe that if you want it bad enough, and you care and
love this person, you can work through just about anything,
with a few exceptions. If they had a love affair, or if they are
abusive, then let them go. Things like that are not worth it
because obviously they don’t love you as much as they
claim to.
Love is one of the strongest things you can feel in your
whole life. You are truly blessed if you have people in your
life that love you. Parents, friends, spouses, the love you feel
for someone is a strong feeling and should be taken
seriously and with care. Hearts are fragile things, handle
with love and care.

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