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Lesson 2
Affixes are letters or
syllables added before or
after a word. By adding
affixes, the meaning of
the word changes.
Read a short story
One Saturday morning, my neighbor
unrolled her garden hose.I saw my chance
and steered for the hose, hoping it would
slow me down. The hose stopped the wheels
of my skates, and I fell on the grass. My
mother was watching me.. As I untied my
shoe laces, I yelled” Mom I’m unhurt” she
called out, “ You’re also unwise my son”
Word Base Word Prefix Used

unrolled rolled -un

unhurt Hurt -un

unwise wise -un

Prefixes are letters that are
added to the beginning of a
Read the words below. Then, identify the base word and
the prefix used in each item.
Word Base Word Prefix Used
Affixes refer to letters and/or
syllables added at the
beginning or
at the end of the base word.
The meaning of the base
word changes
when affixes are added to it.
Identify the word/s in each sentence that has affixes. Write your
answers in your notebook.
1. Jane misunderstood me.
2. Shane will rewrite the song in her
3. My teacher is Mam Arlene.
4.Loud and harsh languages are
5 .We have to recycle this trashes
Find the meaning of a word with
2. disapprove
3. speechless
Lesson 2
day 2
Affixes are classified
into two: the prefix
and the suffix.
Prefixes are placed
before the word
Prefix song
Examples of words with the prefix
Write the word with the correct prefixes
Write the word with the correct prefixes
Write the word with the correct prefixes
Choose the correct prefix
1.( Re, Un) write your assignments which
were wet by the rain.
2.Parents give their children (un,-re)
dying support
3.They will ( un, re) construct the old
4.( Un,-Re) birth means a new beginning.
List 10 words with
prefixes dis, un, non,
re, im, and in.
Day 3
Affixes refer to letters and/or
syllables added at the
beginning or
at the end of the base word.
The meaning of the base
word changes
when affixes are added to it.
Read the short story

Plants and Trees

Plants and trees are useful to us. Some trees
give us fruits. Some plants have leaves that
are good to eat. Many plants and trees have
beautiful flowers. Trees gives also bountiful
fruit. Plants and trees are important to animals
too. Some animals eat grass. Birds make their
nests in trees. We should take care also plants
because they are important to us.
Word Rootword/ Suffix
Base word

1. useful use -ful

2. beautiful beauty -ful
3. bountiful bounty -ful
Suffixes are letters
added to the end of
a word
Read the words below. Then, identify the base word and
the affix used in each item.
Word Base Word Suffix Used
1. patterned
2. jobless
3. colorful
4. dangerous
5. designer
6. bravely
7. slowly
Add suffix er, ous, less and ful to the word
and write the newly formed word.
Identify the word/s in each sentence that has affixes. Write your answers in your notebook

1. Next time, you have to be

2.Everyone believed that it was
3. This is a very colorful project.
4.This is the most beautiful park
in the city
In each item, identify/supply the correct suffix and the new word formed.
Do this in your notebook.
1. life + __________ = __________ (dead)
2. teach + __________ = __________ (one who teaches)
3. power + __________ = __________ (having great power)
4. child + __________ = __________ (somewhat like a child)
5. beauty + __________ = __________ (good-looking)
6. care + __________ = __________ (avoiding danger)
Write the correct sentence for each
1. impatient
2. dishonest
Day 4
Affixes are classified into
two: the prefix and the
suffix. Prefixes are placed
before the word while
suffixes are placed at the
end of a word
Read the story and underline the
prefixes and suffixes and write
them down
The Lion and the Mouse
Once upon a time there lived a lion and a mouse.
One hot summer day the lion was very tired and
was sleeping under a tree. A playful little mouse
started to play all over him. He disturbed the lion
and he woke up growling. He angrily caught the
mouse and was going to kill him. The mouse was
terrified. He begged the lion for forgiveness. The lion
took pity on him and hesitantly let him go.
The mouse was grateful and decided not to do it
After some days, the lion was in danger. Unluckily,
he was caught in a net and was helpless. The
mouse recalled how the lion had let him go. He
didn’t want to be ungrateful, so he decided to help
him. Before the hunter came, the mouse quickly cut
the net with his sharp teeth and freed him. The
lion was relieved that he escaped from being killed.
He was extremely grateful to the little mouse
and thanked him. The mouse was glad that he was
able to be helpful and return the favour. They
both became friends and lived happily.
Write each word into a proper column
careful grateful hesistantly
angrily playful unluckily
ungrateful helpless happily
quickly extremely impatient
Word with prefix Word with Suffix
Encircle the correct answer.
1.She came in a very ( beautiful,
beautic ) gown.
2.The child smiled ( cheery, cheerfully).
3.I had a ( fearful, fearlic) experience.
4.Mother Mary is ( merciless, merciful).
5.We should be ( careful, careless) in
everything we say and do.
Choose the correct suffix or prefix to complete the sentences below.
1.The old man spoke so ( sad)______ about his life that I
began to cry. (-ness,-ly)
2. When couples do not communicate their feelings to each
other,__understanding is often the result ( -un , -mis)
3.Peter was fired from his job because of his poor
performance and ____proper conduct (non, im)
4.Some adults act more like children than grown ups. They
are very_____mature. ( il, -im)
5.He never listens to his parents. He___ obeys them all the
time ( -im –dis)
6. She is not very warm with people. In fact , she is
rather____friendly (dis,-un)
Write a word with –ful or –less to complete each sentence
1. I am__________( full of thanks)to have such a
loving family.
2. I saw a_________ ( without a home) puppy last
night around my town
3. Carla, you look ______________ ( full of beauty)
in that dress
4. Did you see a ________(full of color) Rainbow in
the sky
5. The squirrels in the backyard are_____(without
Day 5
Write a single word with dis- or un- to complete each sentence.
1. My shoe is ____________________.(not tied)
2. Carl ________________________ with Paul.
(does not agree)
3. Abby is ____________________ to beat me in the
video game.(not able)
4. Will ________________________ his parents.
(does not obey)
5. Mrs. Wu said she does not want
________________________ homework handed in.
(not finished)
Choose the correct prefix. Write the letter of the correct
1.____locate- shift out of place.
A. un B. dis C. il
2.____connect-to unbreak connection
A. un B. dis C. mis
3.____sense- no sense
A. non B. dis C. im
4.____regard-means to ignore
A. dis B. non C. im
A. dis B. un C. non

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