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1) Digital block diagram of Computer

2)Algorithm & Flowchart definition
3) Draw Flowchart and write algorithm
4)Ethics & IT policy in company
5) Programming Cycle of Python
6)Operators in details
7)Strings Slicing based questions
8)Type Conversion(Type-Casting)
9)Compare between Compiler & Interpreter.
1)Difference between break & continue
2)Programs of pattern based
3)programs of factorial using for loop and while
4)programs of palindrome , prime no, reverse of
number using recursion, sum of digits, perfect no
5)WAP to take input marks of 5 subjects &
calculate avg,% of marks and decide the grade .
6)Wap to print following series 1,2,3,4,5,6,8,9,10
1) Lambda Function
2)Write all syntax for importing module
3)Recursion and program of factorial and Fibonacci series , calculate sum of digits
4)Arguments and its types
5)Difference between global & local variable(scope rules)
6)Explain—Map,Filter & Reduce Function
7) Explain Namespace and garbage collection
8)Write about return statements
a)append() & Insert() method
2)Define packing & Unpacking
3)List Comprehension with example
4)Compare List & Tuples, Sets & Dictionary
5)What do you known by sequences?
1)Define file handling and perform read,write &close
operation in text files.
2)Discuss Exception & Assertion.Write 5 built-in exception
3) example of try..except..finally program
4)Discuss exception handling with example.
5)A file name student.txt contain marks of students,WAP to
read marks from student.txt and save as even mark to even.txt
and odd marks to odd marks txt

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