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What is culture and why study it?

How do culture differ?

Do the Big Five exist in other countries?


Challenges & Future Directions


Ethnocentrism Exaggerating Differences


Judging another culture from the point of view of your own
Challenges Divisions of Culture are somewhat arbitrary
Implies all people of the same country are the same

“Canadians are hardy” …but some are total babies

Reason 1: Trying to find differences

Reason 2: Poor statistical validity (Effect size!)

Exaggerating Differences
Reason 3: Outgroup Homogeneity Bias
People perceive more individual differences within their own culture,
and everyone else looks the same

What is a Californian like?

Future Directions

Personality Culture

Within Culture Changes Causal Flow

Future Directions Culture isn’t unchanged

Increasing Individualism

Within Culture Changes

Increasing Extraversion
(Western University Students)

Corporate Culture Consultant

Future Directions
Essentially no research
(It would be really really hard)

Personality Culture Personality Culture

Causal Flow people have impact

Micro-level Macro-level

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