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What is culture and why study it?

How do culture differ?

Do the Big Five exist in other countries?


Challenges & Future Directions

What is culture?

Culture – Psychological aspects of groups

Languages, Modes of thinking, Values, Norms, Ethnicity

Usually typological approaches are taken to culture

What is culture

Culture – Psychological aspects of groups

So much more than country of origin

Transportation Sports Universities Psychologists

What is culture?

How do you get cultured?

Enculturation Acculturation
Why Study Culture?

International Understanding External Validity

Understanding Whole Persons

Why Study Culture?
Rooms available

No rooms available
International Understanding

Unattended Children Embarrassing Criminal

Why Study Culture?

Running A Red
Why Study Culture?
80% of participants
External Validity Democratic

Representing only 12% of people

We are getting better, but slowly

Why Study Culture?

Experience of the world

Understanding Whole Persons Cultural Lens

Interpreting Behavior
Why Study Culture?

International Understanding External Validity

Understanding Whole Persons

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