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Muhammad Zubair
Roll No: MBOTM-o46
1st Semester

Topic Name
Causes and Effects of Drought
Causes and effects of Drought
Causes of Drought
 Land and water temperatures cause drought
 Deforestation and soil degradation
 Less Rainfall cause Drought
 Excess water demands cause Drought
 Global warming
Land and water temperatures cause drought
 As overall temperatures increase more water evaporates and severe weather
conditions increase.
 Landscapes and crops need more water to survive and overall the demand for
water increases.
 You might be using more water or less water depending on weather
Excess water demands
 Drought can also result because of an imbalance in the supply and demand
of water.
 water is required to sustain the human race as well as the agricultural
 Surface temperatures rise, more water is needed and less is available
which contributes to a more severe drought
Deforestation of trees
 Trees and plants are important as they release moisture to the atmosphere,
resulting in clouds forming and rainfall falling, returning the moisture to the
 Unfortunately, the human race is the best at destroying these natural
resources. As a result, soil dries out faster, inducing agricultural droughts
Less Rainfall causes of Drought
 When rainfall is less than normal for a period of weeks to years,
stream flows decline, water levels in lakes and reservoirs fall, and the
depth to water in wells increases which is cause of drought.
Global warming
 A Global warming is mostly associated with human activity such as releasing
greenhouse gases which cause a trapping effect, causing global
temperatures to rise
 With increased temperatures, water from rivers, streams, lakes and other
bodies of water will continue to evaporate
Effects of Drought
 Lack of drinking water for livestock and wild life
 Migration of People
 Lower water level in reservoirs, lacks and pounds
 Reduce soil quality increase quantity of dust
 Death of vegetation and trees
Effects of drought on crops production
 Reduce photosynthesis rate
 Due to this metabolic reaction decrease
 Due to drought nutrition rate decrease
 Due drought growth rate decrease
 Reproduction and yield also decrease
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