Leave Rules

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With new attendance system introduced by Mobily, as discussed, please follow new rules for compensation.

As you know, you should have 40 hours per week, or 32 hours in weekdays + 4 hour in weekend.
4G team can join weekend shift again but they have to handle other technology as well. So every weekend day
we should have two engineers only handling 3 technologies.
 Please review and comply below new rules for compensation
1.Only Engineers who can handle two technologies, are allowed to attend the weekend shift (2G/LTE and 3G/LTE)
2.During Compensation, each Eng. Will have a Backup Eng/s who will take his tasks as per below Table.
Compensation must be taken in the next immediate week of the weekend shift

(to maintain 36 hours per week). The Two Engineers to agree which days they want , and both must not take the same day.
3.All pending Short term tasks or regular reports/Tasks including and not limited to : WPC , MPFR , Weekly capacity, IPPM ,
4.must be finished before taking the compensation if compensation will delay it.
5.For old compensation credit days , you can keep it for your annual vacations (internal before/after travel) if you want to use them
6. if not you can plan it and send your plan to TLs before at least one week , CC me for approve.
7.@Mohammed Ghazzawi will keep a tracker as well to manage all compensations.
8.You can’t take two or more consecutive compensation days without special approval.
9.You can keep max of 3 days compensations as a new credit, two to be used with annual vacation and one for emergency.
10.No half days compensations are allowed.
11.Sick leaves should not exceed 5 days a year. So we remaining months. No more than 2 are allowed. Also, tracker sheet
sheet should include sick leave history.
12.Emergency leave, should be from compensation.

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