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SM Presentation

Rao Muhammad Raheel

Regis No.20202874

Role of IT in the Development of Business strategy

Business Strategy
• Business strategy refers to a set of long-term plans, decisions, and actions that an
organization takes to achieve its goals and objectives. It involves analysing the
organization's current situation, identifying opportunities and challenges in the
external environment, and then formulating a plan to achieve its desired outcomes. A
business strategy typically includes elements such as identifying the target market,
assessing the competition, creating a unique value proposition, determining pricing
and distribution channels, and allocating resources to achieve the desired outcomes.
Business strategy is critical to the success of any organization as it helps align the
organization's resources and capabilities with its goals and objectives, and enables it
to adapt to changing market conditions.
Certainly! Information technology (IT) can be used in various ways to support the
development of business strategy. Here are some common examples

• Data analysis: IT can be used to collect, store, and analyse large amounts of data, such as customer data, market trends, and
sales figures. This information can help businesses to identify patterns and trends that can inform their strategic decision-
• Communication and collaboration: (Zoom Online Meeting)IT can facilitate communication and collaboration between teams
and departments within a business, as well as with external stakeholders such as suppliers and customers. This can help to
ensure that everyone is working towards the same strategic goals.
• Market research:(Iqvia) IT can be used to conduct market research, such as online surveys and social media analysis. This can
help businesses to understand customer needs and preferences, as well as identify new market opportunities.
• Automation: IT can be used to automate routine tasks, such as data entry and processing, freeing up employees to focus on
higher-level strategic tasks.
• Customer engagement: IT can be used to engage with customers in new and innovative ways, such as through social media
and mobile apps. This can help businesses to build stronger customer relationships and gain valuable feedback.
• Competitive analysis: IT can be used to monitor competitors and their activities, such as through web analytics and social
media monitoring. This can help businesses to stay ahead of the competition and adjust their strategy accordingly
IT uses for Budgeting and forecasting and predict the future events

• In many Companies they used ERP Softwear to check the future demand and trends and develop their
strategies accordingly
• Uses ERP Softwear for the customer review and satisfaction survey to ensure the satisfaction of customer
and if customer is not satisfied try to develop strategies and modify product which can fulfil customer
• By using ERP Softwear companies will be in touch with the supplier in this way they will not in a short
supply and provide services in a better way
• Companies uses IT Softwear to know the competitors development and strategies and try to keep himself
in the market by innovation
• Socially helps to save planet use paper free environment save money and also save the planet to decrease
the Cut of tree and with the increase in IT people will be more informed and prefer the company who is
more socially responsible try to decrease electricity usage and recycle waste
These are just a few examples of how IT can be used to support the development of
business strategy

• Cloud computing: Cloud computing provides businesses with access to scalable and flexible IT resources, such as storage and
computing power, without the need for expensive on-premise infrastructure. This can help businesses to reduce costs and
improve efficiency, allowing them to focus on strategic initiatives.
• Business intelligence (BI) tools:(GPT) BI tools allow businesses to analyse and visualize data in real-time, providing valuable
insights that can inform strategic decision-making. BI tools can help businesses to identify trends, opportunities, and potential
risks, allowing them to make more informed and effective decisions.
• E-commerce:(provide services all over the world and exposure) E-commerce platforms enable businesses to sell products and
services online, reaching a wider audience and opening up new revenue streams. E-commerce can help businesses to expand
their customer base, increase sales, and improve customer engagement.
• Mobile technologies: Mobile technologies such as smartphones and tablets have revolutionized the way that businesses
operate, enabling employees to work from anywhere at any time. Mobile technologies can improve productivity, streamline
processes, and enhance communication and collaboration.
• Customer relationship management (CRM) systems: CRM systems provide businesses with a centralized platform for managing
customer interactions and relationships. CRM systems can help businesses to personalize their customer interactions, improve
customer retention, and identify new sales opportunities
Certainly! Here are a few examples of how businesses are using IT in their strategies,
and the benefits that they are seeing

• Amazon: Amazon is a prime example of a company that has leveraged IT to support its business strategy. Through
the use of sophisticated algorithms and data analysis tools, Amazon has been able to personalize its
recommendations to customers, drive sales, and improve customer Starbucks: Starbucks uses IT to personalize its
customer interactions and improve customer engagement. Its mobile app allows customers to place orders and pay
for their drinks, enabling Starbucks to track customer preferences and offer personalized recommendations.
Starbucks has also leveraged IT to streamline its supply chain, improving its efficiency and reducing waste.
• Uber: Uber has disrupted the transportation industry through the use of IT. Its mobile app enables customers to
easily request rides and track their drivers, while its sophisticated routing algorithms optimize driver routes and
reduce wait times. Uber's use of IT has also enabled it to offer dynamic pricing, improving its revenue streams and
customer satisfaction.
• Zara: Zara, a fashion retailer, has used IT to transform its supply chain and improve its speed to market. Its advanced
data analytics tools enable it to quickly identify fashion trends and respond with new products, while its fast fashion
model enables it to rapidly produce and distribute new products to stores. Zara's use of IT has also enabled it to
reduce inventory levels and improve its operational efficiency

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