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• What is organizing?
• “organizing in a general sense
• means systematic arrangement of
• activities”
• Organizing follows “planning”
Organizing in
Organizing in management refers to the relationship between people,
work and resources used to achieve the common objectives

All Organizations have a management structure that determines the

relationships b/w functions and positions and subdivides and delegates
roles, responsibilities and authority to carry out defined tasks.
Organizational Chart
It is a diagrammatic
representation of
organization structure
show how jobs are linked
with departments and
how departments are
interlinked with each
Organization chart can be
studied Vertically and
Span of control means the
number of individuals a
person is responsible for
A wide span of control
indicates that many people
are reporting to a manager
A narrow span of control
Span of Control
Tall organization. Flat organization .
Manager oversees “few” Manager oversees “large”
subordinates. number of subordinates.
better communication. Less overhead cost.
1. Managerial abilities
When managers are capable, qualified and experienced, wide span
control is always helpful to control more number of employees.
2.Competence of subordinates
Where the subordinates are capable and competent and understanding
levels are proper, the subordinates tend to very frequently visit the
superiors for solving their problems. In such cases, the manager can
handle large number of employees. Hence, wide span is suitable.
3. Delegation of authority

When the work is delegated to lower levels in an efficient

and proper way, confusions are less and congeniality of the
environment can be maintained. In such cases wide span of
control is suitable and the supervisors can manage and
control large number of sub-ordinates at one time.
4. Nature of work
If the work is of repetitive nature, wide span of supervision
is more helpful. On the other hand, if work requires mental
skill or craftsmanship, tight control and supervision is
required in which narrow span is more helpful.
Centralization / Tall
• Large, complex organizations often
require a taller hierarchy.
• In its simplest form, a tall structure
results in one long chain of command
similar to the military.
• As an organization grows, the
number of management levels
increases and the structure grows
• In a tall structure, managers form
many ranks and each has a small area
of control.
Decentralization / Flat Structures

• Flat structures have fewer

management levels, with each level
controlling a broad area or group.
• Flat organizations focus on
empowering employees rather than
adhering to the chain of command.
• By encouraging autonomy and self-
direction, flat structures attempt to tap
into employees’ creative talents and to
solve problems by collaboration.

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