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Pronoun is a word that substitutes a
noun or noun phrase used to prevent
repetition of the noun to which they
refer. A pronoun usually refers to
something already mentioned in a
sentence or piece of text
Personal Pronoun (kata ganti orang)
1. Subject : I, you, they, we, she, he, it
Example: I go to supermarket
You are my best friend.
2. Object: me, you, them, us, her, his, it
Example: she told me about this place
I teach them english
3. Possessive Adjective: my, your, their, our, her, his, it
Example: their son is crying (sebagai subject)
I want to raise her cat (sebagai object)
4. Possessive Pronouns: mine, yours, theirs, our, her, his
Example: mine is broken
This pen is yours, not ours
This is mine book (singular)
These are mine books (plural)
Reflexive Pronoun Reflexive Pronoun

Singular: Myself, Yourself, Herself (pr), Himself (lk), It Self

Plural: yourSelves, ourSelves, ThemSelves
Example: you have to take care of yourself
I make the birthday cake myself
She wants to buy herself an iphone
Demonstrative pronoun
This: used to indicate something that is close, can be touched and held
Example: This is my phone (ini ponselku)
These: used to indicate something that is close, can be touched and held and
that is more than one/plural.
Example: These are my phones (ini ponselku)
That: used to point to something that is far away, cannot be touched and
Example: That is my car (itu mobil saya)
Those: Use to point to something that is far away, cannot be touched and held
is more than one/plural.
Example: Those are my cars (itu mobil saya)
Relative pronoun
Kata penghubung “YANG”
Who/ whom : person
Example : they boy who is watching tv is my brother
The children whom you met last night is playing violin

Which : Thing
Example: my house wich i bought last month has a lange backyard
Whose : person & thing
Example: Atta halilintar whose wife Aurel hermansyah is owner AHHA store
This is the book whose cover is white

That: bisa mengganti who, whom, which tapi tidak dengan whose
Example: linda wore the shoes that she bought in America (which)
Indefinite Pronoun

Jika ingin membicarakan sesuatu tapi kita tidak tahu pasti/ tidak
Orang : someone, everyone, anyone, no one, somebody, etc
Benda: something, everything, anything etc
tempat: somewhere, everywhere, anywhere etc
Jumlah (benda/orang): any, some, many etc
Example: someone knocks on the door
i want to buy something for my mom in her birthday
Interrogative Pronoun
What: untuk menanyak sesuatu informasi orang atau benda
Example: What are you Christin?
What is the box? It looks like someone inside!
Wich: untuk menanyakan pilihan
Example: wich color do you want?
Wich one do you prefer for lunch laura? Fried rice or meatball?
Who: untuk menanyakan orang / subject
Example: who is that girl?
Who made this chocolate cake laura?
Whom: untuk menanyakan orang sebagai subject
Example: for whom did your mom make this cake?
Possesive Pronouns
Mine (milik ku)
Example: Do you find any red pen here? It is mine.

Yours (milikmu)
Example: Hmmm, that car look new and expensive, is it yours? 

Theirs (milik mereka)

Example: All passengers have red caps, when they drop off the bus, they were theirs.

Ours (milik kami)

Example: I think, all these gold are ours, aren’t they?

Hers (milik pr)

Example: Some bags put on glass box. Are they hers? 

His (milik lk)

Example: Is it His?

Its (milik itu)

Example: Ronald find some nails on the floor of a porcupine’s cage. I think they are Its.
Reciprocal Pronoun

Adanya subject yang terlibat saling melakukan aktifitas yang sama

Each other: untuk 2 subject saja
Example: yaya and bunga helped each other
One another : lebih dari 2
Example: laura, alex and jimmy are talking to one another in the park

Pronouns or pronouns are words that are used to replace

people or things. There are 5 types of personal pronouns,
namely those that function as subjects (subject pronouns), as
objects (object pronouns), as adjectives (possessive
adjectives), to express possession (possessive pronouns), and
to express self-reflection (reflexive or reciprocal pronouns).

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