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• Measures of Central
• Measures of Relative
• Measures of Ms. Brianne C. Jimenez, LPT, MAEd
MATM 111 Instructor
Measures of Central Tendency
The purpose of the measures of central tendency is to
describe a whole set of data with a single value that
represents the center or average of the distribution.
To put in other words, it is a way to describe or
summarize the given data set.
It condenses the data to one representative value,
which is useful when you are working with large
amounts of data.
The mean by definition is the sum of all the values in the
observation or a dataset divided by the total number of
observations. This is also known as the arithmetic average.
The median is considered as the physical middle point in a
distribution because it is located at the center position when
the values are arranged in ascending or descending order.
The mode is the most commonly occurring value in a

Mode can be unimodal, bimodal, trimodal

In some particular cases, the distribution may have
or multimodal.
no mode at all (if all values are different).
The scores of the Grade 12 students in
a 50-item quiz in Mathematics are
shown below. Find the mean, median
and mode of their scores.
33, 18, 44, 40, 29, 33, 25, 39, 19,
40, 33, 45, 24
33, 18, 44, 40, 29, 33, 25, 39, 19, 40, 33, 45, 24
Arrange the given set of data in an ascending order:
18, 19, 24, 25, 29, 33, 33, 33, 39, 40, 40, 44, 45

• Mean • Median • Mode

Identify the
most frequent
number in the
given data set.

Type of mode:
The ages of children with disability
who likes to use computer as a tool in
learning are shown below. Calculate the
mean, median and mode of their ages.
7, 14, 10, 3, 13, 8, 15,
13, 14, 16, 6, 9
7, 14, 10, 3, 13, 8, 15, 13, 14, 16, 6, 9
Arrange the given set of data in an ascending order:
3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 13, 13, 14, 14, 15, 16
• Median
• Mean • Mode
Identify the
most frequent
number in the
given data set.

Type of mode:
Measures of Relative Location
In research, it is helpful to group
subjects into several equal parts when
presenting or analyzing data set. In
such cases, we are using the measures
of relative location such as quartiles,
deciles and percentiles.
QUARTILE - A measure of
position that divides the data into
4 equal parts.
DECILE - A measure of
position that divides the data into
10 equal parts.
PERCENTILE - A measure of
position that divides the data into
100 equal parts.
Q2 = D5 =P50 = MEDIAN
Formula for the location:
Quartiles Deciles Percentiles


ALWAYS ROUND UP or +1 (to whole
Given the ages of irregular
students in a university. The ages
are: 21, 19, 21, 20, 18, 25, 23, 18, 29,
17 and 26.
Find Q2, Q3, D7, D4, P88 and P100
Arrange the given set of data in an ascending order:
17, 18, 18, 19, 20, 21, 21, 23, 25, 26, 29
N = 11
• Q2 • Q3 • D7
Location Location Location
Arrange the given set of data in an ascending order:
17, 18, 18, 19, 20, 21, 21, 23, 25, 26, 29
N = 11
• D4 • P88 • P100
Location Location Location
Measures of Dispersion/Variation

This measure shows the

scatterings of the data. It
shows the homogeneity or the
heterogeneity of the scores of
the given data set.
Range – this is the difference between the highest and
lowest scores in the set. It is the simplest and easiest way
to determine measure of dispersion.
Mean Absolute Deviation (MAD) –this pertains to the
average difference between each score to the mean.
Standard Deviation – is one of the most widely used
measures of dispersion. This pertains to the average
difference between each score to the other scores.
The more spread apart the data, the higher the
standard deviation.
Formula for the dispersion/variation:
• Range = HS – LS

• (square root of variance)

• V


The hourly rates of a sample of 7
faculty members at school ABC are
₱155, ₱180, ₱170, ₱150, ₱140, ₱175 and
Find the range, mean absolute
deviation, variance and standard
deviation of the given set of data.
X ¿ 𝑿 − 𝑿∨¿¿ 𝑿 − 𝑿∨¿ ¿ • Find the Mean 𝑵 =𝟕
155 7.14 50.98 𝑿=𝟏𝟔𝟐. 𝟏𝟒
180 17.86 318.98 • Range = HS – LS
170 7.86 61.78 Range = 180 – 140
150 12.14 147.38 Range = 40
140 22.14 490.18 • Mean Absolute Deviation
175 12.86 165.38
165 2.86 8.18 𝑴𝑨𝑫=𝟏𝟏 .𝟖𝟒
X ¿ 𝑿 − 𝑿∨¿¿ 𝑿 − 𝑿∨¿ ¿ • Variance

155 7.14 50.98

180 17.86 318.98 ¿ 𝟏𝟐𝟒𝟐 . 𝟖𝟔
170 7.86 61.78 𝟔
150 12.14 147.38
• Standard Deviation
140 22.14 490.18
175 12.86 165.38
¿ √ 𝟐𝟎𝟕. 𝟏𝟒
𝑺=𝟏𝟒. 𝟑𝟗
165 2.86 8.18
1.) Measures of Location
Q, D and P – ROUND UP
2.) Measures of Central Tendency,
– ROUND OFF (two decimal places)
3.) In the table of dispersion/variation, only
values of X are given, you’ll be the one to add
the two columns.

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