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Brief history of the A.R.




The creation of B.A.R.M.M

Sulu inhabitants are predominantly Muslim, constituting about 97 %.

the Tausugs dominate the Sulu Archipelago.

What language do they speak in Sulu?

Tausog Language.

Its capital is Jolo on the island of the same name.

Who was the first Sulu Sultan?
Sultan Mohammed Esmail Kiram I
 Its capital is Jolo on the island of the same name.Maimbung, the royal capital
of the Sultanate of Sulu, is also located in the province. Sulu is along the
southern border of the Sulu Sea and the northern boundary of the Celebes Sea
Pre-Spanish and Spanish eras

Prior to the arrival of Islam in Sulu, the province used to adhere to local animist religions; this later
changed to Hindu and Buddhist belief systems. Throughout this time, the Kingdom of Lupah Sug had been
established centuries before Islam arrived.

The advent of Islam around 1138 through merchants and traders had a distinct influence on
Southeast Asia. The coming of Arabs, Persians and other Muslims paved the way for the arrival of
religious missionaries, traders, scholars and travelers to Sulu and Mindanao in the 12th century.

A landmark born of the social process was the founding of the Sultanate of Sulu. Year 1380 CE, Karim-ul
Makhdum came to Sulu and introduced Islam to the Philippines. In 1450 CE, Johore-born Arab adventurer
Sayyid Abubakar Abirin came to Sulu and lived with Rajah Baguinda Ali. Sayyid Abubakar eventually
married Ali's daughter, Dayang-dayang Paramisuli, and inherited Rajah Baguinda's polity (which was a
principality before), which he turned into the Sultanate of Sulu and become its first Sultan. To
consolidate his rule, Sayyid Abubakar united the local political units under the umbrella of the Sultanate.
He brought Sulu, Zamboanga Peninsula, Palawan, and Basilan under its aegis.
American and Japanese era
 After Spain ceded the Philippines to the United States, American forces came to Jolo and ended the
23 years of Spanish military occupation (1876 to 1899). On August 20, Sultan Jamalul Kiram II and
Brig. Gen. John C. Bates signed the Bates Agreement that continued the gradual emasculation of the
Sultanate started by Spain (Treaty of 1878) until March 1915 when the Sultan abdicated his temporal
powers in the Carpenter Agreement. The Agreement eliminated opposition to the civilian government
of Gov. Clinton Solidum.
 The Department of Mindanao and Sulu under Gov. Carpenter was created by Philippine Commission
Act 2309 (1914) and ended on February 5, 1920, by Act of Philippine Legislature No. 2878. The Bureau
of Non-Christian Tribes was organized and briefly headed by Teofisto Guingona Sr. With the
enactment by the US Congress of the Jones Law (Philippine Autonomy Law) in 1916, ultimate
Philippine independence was guaranteed and the Filipinization of public administration began. Sulu,
however, had an appointed American governor until 1935, and the Governor General in Manila had a
say in Sulu affairs.
 During the brief Japanese occupation years, Sulu was bombed by the Japanese and was conquered
afterwards. The Japanese were eventually expelled by the Americans and the natives of Sulu, and the
Americans started to push for the independence of the Philippines as 'one country'. This prompted
various leaders from Mindanao and the Sulu archipelago to campaign against being lumped with the
Catholic natives of Luzon and the Visayas. Despite the campaign against the 'one Philippines model',
the United States granted independence to the Philippines, effectively giving control of Mindanao and
the Sulu archipelago to the Filipino government in Manila.
The Marcos Administration
 During Marcos era, Sulu was one of the provinces that fought back against Ferdinand
Marcos as he tortured, killed, and exterminated hundreds of Moros. When news broke out
regarding the planned invasion of eastern Sabah, Marcos ordered the military to
massacre Tausug warriors, which led to the brutal 1968 Jabidah massacre, the worst
human rights violation against the natives of Sulu.

 News about the Jabidah Massacre led to the rise of numerous separatist movements in
Mindanao, including Sulu, eventually leading to groups engaging in armed conflict with
the Philippine government.One of the most destructive clashes, the 1974 Battle of Jolo
,was so destructive that it was estimated to have rendered 40,000 people homeless in
Jolo, the capital of Sulu.A

 The Sultan of Sulu, members of the royal family, and the leaders of Sulu were in favor of
the People Power Revolution in Manila that successfully toppled the dictatorship and
restored democracy in the country.
Attraction of Sulu

wall of intramuros sulu armm

Maubo Beach
Attraction of Sulu

tanjung beach sulu

Tawi - Tawi
 Majority of population of tawi – tawi is Muslim 99% adherence.

 During WWII, the province was a naval base of the Japanese

imperial Army and called “southwest Area Fleet”

 Tawi-tawi was previously part of the sulu province. On

September 11, 1973 pursuant to presidential decree no. 302,
the province of tawi-tawi was created out of sulu.
Economy of tawi tawi

 Agriculture, fishing and agar-agar (seaweeds) farming are the leading source
of livelihood of the people of tawi tawi, with quite a number engaged in the
barter trade business. Copra is the top agricultural product, followed by root
crops, fruits and vegetable.

Karim Al Makhdum
 As early as 1380, an Arabian trader by the name of Karim Al Makhdum
reportedly reached the Sulu Archipelago and later established Islam in the
country. He established the first Muslim mosque in the Philippines in Barangay
Tubig Indangan on Simunul Island in Tawi-Tawi.
Sheik Karimol Makhdum Mosque
Attraction of Tawi-tawi

Bud Bongao, Tawi-Tawi

Panampangan Island
Attraction of Tawi-tawi

Andulinang Island

Panguan Island
Attraction of Tawi-tawi

Saluag Island

Attraction of Tawi-tawi

Omapuy Island Tawi-tawi

The creation of B.A.R.M.M
 In 2012, Aquino intended to establish a new autonomous political entity under
the name Bangsamoro to replace the Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
which he called a “failed experiment” under his administration, a draft for
the bangsamoro basic law (BOL) was made but failed.
 Under President Rodrigo Duterte a new draft for the BBL was made and
became legislated into law as the bangsamoro Organic law (BOL) in 2018.

 A plebiscite was held on January 21, 2019 to ratify the BOL with majority of
ARMM’s voters deciding for the ratification on the law which meant the future
abolition of the ARMM and the establishment of the Bangsamoro Autnomous
The creation of B.A.R.M.M
 The Bangsamoro Transition Authority is the interim regional government of
the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region and has executive and legislative powers
over the region.

Murad Ebrahim, 73.

(Chief Minister of Bangsamoro)

Born on 15 May 1948


That BTA is composed of 80 members that will serve sa the BARMM’s government from 2019 – 2022 elections.
Thank you

Reported by: Khayria D. Palao

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