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Differential Diagnosis

Muhammad Luthfi Ikbar

Fistula Preaurikula

• Definition
o Congenital abnormalities when there is a tunnel or canal that looks like a hole in the earlobe.
o Empties in front of helix (90%) (1 mm)
• Symptom
o No Symptoms
o If there is obstruction / blockage and infection:
1. White viscous liquid smells
2. Sometimes it hurts
3. Swelling in the fistula area
• Risk Factors
o Marfan syndrome
o Cerebro-okulo-facial-skeletal Syndrome (COFS)
o Fragile X Syndrome
o Anophthalmia plus Syndrome
• Management / treatment
o If the preauricular fistula is not infected, neither therapy nor surgery is required.
o If there is infection, systemic antibiotics should be given.
Penicillin is the recommended initial antibiotic therapy. If there is an abscess, incision and drainage
should be performed.

• Definition
o Inflammatio mastoidei mucoperiostei selulae (Haemophilus influenza, Moraxella catarrhalis,
Staphylococcus aureus, etc.)
• Symptom
o Fever, malaise
o Swelling and pain behind the ear
o Yellow, thick, smelly discharge from the ear (otorrhea).
o Decreased hearing
• Risk Factors
o Acute otitis media (acute mastoiditis): immunosuppression, virulence of bacteria
o Inadequate use of broad-spectrum antibiotics to treat middle ear disease (chronic mastoiditis).
• Management / treatment
o Medikamentosa :
High-dose antibiotics: amoxicillin or ampicillin. If the cause is anaerobic bacteria, chloramphenicol or
metronidazole can be given
o Operatif :Mastoidektomi
Otitis Media Kronik

• Definition
o Inflammation/inflammation of part or all of the middle ear mucosa, which occurs for more than 2
months (chronic).
• Symptom
o Thick ear discharge that smells constantly or comes and goes
o Hearing disorders
• Risk Factors
o Acute otitis media that received late, inadequate therapy, high germ virulence. Immunosuppression, poor
• Management / treatment
o Active stage benign type given antibiotics. Oral antibiotics are ampicillin, amoxicillin or erythromycin.
o In the calm stage (kept dry for 2 months), it is recommended to operate myringoplasty (closing the
tympanic membrane perforation) or tympanoplasty to prevent recurrent infections.
o The principle of treatment for the malignant type of OMK is mastoidectomy. Aims to remove
granulation tissue, pus, polyps or necrotic bones.
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