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GE 10


Romans 10:13
Verse of the day “For everyone who
calls on the name of
the Lord will be
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1. Amazon was just a river

Life before the internet certainly was a more
innocent time. For many of us old enough to have
lived before its existence, statements like the
above show just how much things have changed. 
Mention Amazon back then and no-one would
ever have thought about an online store. Today,
the mention of Amazon will most likely make
you think of the store first long before the mighty
river — how things have changed.

Long before Spotify, mp3's, or peer-to-peer file sharing existed,

you had to either save up some money to buy official copies of
songs or tape them off the radio. Many of us who lived before
the internet would spend hours waiting for that one particular
tune to play and hurriedly press the record button on time.
Sometimes we were 'thrown a bone' and could tape the
latest top 10, 20, or 100 charts but for those less popular tunes,
you had to put in the effort. The youth of today will never
understand the satisfaction of perfectly timing it to cut out the
DJ's often inane contributions. Dark days.
• 3. You had to leave the house to socialize

Long before the internet, doing things like using

YouTube, eBay, Google, and social media required you
to get off your backside and leave the house. Shopping
for gadgets would take you to the local store, watching
a movie required you to go and pay at a cinema and
you'd actually meet and make friends with people in
Today there is a plethora of platforms and apps that let
you do much of this from the comfort of your sofa. But
is any of this actually an improvement? We'll let you be
the judge of that.
4. Pre-internet Tinder dating was very different 

Long before the internet, if you wanted to go

on a date you'd either have to pluck up the
courage to ask in person, send the request
by proxy (usually your long-suffering best-
friend), or better yet, slip them a pre-date
Of course, this still goes on today but to a
lesser extent, thanks to apps like Tinder. The
internet has changed the 
dating game forever. 
5. Encyclopedias, the library, and Encarta '95 were

• Long before Google was even a glint in Sergey Brin

and Larry Page's eyes, you had to work to find
information. There used to be things called books,
specifically encyclopedias, buildings with books
(called a library), and for those more tech-savvy
there was the mighty Encarta '95.
• Those were dark times when you needed to actually
search, and read, through reams of text for the
information you're after. How things have changed. 
• Of course, it had its benefits. It would take an
equally incredible amount of effort for someone to
check any statements of fact if not common
knowledge - which was handy at times. 
6. Web design was exclusive to arachnids

Before the internet, many jobs

taken for granted today didn't
exist. If you'd mentioned you
were a web designer, for
example, people would look at
you strangely. 
After all, the only things that
'design' webs are spiders
 right? Life after the internet
would never be the same
7. Wasting time in the office was more conspicuous

Office life before the internet was a

lot harder than today. If you wanted
to look at cute cat pictures, and still
look like you were working, you had
a tough time. 
Activities, like staring out the
window, or those 'inspirational'
posters was a much riskier way to
waste time in the office. Today, you
can check out that latest funny
meme or watch videos on YouTube
whilst appearing to be hard at work.
Procrastination has never been
easier — aren't we lucky.
• 8. Social media posts were actually posted on a real wall

Before the internet, if you wanted to put

up some information for everyone to see
you actually needed to physically stick
something to a wall. Yes, a hardcopy post
needed to be printed, carried
somewhere, and stuck to a noticeboard,
wall, or another surface.
What a concept!
However, this didn't mean that you
wouldn't receive some less than
favorable feedback from some people —
just like today. Oftentimes other
nefarious members of the public could,
and often would, deface you finely
crafted notice, or scrawl childish imagery
on it. 
10. Mobile gaming was very different indeed

When mobile phones have first

released, the idea that you could play
games on them was unthinkable. But
when the first Nokia came with games
like "Snake", it would change the world
of gaming forever.
Today, with games like World of Tanks,
it is amazing to think people before the
internet could actually glean enjoyment
out of them. The post-internet
generations will never understand the
satisfaction of playing them — a very
real shame.
11. Did we mention things called books?

Before the internet, people used to

have to research stuff in books. But
these strange objects could also be
used for entertainment.
Yes, that's right, people 
used to actually read books for
exposure to immersive storylines
and fantasy worlds. Incredible.
12. Multiplayer games needed a table

Who remembers board games or 

Subbuteo? To play multiplayer games
before the internet, you actually
needed to meet up with friends to play
sports or board/tabletop games.
Although board games have been
around for a long time, the 70s to '90s
saw an explosion in tabletop games like
Subbuteo and war games like
Warhammer and Warhammer 40K.
Although their popularity did fall after
the mass-adoption of the internet, they
have started to see 
something of a revival in recent years.
May it continue and prosper!
13. Trolls were mythical creatures

Before the internet, a troll was

something out of children's stories, or
those ugly child's toys Troll Dolls. Not
just that, you could actually politely
disagree with someone in public. 
Whilst the internet has opened up a
literal world of opportunity to us all,
the anonymity of some platforms
seems to bring out the darker side of
human beings. How some behave on
the internet today 
would be unthinkable in the world
before the internet.
14. People used to send letters not emails

Long before the internet people had to use a

tool called a pen and another piece of
equipment called 'paper' 
to actually write messages to one another.
The finished message would need to be
enclosed in more paper, called an envelope,
postage needed to be paid, and the letter
was sent and delivered by people.
The entire process would take days, and you
could never be sure the recipient received it,
let alone read it. Today we are spoiled with
something called 'email' that does all this at
the speed of light. 
In the distant bygone days of the 1990s, if you wanted
to take a selfie, you needed some highly sophisticated
tech. Whilst some could use a Polaroid camera, others
found more ingenious methods of achieving this feat. 
One particularly ingenious method was to use a 
GameBoy, Game Boy Camera, and Game Boy Printer
Kids today will never understand let alone actually care.

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