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Intro to Keyboarding

The Origin of Keyboarding

 It was first introduced by

using the finger to write on
Developed to the use of
feathers, slates and writing
with pen and paper.
• Christopher Shole- developed the “qwerty”
typewriter which could be used to bring out hand
written documents in printed form to make them
more legible & decent.
qwerty typewriter

• TYPEWRITING- is the process of representing

spoken sound in printed form.
Types of Keyboarding Machines
Manual Type
– functions without electricity.

Electronic Type
- needs electricity to function.
THE KEYBOARD Alphanumeric Keys
1. ALPHANUMERIC KEYS- contain letters of the alphabet, figures and
some symbols and it is divided into 6 rows.
2. FUNCTION KEYS- are designed to perform more advanced functions
to enhance the work on the personal computer.
- Located on the sixth row.
1. CONTROL KEYS- are used to move cursor to the left, right, up and
down within a text or among pages.
2. NUMERIC PAD- is used for easy entering of figures.
3. CURSOR KEYS- are used in scrolling on pages vertically and
The function keys –

Here are samples of common function keys and associated tasks:

 F1 - Get Help or visit Microsoft Office Online
 F5 - Find and replace
 F7 - Choose the Spelling command (Review tab)
 F8 - Usually used with LCD projector/dual monitor device.
 F10 -Show Key Tips
 F12 -Choose the Save As command (Microsoft Office Button)
 F keys are also used in combination with the Shift, Alt, and Ctrl
• Typewriter Keys

• Cursor Control Keys

- also called arrow keys, which move your text cursor in the direction of
the arrow.
• Numeric Keypad
- is used for easy entering of figures.
- similar to a calculator for entering numbers and doing mathematical operations
quickly and easily.
• The Mouse
- used in feeding data into the personal computer.

• The Cursor- is a small character-size symbol displayed on the

screen. Serves as an indicator on the display screen that shows
the user the exact position within a document.
• The Alternate Key (Alt)
- is used with other keys to access software

The Backspace Key- moves the cursor to the left

(backwards) and can also be used to delete already typed
The Caps Lock Key- is used when you want to type all words
in capital letters.
The Delete Key- is used to delete text.
The Enter Key- returns the cursor to the next line of typing.
The Insert Key- allows the user to insert text without deleting
previously typed text.
The Left Shift Key- is used to capitalize letters keyed with the
right hand. It is also used in combination with other keys to
perform specific functions.
The Right Shift Key- is used to capitalize letters keyed with
the left hand.
The Space bar- is used to give space between letters or words.
The Tab Key- moves the cursor directly to a tap stop.
Locking Keys: these keys change how certain parts of the
keyboard respond and can make your task. Each key you click, a
small light will appear – usually on the top right of the keyboard.
To turn off a key, just click it again.

The Num Lock Key-Pressing this key activities the numeric

keypad at the right of the keyboard. Press the key
again to turn off the Num Lock
The Scroll Lock Key - Originally, it was meant to make the
arrow keys scroll the contents of a text window instead of
moving the cursor.
Helpful Keys
Windows key
- Shortcut for the start menu.

PrtScn/SysRq Print Screen

- pressing print screen will capture the entire screen,

while pressing the alt key in combination with print

screen will capture the currently selected window.
• Escape – shortcut in dialog boxes for No, Quit, Exit,
Cancel, or Abort, as well as a common shortcut key for the
Stop button in many web browsers.
Touch Typing- is a technique for typing quicker and
more accurately with all ten fingers without ever
having to look at the keyboard.
1. Put your left hand on keys ASDF
2. Put your right hand on keys JKL;
3. Let the thumbs rest lightly on the space bar
4. Keep your wrist straight and fingers lightly curled.
1. Keep your eyes on the keyboard.
2. Keep wrist up
3. Focus on accuracy
4. Relaxed posture
5. Taking breaks
Type with Correct Posture

Tips for safe posture

• Keep your head up

• Lean slightly forward

• Center your body in front of the


• Keep your feet flat on the floor or a

foot rest

• Keep you elbows close to your body

• Keep your wrists parallel to the


• Keep your wrist off the computer

Position of the hands on the Computer

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