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Light Dependent Resistor (LDR)

Basic Structure
 It also called a photocell or photoresistor

 It changes its Resistance based on the amount of light that falls on its face

 The property of LDR is that its resistance is inversely proportional to the intensity of the

ambient light i.e., when the intensity of light increases, its resistance decreases and vise-versa

 It can be used in many applications like automatic switching of appliances up on detecting

light, security systems

 It can be used in alarm system, where increasing intensity of light will trigger the alarm

 It can also be used in cupboards or wardrobes. When the door is opened, the light will

automatically turned on , etc.

Measurement of Light Dependent Resistor (LDR)
Practical Exercise: LDR & LED

 By using Led and ldr ,the light of LED depends on LDR.

 The LDR status is to read from Analog pin number.

-If sensorvalue<=255,LED will HIGH

 If the above condition is not

- LED will OFF
Practical Exercise: LDR,LED,BUZZER

 By using Tone & noTone Function for the buzzer ,do the following statements:

 The light of LED depends on LDR

 The LDR status is to read from Analog pin number:

-If ldrstatus<300, LED pin will HIGH , Buzzer will sound

-The serial monitor will show (" ------Alarm Activated------ ")

 If the above condition is not:

-LED pin willn’t HIGH , Buzzer willn’t sound

-The serial monitor will show (" ------Alarm Deactivated------ ")


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