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Keterampilan speaking, Listening, Reading,

Writing dan Grammar yang diambil dari
Campaign English for Military dan referensi


Be thankful for each new
challenge, because it will build
your strength and character.

Author unknown



Discuss challenging activities with your patner. You may use the
questions below as the examples.
1. What challenging activities have you experienced for?

2. Why do you think it is challenging for you?

3. How do you manage this activity?


Listen to a briefing and number the activities:

1. Cycling --------------

2. Climbing and abseiling------------

3. Windsurfing -----------------------

4. Hiking -----------------

5. Sailing and canoeing ---------------


Listen again and answer true or false

1. The sergeant does not like the new windsurfing boards. -------.

2. He says the water is too deep for windsurfing. -----------.

3. He suggests they take cameras when they go hiking. ----------

4. There is a half-marathon race once a year round Standly.---------

5. The sergeant thinks it is easy to get bored on the islands. -------.


Match the words (1-7) to their definitions (a-g)

----- 1. major a. a running race of about 42.2 kilometers
----- 2. take place b. a sport in which two people hit each other while wearing big, leather gloves
----- 3. a race c. important or big
----- 4. a marathon d. from a very, very long time ago
----- 5. ancient e. a part of a competition e.g. first, second, third
----- 6. boxing f. a competition in which people try to be fastest and finish first.
----- 7. a round g. happen

Our most unusual sports from around the world

A Every country has a national sport and most major sports are now played
across the world. Most people have heard of sports like football,
baseketball, cricket and golf. However, in most countries, people also play
unusual sports, with strange and interesting rules. Here are our top five
unusual sports from around the planet.
B This race takes place in Wales. It is called a marathon, but it is actually
35.4 km, not 42.2 km like a usual marathon. People race against horses
across the hills and mountains. It started in 1981, but a human did not win
until 2004.

C Every year in Singapore, thousands of people come to watch the dragon

boat race. A dragon boat is a traditional Chinese boat with a painted
dragon’s head on one end. There are 22 people in each boat and they race
in the water. Dragon boat racing is also popular in China, Malaysia and
D In this sport, people compete to throw a large piece of wood called a caber
as far as they can. The caber is an ancient Scottish sport. The caber has
no official size or shape, but it is usually the size of a small tree.

E You need both strength and intelligence to be a good chess boxer. Players
play a round of chess, followed by a round of boxing. There are eleven
rounds in total. Chess boxing was invented in 1992 by an English comic
boox writer. The sport is most popular in England and Germany.

F In Turkey, camel wrestling (fighting) is a very old sport. The largest camel
wrestling competition takes place in Ephesus every year and thousands of
people come. In the sport, two male camels wrestle each other. Sometimes
the camels do not want to fight and they run through the crowds, which can
be dangerous.

Look at the words in bold in paragraph A of the text and answer the questions below.
1. What is the main topic of the text?
a. unusual competitions b. unusual sports c. popular sports
2. Where do the events in the text happen?
a. in one country b. around the world c. in a city
3. Look at the words in bold again. What types of words are they?
a. Verbs b. adjectives c. articles d. nouns
e. prepositions

Key words are usually nouns, verbs and adjectives. The key words tell us what the text is going to be about.
Find the key words of paragraph C – F. Paragraph B is the examples.
1. Paragraph B: Example.
Key words: nouns (marathon, horses), verbs (race, win), adjective (usual)
2. Paragraph C
Key words: ___________________________________________________
3. Paragraph D
Key words: ___________________________________________________
4. Paragraph E
Key words: ___________________________________________________
5. Paragraph F
Key words: ___________________________________________________

Write a challenging sport you consider. You may use the following
questions for your guidance.
1. What sports do you consider as a challenging sport?
2. Why do you think of that?
3. Do you play that sport?
4. Etc. Develop your own questions.


Formation of Superlative Adjectives

As with comparative adjectives, there are two ways to form a superlative


 short adjectives: add "-est"

 long adjectives: use "most"

We also usually add 'the' at the beginning.


Formation of Superlative Adjectives:

As with comparative adjectives, there are two ways to form a superlative adjective:
Short Adjectives: add “–est”
Long Adjectives : use “most”
We usually add the at the beginning
Short adjectives

1-syllable adjectives old, fast

2-syllable adjectives ending in -y happy, easy

RULE: add "-est" old → the oldest

Variation: if the adjective ends in -e, just add -st late → the latest

Variation: if the adjective ends in consonant, vowel, consonant, double the last
big → the biggest

Variation: if the adjective ends in -y, change the y to i happy → the happiest


Formation of Superlative Adjectives:

As with comparative adjectives, there are two ways to form a superlative adjective:
Short Adjectives: add “–est”
Long Adjectives : use “most”
We usually add the at the beginning

Long adjectives

2-syllable adjectives not ending in -y modern, pleasant

all adjectives of 3 or more syllables expensive, intellectual

modern → the most modern

RULE: use "most"
expensive → the most expensive

With some 2-syllable adjectives, we can use "-est" OR "most":


With some 2-syllable adjectives, we can use "-est" OR "most":

quiet → the quietest/most quiet

clever → the cleverest/most clever
narrow → the narrowest/most narrow
simple → the simplest/most simple

Exeptions: The following adjectives have irregular forms:

good  the best

bad  the worst
far  the farthest / furthest

Use of Superlative Adjectives

We use a superlative adjective to describe one thing in a group of three or more things. Look at
these examples:
John is 1m75. David is 1m80. Chris is 1m85. Chris is the tallest.
Canada, China and Russia are big countries. But Russia is the biggest.
Mount Everest is the highest mountain in the world.

If we talk about the three planets Earth, Mars and Jupiter, we can use superlative adjectives as shown in the table

  Earth Mars Jupiter  

Diameter (km) 12,760 6,790 142,800 Jupiter is the biggest.

Jupiter is the most distant from

Distance from Sun (million km) 150 228 778
the Sun.

Length of day (hours) 24 25 10 Jupiter has the shortest day.

Moons 1 2 16 Jupiter has the most moons.

Surface temp. (degrees Celsius) 22 -23 -150 Jupiter is the coldest.

When we compare one thing with itself, we do not use "the":

England is coldest in winter. (not the coldest)
My boss is most generous when we get a big order. (not the most generous)

Superlative Adjective Quiz

1. Superlative adjectives can be used when talking about _______ things, people or groups.
a. two b. two or more c. three or more
2. Which is correct? "None of our players is taller than James. He's our _______ player."
a. most tall b. tallest c. most tallest
3. Many adjectives with one syllable can be changed into the superlative form by adding
a. -er b. -est c. -er OR -est

4. Which is correct? "That was _______ movie I've ever seen!"

a. the most scary b. the scaryest c. the scariest
5. Which is correct? "Do you really think Japanese is the world's _______ language?"
a. most difficult b. difficultest c. the most difficult

6. All adjectives of 3 or more syllables are made superlative by using

a. -est b. most c. -est OR most
7. Which is the superlative form of the adjective "clever"?
a. cleverest b. most clever c. cleverest or most clever

8. Ariana sang her latest songs and _______ of her old songs.
a. the best b. her best c. best
9. In 2019 NASA stated that the previous five years were _______ ever recorded.
a. the most hottest b. the hottest c. the most hot
10. Choose the superlative form: "It looks like our _______ fears are coming true."
a. bad b. worse c. worst
Done !


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