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01 Terrorism - Response

02 Recovery/ Relief

03 Mitigation

04 Prevention & Risk reduction

05 Preparedness

 Terrorism is the use of force or violence against persons or property in violation of the criminal laws
for purposes of intimidation, coercion, or ransom. Terrorists often use threats to:
• Create fear among the public.
• Try to convince citizens that their government is powerless to prevent terrorism.
• Get immediate publicity for their causes.

 Acts of terrorism include threats of terrorism; assassinations; kidnappings; hijackings; bomb scares and
bombings; cyber attacks (computer-based); and the use of chemical, biological, nuclear and radiological

 A prompt and effective response consists of many steps, which require the active involvement of all
stakeholders and a high level of coordination between various responders and service providers.

 An effective medical response at the incident site needs to be provided at the earliest. This includes
management of casualties at the incident site, adequate care during transportation and evacuation,
ambulance services with defined evacuation routes, and their communication linkages and coordination with
other identified agencies

 Based upon indicators such as terrorist threats, the first responder will activate the emergency
functionaries by sending the alert signals to the fire and emergency services, police, emergency medical
services, district authorities, and the rescue teams
 In the aftermath of a terrorist attack, initially the survey rescue team will be deployed to identify the ‘risk
area’ and give the situational assessment to the control room. This team will use the field detectors
appropriately at the affected site. The backup teams will quickly analyse the real time data to give
appropriate directions to the decision makers in the control room.
 Information will be collected at the incident site in terms of types of targets, number of casualties,
conditions of general public, and level of disaster by the rescue team
 Police - Maintain law and order, cordon off the affected area, regulate traffic, ensure security and vigilance
for possible secondary events, and facilitate movement of various teams.
 Detection and Survey Teams - Skilled technical personnel from mobile technical teams will deploy field
detectors and identify the nature of the situation and assess the possible dynamics of the situation.
 Fire and Emergency Services - Establish safety zones, casualty collection points, and support zones.
 Communication Department - Maintain an adequate and robust communication backup system for the
smooth flow of information including ham radio, local mobile facilities, landline connections, and satellite
based communication to ensure redundancy. They also block communication to prevent terrorists to contact
outside sources.
 Emergency Medical Response - The mobile medical teams and hospitals will be activated immediately by
triggering the inbuilt alarm. They will be responsible for prompt emergency medical response at the
incident site and during evacuation. Hospital staff, however, will be responsible for the same at the
 Military and NSF – Responsible for the rescue of the citizens, safety of the affected public and clearance
of the attack
 The rehabilitation and recovery phases require a proactive, multi-pronged and inter-sectoral approach
with the active participation of the community at all levels.
 It is essential to develop adequate provision for relief to affected victims of terrorist attack, both in terms
of financial help and other support to help cope with and compensate for the loss of life and damage to
 The mechanism for reconstruction and restoration of basic infrastructure will be established by the
states to bring life back to normalcy using appropriate strategies.
 Medical rehabilitation includes psychosocial care, long-term medical care for vulnerable groups, and
vocational rehabilitation, for which an adequate financial strategy will be worked out
 The rehabilitation and recovery process should be based upon the specific indicators and standards for
long-term follow-up of the survivors of the attack and their families.
 A mechanism will be developed to reestablish normal health services, and to assess, repair, and
reconstruct damaged facilities.
 Mass casualties resulting from such attacks leave behind large number of orphaned children who need
to be taken care of by governmental and non-governmental initiatives.
 All essential services like water supply, sewage, solid waste disposal, electricity, communication, etc.,
should be restored on a priority basis.
 Details about the incident will be recorded, including causes, effects, capacity, and capability of the
management system, adequacy of response, and lessons learnt during mock-exercises
 Be aware of your surroundings.
 Move or leave if you feel uncomfortable or if something does not seem right.
 Take precautions when traveling. Be aware of conspicuous or unusual behavior. Do not accept packages from
strangers. Do not leave luggage unattended.
 You should promptly report unusual behavior, suspicious or unattended packages, and strange devices to the
police or security personnel.
 Learn where emergency exits are located in buildings you frequent. Plan how to get out in the event of an
 Be prepared to do without services you normally depend on—electricity, telephone, natural gas, gasoline
pumps, cash registers, ATMs, and Internet transactions
 Work with building owners to ensure the following items are located on each floor of the building: Portable,
battery, operated radio and extra batteries, several flashlights and extra batteries, first aid kit and manual, hard
hats and dust masks and fluorescent tape to rope off dangerous areas.
1. There exists a close and effective coordination between intelligence and security agencies at the Centre and
the states level.
2. The Intelligence and Security agencies maintain a close watch to identify potential ISIS recruits and take
further action, if necessary.
3. To deal with the internal security challenges, government has augmented the strength of Central Armed
Police Forces.
4. In order to assess the threat posed by ISIS, meetings have been held by the MHA with all the central agencies
and the state governments on August 1 last year and January 16 this year.
5. Empowerment of NSG to requisition aircraft for movement of NSG personnel in the event of any emergency.
6. The government has imposed tighter controls to prevent increased immigration.
7. The government has ordered effective border management through round the clock surveillance & patrolling
on the border areas.
 Mitigation means the act of reducing severity of the situations
 In case of terrorists the steps taken to reduce the severity,
 Military, NSG and skilled rescue teams are dispatched by the government to monitor the affected area and
the nearby surroundings
 Skilled intelligence teams collect information about number of people trapped in the attack, number of
attackers, condition of the public and information about the means used by the terrorists
 Medical support and rescue are kept ready to act during any emergencies
 Decision making about the action to be take are immediately done by national level body
 Surrounding areas are cleared to prevent further public getting involved
 At times, government prepares secret sneak attacks to rescue people safely from the terrorists
 Accidents or attacks involving TERRORISM may not be totally preventable but can be mitigated by adopting a
sound risk management framework based upon the risk and vulnerability assessment, surveillance, and
 The key aim of the counter-terrorism strategy will be the adoption of appropriate measures, which will mitigate
the overall risk of terrorism, based on vulnerability and threat assessment
 Crucial surveillance data and intercepted information gathered by intelligence agencies will be shared with
authorised stakeholders on a need-to-know basis. ii) Surveillance technologies will be updated to keep up with
global best practices. iii) Adequate steps will be taken to enhance and update surveillance capabilities. The
help and support of telecommunication companies and internet service providers will also be taken for this
purpose. iv) Regular monitoring and continuous follow up of terrorist activities and changing trends will be done
by gathering intelligence inputs. v) The ability to identify and understand the various factors enhancing possible
terrorist threats will be improved.
 International cooperation with overseas partners will strengthen intelligence inputs to help prevention and
mitigation of various factors that lead to terrorist activities. viii) Border security will be strengthened, and identity
management improved.
 Preparedness for CTD involves planning, infrastructure, and knowledge management for both capability and
capacity development, and commensurate human resources to cope with chemical emergencies.
Preparedness includes a range of time-sensitive special emergency tasks carried out by all emergency
response units, responder organisations and their networks, health care providers, network of laboratories,
voluntary organisations in the private sector, international organisations and other stakeholders based upon
the need and threat assessment of the area. It requires increased chemical terrorism awareness
Medical preparedness will be based upon upgradation of the regular practice of medicine to enable it for
emergency medical response in the event of a CTD. Emergency medical response commences with prompt
establishment of medical posts as a part of ICS within the golden hour

Treatment begins by providing BLS at the incident site itself, which reduces morbidity and mortality

Specific provisions will be ensured for providing emergency medical care during evacuation of the victims
from the contaminated environment. Mechanism for coordination between the various health care institutions
and other agencies like the Guidelines on Preparedness for Management of Chemical (Terrorism) Disasters
National Disaster Management Guidelines: Management of Chemical (Terrorism) Disasters 46 police, fire
and emergency services, NGOs and other humanitarian agencies shall be established.
iii) Problem solving procedures based on the past experience of similar disasters and lessons learnt during
mock-exercises will be incorporated.
 The emergency response functions to be performed at the incident site or at hospitals require all round
preparedness. The coordination between the various emergency functionaries plays a critical role in overall
management in the aftermath of a attack.
 The police force will be trained and equipped to maintain law and order and avert the occurrence of any secondary
disaster or the possibility of a second blast. Also they are equipped with modern weaponry to deal with emergency
 The goals of NSG include: a. Neutralisation of specific terrorist threats in vital installations or in any given area. b.
Handling hijacking situations on land and in the air. c. Bomb disposal (search, detection, and neutralisation of
IEDs). d. Post blast InvestigationsEngaging and neutralising terrorists in specific situations. f. Rescue of hostages.
 The fire and emergency rescue departments will be equipped with all protective gear, detectors, HAZMAT vans,
and neutralisation units for the effective management of CTD.
 Education modules regarding various aspects of chemical terrorism will be developed and imparted to various
stakeholders, teachers and students in schools and professional colleges, and the community to develop
resilience. It will be imparted at each level and the specificity of such aspects will depend upon the threat
assessment of the area.

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