Review Speaking 2.1

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Speaking Review

English 2.1
Scoring Rubric
Scoring rubric

Introduction Content Fluency Accuracy Body Q&A

- Greet and - - Speak clearly at - Use learnt language Clearly and
briefly Present an grammatical - Maintain eye promptly
provide the main understandable/ structures and contact with answer (at
personal ideas of appropriate pace vocabulary the examiner least 4
information the topic - Limited use of correctly - Use body questions)
- Introduce filler words - Message language from the
the topic (‘umm’, ‘like’, etc.) communicated appropriately examiner
without errors

1,0 2,5 1,0 1,0 0,5 4,0

Speaking Sample
• Topic 1: Talk about your fitness and eating

• Topic 2: Talk about your most recent vacation

Speaking Topics • Topic 3: Talk about your personal dress code

• Topic 4: Talk about your favorite means of

– Level 2.1
transportation and travel plan

• Topic 5: Talk about your shopping habits

Topic 1: Talk about your fitness and eating habits.

1. Do you think you have a good shape? 8. Can you tell me some unhealthy eating habits?

2. Is it important to stay in shape? Why or why What are they?

not? 9. What do you eat to stay in shape?

3. Do you think you are a couch potato? 10. What do you usually eat every day?

4. What kind(s) of physical activities do you do 11. What do you like to drink?
to stay in shape? 12. What kind(s) of food should you avoid?
5. Where do you run/ play tennis/ swim?
13. Why should we avoid fast-food?
6. How often do you usually run/ play tennis/ 14. What time do you go to sleep? How many
swim? hours do you sleep a day? 
7. Can you tell me some healthy eating habits?
What are they?
Hello teacher, my name is Minh. Today, I would like to talk about my fitness and eating habit.
First of all, I think I have a good shape, and I’m not a couch potato. Staying in shape is very
important. When we have a good shape, we can feel more confident when we communicate with
other people. To stay in shape, I go running and play badminton two or three times a week. I run
around my apartment and play badminton in a badminton court near my house. I don’t play
tennis or go swimming. I go to sleep at 11 p.m and I sleep for 7 hours a day. Besides, I also pay
attention to my eating habits to stay in good shape. I usually eat rice, meat and vegetables every
day. I also eat chicken, fish and eggs to stay in shape. And I like to drink coffee and tea. Some
healthy eating habits are eating smaller portions, eating a lot of vegetables and eating slowly.
Some unhealthy eating habits are eating fatty foods, skipping breakfast and eating a lot of grains.
In my opinion, we should avoid fast food because it contains a lot of fat which is harmful to our
health. In conclusion, I’d like to say that staying in shape and having healthy eating habits are
very important in life. That is the end of my speaking. Thank you for your listening.
1. Do you think you have a good shape?

• Yes, I think I have a good shape.

• No, I don’t think I have a good shape. I’m a bit overweight.

2. Is it important to stay in shape? Why or why not?

• Yes, I think staying in shape is very important. When we have a good shape, we can feel
more confident.

3. Do you think you are a couch potato?

• No, I’m not a couch potato.

4. What kind(s) of physical activities do you do to stay in shape?

• I go running and play badminton to stay in shape.

5. Where do you run/ play tennis/ swim?

• I go running around my apartment or in the nearby park.

• I don’t play tennis or go swimming.

6. How often do you usually run/ play tennis/ swim?

• I go running two or three times a week.

7. Can you tell me some healthy eating habits? What are they?

• Some healthy eating habits are eating smaller portions, eating a lot of vegetables and
eating slowly.

8. Can you tell me some unhealthy eating habits? What are they?

• Some unhealthy eating habits are eating fatty foods, skipping breakfast and eating a lot of
9. What do you eat to stay in shape?

• I eat vegetables, chicken and eggs to stay in shape.

10. What do you usually eat every day?

• I usually eat rice, meat and vegetables every day.

11. What do you like to drink?

• I like to drink coffee and tea.

12. What kind(s) of food should you avoid?

• I should avoid fatty foods.

13. Why should we avoid fast-food?

• We should avoid fast food because it contains a lot of fat.

14. What time do you go to sleep? How many hours do you sleep a day? 

• I go to sleep at 11 p.m. I sleep for 7 hours a day.

Topic 2: Talk about your most recent vacation.

1. How often do you go on vacation? 8. What is the place famous for?

2. Where did you go on your last trip? 9. What did you do there?

3. Who did you go with? 10. What did you love most about your

4. How did you go there? vacation?

5. How long did you stay there? 11. Did you have a good time?

6. Where did you stay? 12. Did you have any bad experiences? What
7. How was/ were the weather/ the food/
people there? 13. Do you want to visit that place again? Why
or why not?
Hello teacher, my name is Minh. Today, I would like to talk about my most recent vacation. First
of all, I really love going on vacation and I do it twice a year. On my last trip, I went to Dalat city
alone two months ago. I went by sleeper bus and stayed there for three days in a hotel near
Xuan Huong Lake. The weather in Dalat was cool and a bit rainy; the food there was excellent,
and the people were friendly and helpful. The city is famous for the unique cool weather, the
scenery, and the local food. During my trip, I went sightseeing, took a lot of pictures and enjoyed
the local food. What I loved most about my vacation is the food quality. In general, I had a great
time and a lot of fun in Dalat city. However, it rained a lot during my stay so sometimes I had to
rest in the hotel instead of going sightseeing around. I also got lost several times because of my
poor navigation. In conclusion, I’d like to say that my most recent vacation to Dalat city was
amazing. Everything was perfect, except for some minor problems, and I really hope to visit this
wonderful city again in the near future to meet the friendly people and enjoy the excellent food
there. That is the end of my speaking. Thank you for your listening.
1. How often do you go on vacation?

• I go on vacation twice a year.

2. Where did you go on your last trip?

• I went to Dalat city on my last trip.

3. Who did you go with?

• I went there with my friends/ my family/ alone.

4. How did you go there?

• I went there by coach/ car/ motorbike/ sleeper bus.

5. How long did you stay there?

• I stayed there for three days.

6. Where did you stay?

• I stayed in a hotel near Xuan Huong Lake.

7. How was/ were the weather/ the food/ people there?

• The weather there was cool and a bit rainy.

• The food there was excellent/ delicious/ tasty.

• The people there were friendly/ hospitable and helpful.

8. What is the place famous for?

• The place is famous for the unique cool weather, the scenery and the local food.

9. What did you do there?

• I went sightseeing, took a lot of pictures and enjoyed the local food.
10. What did you love most about your vacation?

• What I loved most about my vacation is the food quality.

• I loved the food/ the weather/ the people most.

11. Did you have a good time?

• Yes, I had a great time.

12. Did you have any bad experiences? What happened?

• No, I didn’t have any bad experiences. Everything was perfect.

• Yes, I did. It rained a lot so sometimes we had to stay in the hotel instead of going sightseeing around.

13. Do you want to visit that place again? Why or why not?

• Yes, I want to visit Dalat city again because the people there are friendly and the food is excellent.
Topic 3: Talk about your personal dress code.

1. What do you like to wear? Why do you like it/ 8. What should we wear to school/ the cinema/
them? the wedding party?

2. What are you wearing today? 9. What shouldn’t we wear to school/ the cinema/

3. What do you never wear? Why don’t you like the wedding party?

it? 10. Do you have to wear school uniform?

4. How do you buy your clothes? Online or at 11. What is your school uniform? What color(s) is
shops? it?

5. Who buys clothes for you? 12. Could you wear shorts at school in Vietnam?

6. How often do you go shopping for your 13. How do you feel when you wear school
clothes? uniform? 

7. How do you feel when you wear formal/

informal clothes?
Hello teacher, my name is Minh. Today, I would like to talk about my personal dress code. First of all, I think I
have simple fashion styles. I like to wear jeans because they are comfortable. Today I’m wearing a polo shirt and
pants. I never wear turtlenecks because I feel hot when wearing them. When wearing formal clothes, I feel more
confident, but I also feel comfortable and active when I wear informal clothes. Secondly, about my shopping
habits, I usually buy clothes at shops because I want to try the clothes on to make sure they fit me well. I buy
clothes for myself, and I go shopping for my clothes once a month. Thirdly, I want to mention how to dress for
different occasions. When going to school, we should wear the uniform, polo shirts or long pants. We shouldn’t
wear shorts to school. For going to the cinema, we should wear T-shirts, jeans or casual clothes. We shouldn’t
wear formal clothes to the cinema. For the wedding party, we should wear formal clothes, a vest or a dress, and
we shouldn’t wear jeans and shorts. Finally, it is about uniforms. In my school, students should dress politely, but
we don’t have to wear uniform to school every day. My school uniform is an orange polo shirt with the school’s
name on it. The uniform has good quality and I feel proud when wearing it. In Vietnamese schools, students are
not allowed to wear shorts. In conclusion, I’d like to say that my personal dress code is informal because I want
to look active and energetic. However, I also try to dress appropriately on different occasions. That brings me to
the end of my talk. Thank you for your listening.
1. What do you like to wear? Why do you like it/ them?

• I like to wear jeans because they are comfortable.

2. What are you wearing today?

• Today I’m wearing a polo shirt and pants.

3. What do you never wear? Why don’t you like it?

• I never wear turtlenecks because I feel hot when wearing them.

4. How do you buy your clothes? Online or at shops?

• I usually buy clothes at shops (because I want to try the clothes on to make sure
they fit me well).
5. Who buys clothes for you?

• I buy clothes for myself.

• My mother buys clothes for me.

6. How often do you go shopping for your clothes?

• I go shopping for my clothes once a month.

7. How do you feel when you wear formal/ informal clothes?

• I feel more confident when I wear formal clothes.

• I feel comfortable and active when I wear informal clothes.

8. What should we wear to school/ the cinema/ the wedding party?

• We should wear the uniform/ polo shirts/ long pants to school.

• We should wear T-shirts/ jeans/ casual clothes to the cinema.

• We should wear formal clothes/ a vest/ a dress to the wedding party.

9. What shouldn’t we wear to school/ the cinema/ the wedding party?

• We shouldn’t wear shorts to school.

• We shouldn’t wear formal clothes to the cinema.

• We shouldn’t wear jeans and shorts to the wedding party.

10. Do you have to wear school uniform?

• No, I don’t. Wearing the uniform is not compulsory (bắt buộc) in my school.

11. What is your school uniform? What color(s) is it?

• My school uniform is an orange polo shirt with the school’s name on it.

12. Could you wear shorts at school in Vietnam?

• No, wearing shorts at school in Vietnam is unacceptable (không được chấp nhận).

13. How do you feel when you wear school uniform? 

• I feel proud when wearing my school uniform. (The uniform has good quality and is
comfortable to wear.)
Topic 4: Talk about your favorite means of transportation and travel plan.
A. Favorite means of transportation.
B. Travel plan.
1. What are some means of transportation in HCM city?
9. Where are you going to travel for your
2. What is your favorite means of transport? next vacation?
3. What advantages do you have from this means of transport? 10. Who are you going to go with?

4. What disadvantages do you have from this means of

11. How do you go there?
12. How long are you going to stay there?
5. How do you go to school/ to work?
13. Why do you choose that destination?
6. How long does it take you to go to school/ to work?
14. What are you going to do there? 
7. How often do you take the bus/ ride your bike/ drive your

8. How can you go from your hometown to HCM city?

Hello teacher, my name is Minh. Today, I would like to talk about my favorite means of
transportation and travel plan. First, there are many means of transportation in HCM city such as
buses, cars and motorbikes, but my favorite is the motorbike. This means of transport is very
convenient and it is suitable for the narrow roads in Vietnam. However, it is not safe and cannot
protect me from the rain and sun. I go to school by motorbike, and it takes me about 30 minutes.
I ride my bike every day and take the bus once a week. I don’t have my own car. I can go from
my hometown to HCM city by coach. Second, I want to talk about my travel plan. For my next
vacation, I am going to travel to Dalat city alone. I plan to go to this city by sleeper bus and I am
going to stay there for three days. I choose Dalat city because it is scenic and famous for
delicious foods. During my trip, I am going to go sightseeing, take pictures and enjoy local foods.
That’s all about my favorite means of transportation and travel plan. Thank you for your listening.

1. What are some means of transportation in HCM city?

• Some means of transportation in HCM city are buses, cars and motorbikes.

2. What is your favorite means of transport?

• My favorite means of transport is the motorbike (because it is convenient and cheap).

3. What advantages do you have from this means of transport?

• About the advantages of the motorbike, this means of transport is very convenient and suitable
for the narrow roads in Vietnam.

4. What disadvantages do you have from this means of transport?

• About the disadvantages of the motorbike, this means of transport cannot protect me from the
rain and sun.
5. How do you go to school/ to work?

• I go to school/ work by bus/ motorbike.

6. How long does it take you to go to school/ to work?

• It takes me 30 minutes to go to school/ work.

7. How often do you take the bus/ ride your bike/ drive your car?

• I take the bus once a week.

• I ride my bike every day.

• I don’t have my own car.

8. How can you go from your hometown to HCM city?

• I can go from my hometown to HCM city by coach/ car.


9. Where are you going to travel for your next vacation?

• I am going to travel to Dalat city for my next vacation.

10. Who are you going to go with?

• I am going to go there with my friends/ my family.

11. How do you go there?

• I go there by sleeper bus.

12. How long are you going to stay there?

• I am going to stay there for three days.

13. Why do you choose that destination?

• I choose that destination because it is scenic and famous for delicious food.

14. What are you going to do there? 

• I am going to go sightseeing, take pictures and enjoy local food.

Topic 5: Talk about your shopping habits.

1. Are you a shopaholic?/ Do you like shopping? 7. How do you pay?

8. Do you like to buy sale off items? Why?
2. Where do you often go shopping for your clothes/
9. When you go shopping at the market, do
household appliances/ electronic devices/ food/ ...?
you often bargain? Why? Why not?
3. How often do you shop online?
10. Have you ever got any bad experiences
4. What do you usually shop online? when shopping online/ at stores?
5. What is your favorite website to shop online? Why? 11. Do you prefer buying online or at shops?
6. What factors do you consider when you shop Why?
online? (price/ customer review/ product origin/
after - sales service)
Hello teacher, my name is Minh. Today, I would like to talk about my shopping habits. First, I am not a
shopaholic because I only buy new things when necessary. When it comes to shopping, I prefer buying
online to buying at shops because it is convenient. But sometimes I also buy at shops because I want to
check the products more carefully. I often go shopping for my clothes at fashion stores; I shop for
household appliances and electronic devices at shopping centers, and I buy food at supermarkets. I shop
online twice a week and I usually buy clothes, food, books and cosmetic products online. My favorite
website to shop online is Shopee because the products there are cheap and delivered very quickly.
When I do online shopping, I consider the price and customer reviews of the product. I usually pay by
card both when I shop online and at stores because I do not want to keep a lot of cash with me. I also
like buying sale-off items to save some money. I do not often bargain when I go shopping at the market
because I’m not good at bargaining. Second, I want to mention my shopping experiences. I haven’t had
any bad experiences when shopping at stores. However, I have not always been happy with online
shopping. Sometimes the products I buy online have very poor quality and the shop even delivers
products of wrong colors and sizes to me. That’s all about my shopping habits. Thank you for your
1. Are you a shopaholic?/ Do you like shopping? Why?

• Yes, I am. I always want to buy the latest products.

• No, I’m not. I only buy new things when necessary.

2. Where do you often go shopping for your clothes/ household appliances/

electronic devices/ food/ ...?

• I often go shopping for my clothes/ household appliances/ electronic devices/food at

stores/ online/ at shopping centers/ at supermarkets.

3. How often do you shop online?

• I shop online twice a week.

• I shop online monthly after receiving my salary.

4. What do you usually shop online?

• I usually shop online for my clothes/ household appliances/ electronic devices/ food/ flight
tickets/ cosmetic products.

5. What is your favorite website to shop online? Why?

• My favorite website to shop online is Shopee because the products there are cheap and
delivered very quickly.

6. What factors do you consider when you shop online? (price/ customer review/
product origin/ after - sales service)

• I consider the price and customer reviews of the product when I shop online.
7. How do you pay?

• I usually pay by card because I do not want to keep a lot of cash with me.

• I usually pay by cash because not all the stores accept card payment.

8. Do you like to buy sale off items? Why?

• Yes, I do. Buying sale-off items can help me save money.

9. When you go shopping at the market, do you often bargain? Why? Why not?

• Yes, I often bargain when I go shopping at the market because I want to get the best

• No, I do not often bargain when I go shopping at the market because I’m not good at
10. Have you ever got any bad experiences when shopping online/ at stores?

• No, I haven’t had any bad experiences when shopping at stores.

• Yes, I have. Sometimes the products I buy online have very poor quality and the shop
even delivers products of wrong colors to me.

11. Do you prefer buying online or at shops? Why?

• I prefer buying online because it is convenient.

• I prefer buying at shops because I want to check the products more carefully.

• It depends on the products I want to buy. I never buy clothes online because I want to try
them on first to make sure they look good on me.

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