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by Petar Petrov
• 1916 – 1920

• Zurich

• Anti-art
• The movement is against
the World War I and the
bourgeois interests that
inspired the war

• Public gatherings

• Demonstrations
What is dada?
• Dada strove to have no meaning –
interpretation of Dada is dependent entirely
on the viewer
• The movement concentrated its anti war
politic through a rejection of the prevailing
standards in art through anti – art cultural
• Tristan Tzara said : “ God and my toothbrush
are Dada, and New Yorkers can be Dada too, if
they are not already”.
• The movement influenced later styles and
movements like surrealism, Pop Art and
• But dada philosophy was described as “ the
sickest, most paralyzing and most destructive
thing that has ever originated from the brain of
a man”. by reviewer from American Art News
• 1916 Hugo Ball,
Tristan Tzara, Hans
Arp, Emmy Hennings
put on performances in
the Cabaret Voltaire
that express their
disgust of the war

• Origin of the word

• To make a Dadaist poem
Take a newspaper.
Take a pair of scissors.
Choose an article as long as you
are planning to make your poem.
Cut out the article.
Then cut out each of the words
that make up this article and put
them in a bag.
Shake it gently.
Then take out the scraps one after
the other in the
order in which they left the bag.
Copy conscientiously.
The poem will be like you.
And here you are a writer,
infinitely original and
endowed with a sensibility that is
though beyond the understanding
of the vulgar. by Tristan Tzara
The first piece was created by authors who used the instructions

provided by Tristan Tzara in his piece

• Emmy Hennings
• That race- quick/doomed, 
Abuse can park boyhood • We pull ourselves toward Death with the
cord of hope.
After still how supply giants Ravens are envious of the prison yards.
Win America Our never-kissed lips quiver.
Over leagues he is.  Powerless solitude, you are magnificent.
The world lies outside there, life roars there.
Manager Brewers’ Food lived There men are permitted to go where they
in open like.
Determined varsity Once we also belonged to them.
Still drinking, ramification And now we are forgotten and presumed
At night, we dream of miracles on our plank-
During the days, we move along like
frightened animals.
We mournfully look out through the iron
And have nothing more to lose
Than the life God gave us.
Only Death lies in our hand.
The freedom no one can take from us:
To go into the unknown land.

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